The human gut is populated by useful microorganisms - lactobacilli and bifidobacteria. When the number is decreased, while the number of pathogenic microflora is increasing, there is a dysbacteriosis. Help remedy this problem prebiotics - funds that form a favorable environment for the growth and activity of beneficial bacteria. Lactusan is one of those drugs.
How does Lactusan
The composition of this formulation includes the lactulose, galactose and lactose. In the upper gastrointestinal tract in humans do not have enzymes that break down lactulose, so it gets into the intestine unchanged. In the colon by the action of the local flora that carbohydrates break down to low molecular weight organic acids. Because of this reduced pH of the contents of the intestine, and pathogenic (disease-causing) microorganisms can not proliferate in such an acidic environment.
Lactusan selectively stimulates the growth of normal intestinal microflora, which produces bacteriocins - substances similar in its effect to antibiotics. Also lactobacilli and bifidobacteria form a film on the inner surface of the intestinal wall and prevent the absorption of toxins into the blood.
The low molecular weight acid which decomposes lactulose, increase the osmotic pressure in the colon. Because of this, in the intestine receives more water than usual. The consistency of the stool becomes softer, and its removal is facilitated. Lactusan in its effect similar to dietary fiber, so it is optimally regulates the intestine and is not addictive.
Lactusan improves the absorption of many minerals: calcium, magnesium, zinc, copper and iron. The acidic environment of the colon increases the dissolution of certain salts of calcium, which leads to the free forms of the trace element in a larger amount. In this form of calcium is easier to penetrate through the intestinal mucosa into the blood stream.
Drug activates the immune system due to the fact that the normal microflora promotes the synthesis of substances, that comprise immunoglobulins. Useful microorganisms and provide for the formation of vitamins of group B.
Indications for admission
The drug is given in these conditions:
- Intestinal dysbiosis of any severity in children and adults. Prebiotic restores the protective microflora for a long time;
- Eliminating the effects of antibiotic treatment
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. Lactusan used in conjunction with these medications and prevents the death of beneficial bacteria;
- Colitis and other gastrointestinal disease;
- Chronic constipation in the elderly, children, pregnant women and patients who have long bed rest;
- Liver and pancreas
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with a variety of reasons (cirrhosis, hepatitis, intrahepatic bile stasis - cholestasis). At the same time developing liver failure - a condition where the body can not cleanse the blood of toxins. These pollutants (mainly ammonia) to enter the human body from the intestine and adversely affect the central nervous system, developing hepatic encephalopathy. Lactusan stimulates the binding of ammonia in the gut and reduces its absorption, but also inhibits the vital activity of bacteria that produce a toxic substance;
- Renal insufficiency;
- Toxemia of pregnancy, accompanied by dyspepsia;
- Allergic diseases of the skin (atopic dermatitis, urticaria). The drug increases blood levels of biologically active substances which favorably influence the skin condition;
- Comprehensive treatment of osteoporosis
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- Intestinal infection (salmonellosis);
- Abnormalities in the immune system
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- Preventing colon cancer;
- Prevention of urogenital infections.
Lactusan can not be used when:
- Increased individual sensitivity to the drug;
- Galactosemia (elevated levels of galactose in the blood);
- Lactase deficiency (diseases in which impaired absorption of dairy products due to the deficiency of the enzyme lactase);
- Intestinal obstruction.
Side effects and overdose
For the first time after starting the drug may appear bloating (flatulence), but this unpleasant symptom generally resolves within three days. In rare cases, it develops excessive laxative effect.
An overdose of the drug is nausea, abdominal pain and diarrhea. Such a condition requires a reduction in dose Lactusan. If the drug is used to treat patients with hepatic encephalopathy, it can lead to overdosing electrolyte imbalance. This condition occurs when disrupted normal ratio between the content of natural minerals and water in the body.
Application Lactusan during pregnancy
During pregnancy, it is important that the colon expectant mother prevailed useful microflora. Bifidobacteria and lactobacilli protect women and fetal body against infections and toxins that are present in the gut. Normal microflora synthesizes vitamins B and contributes to a better absorption of trace mineral that is essential during this period. Also important is the prevention of constipation in pregnancy. Lactusan copes with these tasks.
Lactulose, which is part of the drug does not have the body of a pregnant systemic action, because the substance does not penetrate the blood and act only in the colon. Lactusan not teratogenic and mutagenic effects. This means that the drug is safe for the fetus and does not violate its development.
Lactusan - a modern dietary supplement to the food, which is used not only as part of an integrated treatment of many diseases, but also to prevent them.