Dysbacteriosis vagina - how to fight?

May 22, 2014

 dysbiosis vagina
 Dysbacteriosis vagina in recent years become increasingly common. This is due to the uncontrolled use of antibiotics and local antiseptics, as well as long-term use of hormone (including endometrial) contraceptives. The overall decline in immunity and frequent change of sexual partners can also be a cause of vaginal dysbiosis.


Dysbiosis vagina - causes

Experts call dysbiosis vaginal bacterial vaginosis Bacterial vaginosis - sex is not recommended  Bacterial vaginosis - sex is not recommended
   - A condition associated with a decrease in the amount or even the complete disappearance of the normal (beneficial) intestinal microflora. And as the empty space in this case is not the case, the vaginal walls are filled with pathogenic microflora, ready at any moment to cause inflammation. Why is this happening?

The normal vaginal flora useful The microflora of the vagina: purity  The microflora of the vagina: purity
   formed under the influence of female sex hormones. The main representatives of the normal microflora are lactobacilli, lactic acid and creates an unfavorable environment for the multiplication of pathogenic microflora (she just prefers slightly alkaline environment).

Key cells that detect the presence of bacterial vaginosis are gardnerelly. Furthermore, to confirm the diagnosis are important criteria such as high vaginal pH (pH greater than 4, 5 - flag alkaline) long and not amenable to conventional treatment within.

The main reasons for the spread of today dysbiosis vagina are hormonal and immunological disorders, and uncontrolled use of antibiotics and antiseptics. Hormonal disorders are often associated with the widespread use of combined oral contraceptives (COCs), which many women use long without analysis. Instructions as to all drugs of this series require a mandatory preliminary survey and the use of strictly prescribed by a doctor.

Another common cause of dysbiosis vagina is a frequent uncontrolled use of antibiotics by women of local and general (systemic) action, including for the treatment and prevention of sexually transmitted infections. Since antibiotics are applied blindly, they often lead to the destruction of not pathogenic and pathogenic microflora (some of its representatives may be resistance to it), and normal, which causes goiter. In addition, systemic antibiotic actions lead to the development of intestinal dysbiosis and reduced immunity against this background, since the latter is formed in the intestine. Most pathogenic microflora in the vagina gets from the intestine.

What matters is the frequent use of antiseptic solutions as part of douching Douching - a controversial procedure  Douching - a controversial procedure
   and means for local contraception. The availability of these drugs played a role in the widespread dysbiosis vagina.

The reason for decrease in immunity can also be a bad environment, industrial hazard, chronic viral infections, chemotherapy and radiotherapy, used in the treatment of cancer and so on.


Symptoms of vaginal dysbiosis

Very often women are not even aware of the presence of her vaginal dysbiosis because it is asymptomatic. But just as often it can be confusing for the unpleasant symptoms such as vaginal discharge with odor Discharge with a smell - a woman should not smell like fish  Discharge with a smell - a woman should not smell like fish
   rotting fish, itching and rarely - transient voiding.

Sometimes women are trying to cope with these problems, using all the same antiseptics and antibiotics topical or systemic action. But this does not lead to the disappearance of unpleasant smell, only exacerbates the problem: goiter persists, increases the risk of complications in the form of infections, as reduced general and local immune system and develop resistance to antibiotics.


Dysbiosis vagina - how to treat?

Any expert can say that the vagina to treat goiter is very difficult, much more difficult than any sexual infections. For treatment to be effective, you need to restore the normal hormonal and immune system, and also the acidic environment of the vagina.

Restoration of normal microflora begins to suppress pathogenic microflora. This is usually used antibacterial or antifungal agents of local action in the form of vaginal tablets and suppositories.

The next stage of treatment - candles from dysbiosis vagina, which include lactobacilli, such as atsilakt. Simultaneously prescribers for oral administration, also contain lactobacillus (eg laktobakterin).

In order to defeat vaginal bacteria overgrowth, the treatment should be carried out strictly under the supervision of a physician.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • dysbiosis

Uterine bleeding outside of menstruation - a sign of a serious breach

October 21, 2010

 uterine bleeding outside of menstruation
 Uterine, or abnormal uterine bleeding, is any bleeding from the uterus, which is not a usual menstrual bleeding. Extremely heavy bleeding during menstruation can also be seen as abnormal bleeding.

 Uterine bleeding outside of menstruation - a sign of a serious breach

Causes and risk factors

Uterine bleeding can have many causes. Pregnancy - one of the most common reasons for, usually, bleeding begins in late pregnancy is normal. Polyps and fibroids (small and large benign growths) in the uterus can also cause bleeding. Much less the cause of the bleeding becomes a problem in the thyroid gland, an infection of the cervix and uterine cancer.

In most cases, abnormal uterine bleeding caused by hormonal imbalance. Bleeding caused by hormonal disorders Hormonal disorders - oversupply and a lack of equally dangerous  Hormonal disorders - oversupply and a lack of equally dangerous
 They called dysfunctional uterine bleeding. Bleeding of this kind are most common among teenagers, or women who have menopause.

 Uterine bleeding outside of menstruation - a sign of a serious breach

Teens and women up to 30 years

A common cause of uterine bleeding in this age group is pregnancy. Often uterine bleeding observed in the first few months of a normal pregnancy. Some birth control pills and intrauterine devices can also cause abnormal uterine bleeding.

Some young women who often complain about uterine bleeding during the menstrual cycle, ovulation occurs - that is, the egg is not released from the ovary. This problem is particularly common among adolescents who have only recently begun monthly. The reason for this is hormonal imbalance in which estrogen Estrogen - the key to bone health  Estrogen - the key to bone health
   It allows the inner shell wall of the uterus (endometrium) grow as long as it does not become too dense. Typically, menstrual bleeding at the same time there are very strong. Hormonal imbalance, in addition, may cause uterine bleeding between periods.

 Uterine bleeding outside of menstruation - a sign of a serious breach

Women aged 40-50 years

In the years before menopause and perimenopausal women may not occur for months ovulation Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?  Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?
 . Sometimes this leads to abnormal uterine bleeding.

The thickening of the endometrium is another cause of uterine bleeding in women in this age group. This may be a precursor to cervical cancer, so when abnormal uterine bleeding should immediately consult your doctor. Most often it is a normal part of the aging process, but it is important to undergo a medical examination to rule out cancer of the uterus.

 Uterine bleeding outside of menstruation - a sign of a serious breach

Women after menopause

Hormone therapy is the most common cause of uterine bleeding after menopause. Other causes include endometrial cancer and uterine cancer - they are much more common in older women than in younger.

 Uterine bleeding outside of menstruation - a sign of a serious breach


Diagnostic methods used in the complaints of uterine bleeding, may depend on the age of the patient. If there is a possibility of pregnancy, were under examination. The analysis of the blood to determine the level of iron in the blood - uterine bleeding may be caused by anemia.

Using ultrasound examines the state of the uterus and ovaries - are sometimes so you can identify the causes of uterine bleeding.

In some cases, you may need a biopsy of the endometrium - it can help to detect the presence of cancer cells in the tissue sample.

Another common test - hysteroscopy. A thin tube with a tiny camera on the end inserted into the uterus, and the doctor can see the image on the monitor of the endometrium. Generally, the results of hysteroscopy Hysteroscopy - examination of the uterus inside  Hysteroscopy - examination of the uterus inside
   a decision about the need to biopsy.

 Uterine bleeding outside of menstruation - a sign of a serious breach


There are several ways to treat uterine bleeding; choice of method depends on the cause of bleeding, the patient's age, and the desire or unwillingness to have children in the future.

  • Birth control pills contain hormones that can prevent endometrial seals. They also help to normalize the menstrual cycle and reduce cramping during menstruation. However, some types of contraceptive tablets, especially those that comprise progestin only, may, on the contrary, cause uterine bleeding in some women. Be sure to tell your doctor if you designated drugs have an effect to be counterproductive.
  • Intrauterine devices, especially those that contain hormones can significantly reduce abnormal uterine bleeding. Like birth control pills, IUDs sometimes, on the contrary, cause uterine bleeding.
  • Dilatation and curettage - a procedure in which the uterus is removed from the endometrium; it helps with strong uterine bleeding. The operation is performed under general anesthesia. The extracted tissue is then sent to a laboratory for analysis.

Article Tags:
  • bleeding
