Thrush - vaginal candidiasis: when to go to the doctor? - From what appears

February 18, 2007

  • Thrush - vaginal candidiasis: when to go to the doctor?
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 from what appears thrush

From what appears thrush

Thrush - a very common disease, which in this or that period of life faced by most women. Thrush Candida provokes (candida albicans) - yeast-like fungus that is always present in small amounts in the vagina, intestines, skin.

The number of fungus and other microorganisms in the vaginal environment in the conventional case is normal, however, for several reasons the natural balance is disturbed, and fungal colonies grow, which ultimately leads to the occurrence of thrush.


Violation of the microflora of the vagina and the appearance of thrush can cause:

  • Long-term use of antibiotics Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?  Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?
 For the treatment of other infections: antibiotics not only neutralize the infection, but also beneficial bacteria that support the balance of microorganisms.
  • Gestation
  • Diabetes
  • Adiposity
  • An illness that caused the weakening of the immunity

Vaginal candidiasis, or thrush, is not a disease, sexually transmitted. However, in rare cases after sexual contact with a woman can get thrush and a man. Thrush in men is accompanied by almost similar symptoms - including itching, rash on the penis.

Thrush - vaginal candidiasis: when to go to the doctor? - What is

February 18, 2007

  • Thrush - vaginal candidiasis: when to go to the doctor?
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 It looks like a thrush

What is thrush

To prevent the development of yeast and begin treatment at an early stage, it is important to know what it looks like thrush. There are some basic signs of thrush, allowing to identify the disease at an early stage.


Vaginal discharge

One of the first signs of thrush - characteristic appearance of vaginal discharge Vaginal discharge  Vaginal discharge
 : White or yellowish in color, with a cheesy consistency, often with an unpleasant odor.



One of the characteristic signs of yeast, and other fungal infections - an unpleasant smell, a consequence of the rapid multiplication of fungal microorganisms. For a woman, it is the consequence of yeast - one of the most frustrating, not only physically but also psychologically, so the treatment of thrush is particularly important to carefully follow the personal hygiene. Get rid of the bad smell helps warm baths with salt or baking soda, neutralizing a certain amount of odor-causing fungal microorganisms.


Skin irritation, rash

Rash, white formations or irritation of the skin - a typical sign of thrush. One of the characteristic symptoms of excessive amounts of fungal microorganisms in the vagina - the appearance of white formations, evidence of the damage and the upper layers of the skin. If a rash or similar entities is necessary to use anti-fungal drugs for external use - creams or ointments, which destroy fungal microorganisms.


The sensation of itching and burning

One of the earliest and most common signs of thrush and other fungal diseases - itching and burning sensation when urinating. Help ease the discomfort antifungal creams and ointments, or tea tree oil Tea tree oil  Tea tree oil
 , A common tool for the treatment of thrush at home Treatment of thrush at home: the struggle on their own  Treatment of thrush at home: the struggle on their own


Pain during sexual intercourse

Another characteristic feature of thrush - pain during sexual intercourse, the cause of which - the inflammation and the swelling of the vaginal walls due to excessive multiplication of fungal microorganisms. In the treatment of thrush Treating Thrush: how to get rid of bad fungus  Treating Thrush: how to get rid of bad fungus
   it is recommended to take time off from sex - not only in order to avoid discomfort, but also to reduce the risk of contracting partner.

Thrush - vaginal candidiasis: when to go to the doctor? - Newborns

February 18, 2007

  • Thrush - vaginal candidiasis: when to go to the doctor?
  • From what appears
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  • Signs
  • Medication
  • Treatment
  • Treatment in women
  • Treatment folk remedies
  • Syringing
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  • How does
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  • Forum

 Thrush in infants

Thrush in infants

Yeast-like fungus candida (candida albicans), the causative agent of thrush in small numbers is always present in the body, and adults, and young children. In the case of weak immunity uncontrolled multiplication of fungal microorganisms causes thrush, one of the most common fungal diseases. Thrush - a common occurrence in infants whose immune system is not yet completely formed, and therefore is unable to protect the body from infections. Thrush in infants is manifested in different ways: in some cases the symptoms of thrush occur in the mouth or in the buttocks, and in the most severe cases of fungal infection affects the internal organs.


Causes of yeast infection in newborns

The main cause thrush Causes of yeast: what should be afraid of  Causes of yeast: what should be afraid of
   - The uncontrolled proliferation of fungal microorganisms caused by weakening of the immune system, prolonged use of antibiotics and other factors. Newborn babies are particularly vulnerable to thrush because their immune system is not yet completely formed. In addition, very often develop thrush in infants due to prolonged antibiotic treatment Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?  Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?
 , Destroying not only the harmful microorganisms, but also the good bacteria that control reproduction of the fungus. Finally, a newborn baby can get thrush from the mother. The appearance of the symptoms of yeast infection in the buttocks, exacerbate diaper rash due to the lack of compliance with the rules of hygiene: constantly wet skin is an ideal breeding ground for fungal microorganisms.


Symptoms of yeast infection in newborns

One of the most common types of yeast infection in newborns - oral thrush or oral candidiasis (according to statistics from the disease affects up to five percent of infants). Another common consequence of excessive multiplication of fungal microorganisms - diaper rash: the fungus multiplies fastest in warm, moist environments. In the most serious cases can occur in newborns systemic candidiasis - thrush baby affects internal organs (including the kidneys, heart, central nervous system, joints and bones). Systemic candidiasis, invasive fungal disease, can lead to death.

Typical symptoms of oral thrush in infants - occurrence in the mucosa of the mouth, lips, tongue typical white formations, resembling cottage cheese in consistency with any friction inflamed. Thrush in the buttocks is accompanied by a red rash on the skin, especially noticeable in the skin folds. The main symptoms of systemic candidiasis in infants - a rash, meningitis Meningitis - an inflammation of the meninges  Meningitis - an inflammation of the meninges
 , Heart murmurs and kidney damage caused by an excessive amount of fungal microorganisms.


Treatment of yeast infection in newborns

When yeast local forms (such forms include neonatal oral thrush and diaper rash) symptoms usually disappear in most cases independently. Nevertheless, in some cases, for the treatment of thrush Treating Thrush: how to get rid of bad fungus  Treating Thrush: how to get rid of bad fungus
   neonatal require special antifungal agents - such as amphotericin B, fluconazole and flucytosine.
