Removal of the uterus with uterine - strictly on the evidence

May 10, 2013

 hysterectomy with uterine
 Removal of uterus myoma are now trying to do only women who do not plan to have children. Women of childbearing age is trying to carry out organ-saving operations. But there are times when, and young women have to remove the uterus.

 Removal of the uterus with uterine - strictly on the evidence

Why is performed hysterectomy with uterine

Removal of uterus myoma (hysterectomy) is considered to be a radical operation. This means that after such an operation with uterine problems no longer arise. But such an operation is not suitable for all women, as many women of childbearing age still want to have children in the future. Therefore, they attempt to remove only the fibroids. Carrying out such an operation does not preclude the recurrence of fibroids.

It is excellent for removing uterine fibroids are large size - more than 12 weeks pregnant. But this figure has already learned, in some cases to circumvent: conducting preoperative course of conservative hormonal therapy with the use of drugs the group of GnRH agonists (gonadotropin hypothalamus) in most cases to reduce the size of fibroids to the required digits.

Today, indications for hysterectomy Hysterectomy (removal of the uterus) - a terrible need  Hysterectomy (removal of the uterus) - a terrible need
   are uterine fibroids with severe clinical symptoms after the age of 35-40 years, when the woman is not planning a pregnancy, uterine fibroids with the simultaneous presence of omissions or uterine prolapse, large size and rapid growth of fibroids, submucosal (directly under the mucosa) fibroids combined Location in frequent prolonged bleeding, pain, and iron deficiency anemia, subserous (under the outer serosa) fibroid on a stalk (possible torsion legs and tumor necrosis), fibroids in the cervix, the functions of organs near the uterus, suspected malignant degeneration of tumors.

 Removal of the uterus with uterine - strictly on the evidence

Types of hysterectomy

Hysterectomy can be performed with removal of the cervix (in which case it is called a hysterectomy) and without removal of the cervix (supravaginal amputation of the uterus).

The cervix is ​​not a frills - that keeps the neck and allows you to function normally to other bodies of the perineum, including the urinary organs and intestines. So try to keep the cervix, but it is possible only after a thorough examination of the mucous membrane surfaces and the cervical canal and exclude the presence in this area fibroids and abnormal cells (cancer cells).

Prior to hysterectomy also raises the question of whether to delete or save of the uterus - fallopian tubes and ovaries. In most cases, uterine appendages are preserved even in older women, since it allows you to save a woman habitual way of life. After a hysterectomy the ovaries cease to function a little earlier than if the uterus is not removed, it does not affect the condition of the woman, on the contrary, its state of health is stable.

But sometimes, of the uterus is removed, the indication for such an operation is a severe abdominal pain Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms  Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms
   combined with significant blood loss and signs of severe iron deficiency anemia. After removal of the ovaries condition of women is normalized.

 Removal of the uterus with uterine - strictly on the evidence

Methods of operation hysterectomy

There are several ways to carry out this operation. Which one to choose, determined by the physician: laparotomy, laparoscopy and hysteroscopy.

Laparotomy - this is a common surgical procedure in which the access to its location is carried out by making an incision with a scalpel. Today, such operations are conducted infrequently and mainly in large or multiple fibroids that remove the uterus through a small incision is problematic.

Laparoscopy - an operation using a laparoscope apparatus. In this case, the abdominal wall is several micro-incision through which the abdominal cavity is entered tools. The doctor performs surgery, watching her progress on the monitor.

Hysteroscopy - removal of the uterus through the vagina using a hysteroscope. Used mainly in small hysterectomy.

 Removal of the uterus with uterine - strictly on the evidence

What are the consequences for a woman to remove the uterus

If a woman is not planning a pregnancy, there are no negative consequences of the removal of the uterus is not. In contrast, removal of the uterus will lead to improved quality of life will be a lot of pain, cyclic and acyclic uterine bleeding Uterine bleeding outside of menstruation - a sign of a serious breach  Uterine bleeding outside of menstruation - a sign of a serious breach
 Disappear symptoms of iron deficiency anemia, such as fatigue, headaches, dizziness, fainting, irritability Irritability - you try to control my temper  Irritability - you try to control my temper
 , Decreased performance.

Therefore, if the doctor thinks that removal of the uterus and the woman indicated no plans to pregnancy, it is better to perform the surgery, and to forget about the problems associated with uterine myoma.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • treatment of uterine fibroids

Fibroid tumors (fibroids) - when necessary intervention of a doctor?

December 2, 2007

  • Fibroid tumors (fibroids) - when necessary intervention of a doctor?
  • Uterine fibroids

 fibroid tumors fibroma
 Fibroma - a benign, like a tumor, consisting mainly of fibrous and connective tissue. It occurs when for some unknown reason or as a result of injury or irritation begins uncontrolled cell growth. Fibroids can be formed on any part of the body and generally does not require treatment or disposal.

Most often fibroids occur in adults, although they may also develop in children.

The most common types of fibroids are angiofibromas, dermatofibroma, oral fibroma, and plantar fibroma.

  • Dermatofibroma - a circular formation, mostly on the legs; they may be close, or almost red purple. When pressed on the skin, they felt as nodules. Dermatofibromas as fibroids in general, are rarely cancerous, so it's best just to not touch them.
  • Plantar fibroma formed on the arch of the foot. They also are benign, but sometimes causes pain when walking, so they need to be treated. For the treatment of used injections of steroids, orthopedic devices and physiotherapy. If pain persists or increases, it may require surgical treatment.

 Fibroid tumors (fibroids) - when necessary intervention of a doctor?

Symptoms of fibroids

The main symptom of the disease is the appearance of small tumors, which can be quite hard or soft to the touch. It can cause itching or be very sensitive to touch; with time fibroids can change color. Since fibroids are usually prominent, permanent contact with them a tissue or frequent shaving can cause irritation or bleeding.

The plantar fibroma may increase over time. Typically it causes pain when a person stands or walks. In some patients, after a while the new fibroids may appear on the feet.

This violation is very important to remember that the complications of surgery can be worse than the symptoms of the plantar fibroma.

However, if you find it hard to walk and / or fibroids continues to increase, surgical intervention is necessary.

 Fibroid tumors (fibroids) - when necessary intervention of a doctor?

Causes and risk factors

Scientists can not say exactly why begins to develop fibroids. Some experts believe that this occurs after minor injuries. Perhaps it is caused by a violation of certain medications, including beta-blockers, which can change the fibrous tissue.

The likelihood of developing fibroids increases, if your family history of fibroids and if you treat members of the Nordic peoples.

 Fibroid tumors (fibroids) - when necessary intervention of a doctor?


Since dermatofibromas harmless, they do not need to be treated, except in cases where they have a negative effect on the appearance of the patient. If Dermatofibroma Dermatofibroma: causes, symptoms and treatment  Dermatofibroma: causes, symptoms and treatment
   damaged, e.g., during shaving, it applies treatment liquid nitrogen; in some cases, fibroids removed surgically.

For the treatment of plantar fibroma primarily offer such non-invasive methods:

  • Krioanalgeziya - a procedure during which a fibroma of the low temperature and its size is reduced.
  • The use of orthopedic devices to ease the discomfort when walking.
  • If this does not work, use another procedure:
  • Injection of corticosteroid into the fibroid.
  • Surgical removal of the entire plantar fascia, along with fibroids (disadvantages is the procedure: a long period of recovery and a strong possibility of other problems associated with the feet).
  • Surgical removal of fibroids (the recovery period is shorter, but there is a great risk of new fibroids).
