- Toxic hepatitis - the impact of harmful substances on the liver
- Symptoms
The main symptoms of toxic hepatitis
Toxic hepatitis can occur acutely and chronically. Acute toxic hepatitis begins a few days after the penetration of hepatotoxic poison the body with a sharp rise in temperature, lethargy, weakness, headache, pains in muscles and joints. Sometimes impaired consciousness, hallucinations arise, as some poisons have toxic effects on the central nervous system.
After some time, these symptoms are joined sharp pain in the right upper quadrant, nausea, vomiting, bloating, a complete lack of appetite, unstable stool, dry mouth. Icteric staining of the skin and the sclera is usually rising character, urine becomes dark and discolored feces. On the skin appear petechial hemorrhages develop nosebleeds, bleeding gums
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and so on.
The disease ends with a period of recovery with a gradual withdrawal of all symptoms. Severe toxic liver damage may be the outcome in the form of cirrhosis. Mild acute toxic hepatitis can occur unnoticed and are found by chance at the time of analyzes.
Chronic toxic hepatitis
Hepatitis - the scourge of our time
It begins gradually and imperceptibly for the patient. Can bother fatigue, decreased performance, moderate pain or heaviness in the right upper quadrant
Heaviness in the right upper quadrant - require examination
, Amplifying postprandial small body temperature. After a considerable period of time joined nausea, vomiting, decreased appetite, unpleasant sensations in the mouth, bloating, diarrhea and constipation. The appearance of jaundice staining of the skin accompanied by pruritus. Chronic toxic hepatitis can occur unnoticed for a long time.
Diagnosis of toxic hepatitis
To make a diagnosis of toxic hepatitis, you must first eliminate the viral origin of the disease, so patients donating blood for the presence of hepatitis viruses and antibodies to them.
But the main criterion is the presence of toxic hepatitis of toxic factors in conjunction with changes in the biochemical analysis of blood. The first sign of quietly flowing toxic hepatitis is an increase in the content of liver enzymes in the blood (ALT, AST, alkaline phosphatase - & m and glutamyl - GGT). These enzymes are released into the blood from the damaged hepatocytes.
For all types of toxic hepatitis is characterized Dysproteinemia - a violation of the ratio of the blood protein fractions: albumin decreases and increases gammaglobulins. And the increase in the blood levels of triglycerides - the major blood lipids is more typical for alcoholic toxic hepatitis.
To identify the foci of inflammation, necrosis, establishing the degree of proliferation of connective tissue in the liver examined histologically liver tissue taken by biopsy (puncture a special needle under ultrasound). Today, tests are available, substitute histological examination of liver tissue to assess the degree of liver damage and the activity of the inflammatory process with the help of specific biomarkers of venous blood.
How to treat chronic hepatitis
After establishing a definitive diagnosis of the patient with acute toxic hepatitis prescribed bed rest, and in chronic recommended to exclude physical activities, stress. Any contact with the substance cause toxic changes in the liver, should be completely eliminated.
Diet toxic hepatitis depends on the course of the disease. In acute exacerbation of hepatitis B and chronic hepatitis in the first 1-2 days the patient can fast, but drink plenty of fluids. Then the table is assigned to 5 A - gentle, but with limited nutrition refractory animal fats and salt, and excluding from the diet of vegetables with a high content of essential oils (onions, garlic, radishes
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and so on), as well as hot spices, sausages, fried foods. All food is cooked or steamed and then rubbed. Eating - 5-6 times a day in small portions.
In chronic hepatitis is worsening the food is not wiped, but preparing as well as in the diet of 5 A.
Drug treatment of toxic hepatitis include detoxication therapy (intravenous drip of medicinal solutions, contributing to the removal of toxins from the body), the appointment of adsorbents (removal of toxins from the intestines), drugs with hepatoprotective (maintain and restore the work of hepatocytes) action - Essentiale forte, Essliver Fort , Kars, ademetionine (geptrala, Geptor) and so on. In severe disease is sometimes performed a liver transplant.
It is important to timely detect toxic hepatitis, eliminate toxins act on the liver and proper treatment. If you do not, the complications can not be avoided.
Galina Romanenko