Blockage of the fallopian tube: Causes and Treatment

February 3, 2011

 blockage of the fallopian tubes
 Fallopian tubes, also known as the fallopian tubes - a pair tubular organ that connects the uterus with the abdominal cavity, an important part of the female reproductive system. During the period of ovulation Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?  Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?
   Conception and fallopian tubes carry the egg from the ovaries to the uterus.

"Cilia" fallopian tube capture the egg, directing it into the pipe and transporting the uterus. After fertilization, the sperm in the fallopian tube is sent to the egg in the uterus. However, sometimes the process of fertilization is not possible due to blockage or damage to the fallopian tubes, in which the egg does not fall from the ovaries to the uterus. This can occur either with one or with both fallopian tubes. When the tube is partially blocked, increasing the chance of so-called tubal, or ectopic, pregnancy.

Another type of blockage of the fallopian tubes, the so-called hydrosalpinx or tubal edema leads to increased diameter of the tubes and filling with the fluid. This fluid blocks the egg and sperm, making it impossible to fertilization and pregnancy. If you have an infection in the fallopian tubes Fallopian tubes: an important part of the reproductive system  Fallopian tubes: an important part of the reproductive system
   a woman's body begins to produce antibodies in the form of liquids that fill the pipe, causing blockage.

 Blockage of the fallopian tube: Causes and Treatment

The reasons for the blockage of the fallopian tubes

The most common cause of blockage of the fallopian tubes are infections - for example, pelvic inflammatory disease. Although these diseases is quite treatable, because this illness may be a blockage of the fallopian tubes. By the way the most common causes include:

  • Suffering a uterine infection caused by abortion or miscarriage
  • Transferred ruptured appendicitis
  • Uterine surgeries or abdominal viscera
  • Last ectopic pregnancy, as a result of which the embryo develops in the fallopian tube, causing it to tear or damage
  • Transferred venereal disease - especially chlamydia and gonorrhea
  • Endometriosis

 Blockage of the fallopian tube: Causes and Treatment

Symptoms of blockage of the fallopian tubes

To determine the degree of blockage of the fallopian tubes, depending on the symptoms is difficult, because the symptoms vary depending on the cause of this state. Sometimes the blockage of the fallopian tube is not accompanied by any noticeable symptoms.

If the blockage of the fallopian tube called hydrosalpinx, the most likely symptoms are abdominal pain and abnormal vaginal discharge The whole truth about vaginal secretions  The whole truth about vaginal secretions
 . In endometriosis or pelvic inflammatory disease are observed pain during menstruation and intercourse.

 Blockage of the fallopian tube: Causes and Treatment

Diagnosis of blockage of the fallopian tubes

Generally, for the diagnosis of blockage of the fallopian tubes, the following methods:

  • Hysterosalpingography: a procedure in which the uterus through the cervix introduced rentgenonepronitsaemoe agent and X-ray is performed. If the fallopian tubes are not blocked, a substance introduced into the uterus, passes through pipes, settling in the ovaries. If the substance does not pass in the ovaries, the doctor finds a blockage of the fallopian tubes. It should be noted that hysterosalpingography not always give accurate results, therefore, usually with the procedure used and other diagnostic methods. For pregnant women the procedure hysterosalpingography Hysterosalpingography - effective examination of the uterus  Hysterosalpingography - effective examination of the uterus
   not recommended.
  • Sonohisterografiya: a procedure in which the uterus through the cervix introduce a special salt, and then by the ultrasonographic examination diagnosed the condition of the fallopian tubes. It is believed that the fallopian tubes are not clogged, if the input material passes freely through the pipe. Sonohisterografii procedure is relatively simple and does not require anesthesia, but the study results are not always accurate, so a final diagnosis requires additional tests.
  • Laparoscopy: A procedure which provides an introduction to the abdomen a laparoscope (a thin optical device) for inspection of internal organs. The visual image is transferred to the abdominal cavity on a monitor connected to the laparoscope to diagnose blockage. Laparoscopy ensure the most accurate results, but compared with the previous two methods is much more expensive and requires a cut.

 Blockage of the fallopian tube: Causes and Treatment

Treatment of fallopian tube blockage

Fallopian tube blockage Treatment depends on the cause, the extent of damage and problems of the reproductive system. In the case where only one blockage in the fallopian tubes, and the other in good condition, the doctor may prescribe a special medication for infertility, increasing the chances of ovulation. If both pipes are clogged, to solve the problem requires surgery.

One of the most common procedures in the treatment of the fallopian tubes, which caused damage to the transferred ectopic pregnancy, in vitro fertilization is considered. This procedure provides for the movement of the egg and its artificial insemination, then the embryo is placed directly into the uterus, bypassing the fallopian tubes.

Various surgical procedures are performed using laparoscopy or laparotomy.

  • Fimbrioplastika used to restore part of the fallopian tube, connected to the ovary, and eliminate clumping "cilia" pipe.
  • Salpingectomy is usually done before in vitro fertilization if the cause of the blockage of pipes became hydrosalpinx. This procedure increases the chances of artificial insemination.
  • Salpingostomy also applies when the fallopian tubes are clogged with fluid and both ends of the pipe blocked. In this case, in the fallopian tube creates a hole connecting its cavity with the abdominal cavity.
  • Tubal catheterization - a procedure used when the clogged portion of the fallopian tube is located next to the uterus. The procedure involves the installation of a catheter through the cervix and uterus into the fallopian tubes.

Article Tags:
  • fallopian tube

Itching in groin in females - disturbing factors

July 9, 2014

  • Itching in groin in females - disturbing factors
  • Causes

 itching in the groin in females
 Itching in groin in females - a very common phenomenon. It can be caused by various reasons, and a method of treating inguinal itching depends precisely on these reasons.


Inguinal trichophytosis

This disease is most common among men but is sometimes found among women .  Approximately half of its fungal pathogens are microorganisms (most often - fungi genus Candida) .  Causes of groin trihofitii also be some types of bacteria, high humidity and heat, frequent friction in the groin area (in English is a violation called jock itch - zhakeysky itching, and indeed, the riders, because of the nature of riding, often suffer from this disease) , tight clothing or underwear, clothing fabric, which does not allow sweat to evaporate quickly enough .  Although inguinal trichophytosis most common among generally healthy women, obesity and diabetes increase the likelihood of developing this disorder .  The probability of disease trihofitii also increased in patients who suffer from sweating, in which there are any untreated fungal infection, and who have weakened immune systems .

From time to time appearing or disappearing itching in the groin is usually the first sign of an inguinal trihofitii.

Gradually the itch increases, and sometimes becomes unbearable. In addition, on both sides of the groin, as well as in skin folds perineal rashes may occur. It consists of small blisters, of which sometimes go pus. In some cases, rash groin passes, but then appear on the inside of the thighs. Rash and itching may extend over the whole labia and perineum, as well as on the skin around the anus. If trichophytosis caused by fungi, women may experience heavy white vaginal discharge Vaginal discharge  Vaginal discharge
 . In severe cases, itching in the groin and other symptoms cause severe discomfort and sometimes trichophytosis leads to complications such as ulcers and cellulitis (meaning an inflammatory disease of fat).

In most cases, inguinal trichophytosis easily treated and cured completely. Usually it is non-communicable diseases, but sometimes pathogens can be transmitted through sexual contact, through a simple touch, as well as, for example, through towels or linens. Therefore, the appearance of itching in the groin is always better as soon as possible to undergo a medical examination, and as long as you do not know its causes, to take steps to avoid infecting other people.


Home treatment methods trihofitii

  • Two to three times a day wash crotch and groin area soft gel or soap and warm water;
  • Keep the groin to get dirty;
  • Wear cotton underwear, which is ideal for you to size, and does not rub the skin in the groin area;
  • Do not use bleach, fabric softener and other laundry detergent that can irritate the skin;
  • Once or twice a day, apply on the affected skin ointment OTC hydrocortisone Hydrocortisone - a drug that could save the life of the patient  Hydrocortisone - a drug that could save the life of the patient
   and clotrimazole;
  • Prepare a solution in acetic ratio of one part vinegar to four parts water. Soaked in this solution a clean cloth, and apply it to the groin;
  • Not cheshites! Itching in the groin can be very strong, but if you succumb to the temptation to scratch, it will bring you a short-term relief, but also lead to a vicious circle: you cheshites, itching and irritation worse, you cheshites again, and so on. In addition, the nails may damage the skin, and this may lead to the development of a wide variety of infections.


Preparations for the treatment of inguinal trihofitii

When milder forms of fungal infection can be twice a day to wash the groin shampoos containing ketoconazole (Nizoral) or selenium sulfide. In the case of moderately severe trihofitii in addition to shampoos recommended antifungal ointment, such as miconazole, clotrimazole or terbinafine. In the most severe cases, the doctor may prescribe a pill containing substances which have antifungal activity, e.g., fluconazole Fluconazole - used with caution  Fluconazole - used with caution
 Itraconazole or terbinafine.

If the failure is caused by bacteria that can be used antibacterial soap (in the most severe cases), and antibiotic ointments, for example, metronidazole, or clindamycin (if the infection is mild symptoms). In rare cases a course of antibiotics for oral administration. Typically, doctors prescribe these drugs, cephalexin, dicloxacillin, doxycycline, minocycline, tetracycline, ciprofloxacin or levofloxacin. The duration of treatment may be from five days to two weeks.

To prevent itching in the groin caused trichophytosis recommended:

  • Take a shower after exercise and physical work, thoroughly washing the groin and perineum;
  • Wash sportswear, lingerie and swimwear after each workout;
  • Often change underwear, and be sure to do it every time after you sweat heavily;
  • Do not wear underwear and clothes that are very tight to the body, and rub the skin;
  • Do not use the funds for personal hygiene containing flavoring and / or coloring;
  • Do not walk barefoot in gyms, locker rooms and public swimming pools;
  • Promptly treat any fungal infections Fungal infection: to prevent and defeat  Fungal infection: to prevent and defeat
