Kokarboksilazu - improves metabolism

August 15, 2010

 Drugs that belong to the group of vitamin B1 actively influence the various functions of the body, and interfering metabolism and neuro-reflex regulation. They can cause a positive effect in various disease processes and therefore are considered as pharmacotherapeutic agents.

 Kokarboksilazu - improves metabolism

The mechanism of action cocarboxylase

Kokarboksilazu - vitamin-drug co-enzyme, improve metabolism Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting  Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
   and energy supply of tissues. It improves the metabolism of nerve tissue, normalizes the cardiovascular system. It is used in conditions for improvement of carbohydrate and fat metabolism.

The body kokarboksilaza formed from vitamin B1 (thiamine) and acts as a coenzyme. Coenzymes - is one part of enzymes - substances that speed up many times all biochemical processes in the role of co-enzymes are usually the vitamins. Kokarboksilazu is a coenzyme of enzymes involved in the processes of carbohydrate metabolism. In conjunction with a protein and magnesium ions, it is part of the carboxylase enzyme which has an active effect on carbohydrate metabolism in the body reduces the level of lactic and pyruvic acid improves glucose utilization. All this contributes to increase the amount of energy released, and hence improvement of metabolic processes in the body.

Vitamin B1 is introduced into the body to participate in biochemical processes, it must first become a kokarboksilazu and only in this way has become a full member of metabolism Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things  Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things
 . Thus kokarboksilaza finished form coenzyme is formed from vitamin B1 in the process of transformation in the body. However, the biological properties cocarboxylase not completely coincide with the properties of vitamin B1, so to treat diseases associated with deficiency of this vitamin kokarboksilaza not applicable. It is used as one component of an integrated treatment of various diseases, for improvement of carbohydrate metabolism.

Kokarboksilazu improves glucose uptake Glucose: The energy source  Glucose: The energy source
 , Metabolic processes in nervous tissue, contributes to the normalization of the cardiac muscle.

Cocarboxylase deficiency causes an increase in blood acidity (acidosis), which leads to serious violations on the part of all the organs and body systems, can result in coma and death of the patient.

Cocarboxylase produced in powder form for injection in ampoules, in combination with the solvent.

 Kokarboksilazu - improves metabolism

Indications and contraindications for use

Kokarboksilazu prescribed in the complex treatment of the following diseases and conditions:

  • with acidosis resulting from metabolic disorders in various diseases, such as hyperglycemic coma (loss of consciousness against the background of very high blood sugar);
  • for respiratory and cardiopulmonary diseases, including newborns;
  • in chronic cardiovascular disease;
  • coronary heart disease, with including the preinfarction angina, myocardial infarction and post-myocardial infarction;
  • with hepatic and renal failure Kidney failure - when treatment is vital  Kidney failure - when treatment is vital
  • acute and chronic alcoholism;
  • for poisoning;
  • intoxication certain medications (cardiac glycosides and barbiturates);
  • infectious diseases (diphtheria, scarlet fever, and so on);
  • in different diseases of the nervous system (for pain and inflammation of peripheral nerves, multiple sclerosis, etc.);
  • when brain damage in newborns related to oxygen deprivation;
  • in all pathological processes associated with disorders of carbohydrate metabolism.

Contraindications for use cocarboxylase is a hypersensitivity to the drug.

 Kokarboksilazu - improves metabolism

Side effects and symptoms of overdose cocarboxylase

Side effects cocarboxylase can manifest itself only in the form of allergic reactions: itching, swelling and hives. There may be local allergic reaction (at the site of injection), which are shown by redness, swelling and itching of the skin.

No cases of overdose usually does not occur, but if it does happen, after the drug treatment is carried out in accordance with the existing signs of an overdose (symptomatic treatment), aimed at the normalization of the respiratory and cardiovascular system.

Cocarboxylase enhances the action of cardiac glycosides (preparations are used to treat heart failure, such as digoxin) and improves digestion, and therefore these drugs are often used together in order to reduce the dosage glycosides.

Kokarboksilazu - a time-tested drug that helps restore metabolic processes in many diseases.

Galina Romanenko

Diffuse liver changes: more research is needed

October 29, 2011

  • Diffuse liver changes: more research is needed
  • Forum

 Diffuse changes in the liver
 Ultrasound diagnostics - one of the main methods of examination used in various diseases of the liver. But a diagnosis based on ultrasound alone is not possible, it requires more additional methods as laboratory and instrumental studies.

 Diffuse liver changes: more research is needed

A little bit about the structure and function of the liver

The liver is the parenchymal unpaired body (this means that it consists entirely of hepatic tissue, and has no cavity) to the abdomen in the right hypochondrium. The basis of the liver parenchyma up segments, between which the blood vessels and bile ducts. Bile ducts tolerate bile in the gall bladder, where it is on the common bile duct enters the duodenum, connecting with pre-pancreatic duct (which is why any disease of the liver and biliary tract always reflected the state of the pancreas and vice versa).

The liver performs a different and very important for the body's functions.

First of all, it decomposed to harmless substances toxic metabolic products, which appear in the blood as a result of metabolism. In addition, it needed to synthesize proteins and is deposited body glycogen (glucose reserves Glucose: The energy source  Glucose: The energy source
   "rainy day") are degraded proteins, which are then excreted. Finally, in liver bile is formed, which is impossible without digestion.

Ultrasound examination of the liver

Ultrasonography (US) is based on the principle of echolocation - the reflection of the ultrasonic tissue rather the interface tissue fluids having different abilities to reflect ultrasound. Since doctors of ultrasound diagnostics are well aware how certain tissue reflect the ultrasound is normal, they see and pathological changes in the tissues. When liver ultrasound is one of the main methods. When detected by ultrasound in the tissues of some changes (to the US often fail to clarify what it is) for diagnosis is carried out a number of additional tools and laboratory tests.

Basically, an ultrasound revealed a variety of focal changes in the liver. It may be a tumor, cyst, stones. But there are also diffuse, that is widespread changes in the liver.

 Diffuse liver changes: more research is needed

What is diffuse changes in the liver

The normal liver tissue is represented slaboehogennoy homogeneous structure, among which you can see blood vessels and bile ducts with higher echogenicity. Diffuse changes in liver parenchyma say that changed the whole liver tissue. This can be as little functional change, and its heavy defeat. Therefore, to clarify the diagnosis carried out additional studies. First of all, this laboratory studies that reveal how hurt liver function. In addition, studies are biliary tract, duodenum, pancreas Diabetes and pancreas - the things you need to know  Diabetes and pancreas - the things you need to know
   if necessary - the state of the digestive organs.

The conclusion of US "Diffuse changes in the liver," can be with viral hepatitis, alcoholic hepatitis, fatty liver, and various other metabolic liver diseases.

Thus, for example, fatty degeneration of liver tissue (this may be the result of many diseases - chronic alcoholism, diabetes, obesity), it is enlarged, its structure enhanced echogenicity as compared with the norm. The slight increase in the liver with increased echogenicity of its fabric can be in chronic hepatitis Chronic hepatitis - a diagnosis for life  Chronic hepatitis - a diagnosis for life
   (It can also occur due to various reasons - in viral lesions, with chronic alcoholism). In order to find out what caused these diffuse changes in the liver, it is necessary to conduct a number of additional studies.

In acute hepatitis Acute hepatitis - always seriously  Acute hepatitis - always seriously
   any origin liver is enlarged and the tissue it is often a heterogeneous structure in the US due to areas with varying degrees of echogenicity. Here you can see the enlarged lymph nodes in the liver. This picture also needs clarification with additional research methods.

Over a certain type of liver on ultrasound when it is cirrhosis (degeneration of liver tissue in the connective tissue with reduced liver function). At the same time the contours of the liver become uneven, bumpy (with small and large mounds). Liver tissue echogenicity is unequal due to proliferation of connective tissue, which has a higher echogenicity as compared to liver tissue. According to some additional features can assume the nature of cirrhosis. Thus, in alcoholic liver cirrhosis gradually reduced in size - generally decreases the right lobe of the liver, while the left lobe may even increase slightly (compensatory reaction). Other cirrhosis also have their own distinctive features. Even the diagnosis of cirrhosis of the liver, which is quite characteristic signs on the US, can not be made solely on the basis of this study.

Thus, the conclusion of US "Diffuse changes in the liver" in itself means only that the liver has some changes, which it must show more research.

Galina Romanenko
