Methods of treatment of thrush - the basic objectives and principles of therapy

August 21, 2012

 treatments for thrush
 All treatment methods that are used for thrush, conventionally divided into activities of general and local orientation. In both cases, the main objective of therapeutic interventions should be aimed at removing the causative agent with carrying out the second stage of the restoration of disturbed vaginal microbiocenosis. If during treatment did not adhere to these guidelines, then after a short period of time the symptoms appear again.

 Methods of treatment of thrush - the basic objectives and principles of therapy

Antifungal drugs for local or topical

If thrush occurs in the form of acute, uncomplicated process, local therapy can be done up to seven or ten days. Are highly effective agents having antifungal activity. The shape of their release varied - candles, ointments, creams, gels. When thrush can be used the following drugs:

  • tablets and vaginal cream containing clotrimazole. Depending on the severity of inflammation is administered tablets in the vagina of six to twelve days at night
  • vaginal suppositories containing ketoconazole. They are appointed for five or ten days
  • antifungal activity have candles and miconazole isoconazole. Administered once at night in the vagina for ten and six days, respectively, have a therapeutic effect suppositories, which contain as active ingredient iodine (povidone-iodine candles) and other antiseptic (chlorhexidine). Be sure to take into account the presence of women are hypersensitive to iodine or contraindication to its purpose

For topical treatment of yeast can recommend candles that do not require long-term use because they are administered only once or only once. Another positive aspect of these candles is that they operate at a local level, without causing a variety of systemic manifestations. The active ingredient of these candles is sertaconazole, and they are available under the trade name Zalain. A woman should enter one candle for acute vaginal thrush, and the chronic form may require the re-introduction of the drug in seven days.

The perfect complement to topical therapy is a herbal medicine Phytotherapy and menopause - without the side effects  Phytotherapy and menopause - without the side effects
 . A large number of plants that have antifungal properties. These plants like barberry, chamomile, cloves Carnation: exquisite aromatherapy  Carnation: exquisite aromatherapy
 It can be effectively used in the form of decoctions, infusions for douching.

 Methods of treatment of thrush - the basic objectives and principles of therapy

Systemic effects of antifungal agents

Be sure to use the drugs for thrush systemic action. Driving purpose of this group of drugs will be determined by clinical variant of the disease. Systemic effects of drugs have a number of triazole group, which include fluconazole, itraconazole. When acute symptoms of thrush effectively a single dose of fluconazole appointment Fluconazole - used with caution  Fluconazole - used with caution
   150 mg itraconazole and 200 mg per day for three days. If thrush occurs in chronic or complicated shape, the therapy should be carried out over six months, and the drugs are taken in the first day of the next menstruation.

There is a variant of yeast, which does not require specific antifungal therapy. That option is kandidonositelstvo. If a woman is suffering from thrush in this form, it is advisable to treat only the front of a tool or surgery, as this may cause a worsening of fungal infection Fungal infection: to prevent and defeat  Fungal infection: to prevent and defeat

Article Tags:
  • treatment of thrush

Mikosist - another remedy for thrush

July 23, 2009

  • Mikosist - another remedy for thrush
  • What is thrush

   Mikosist used to treat fungal infections, including yeast infections of the vagina, mouth, throat, esophagus, oral cavity, lungs, blood and other organs. With Mikosista also treat meningitis Meningitis - an inflammation of the meninges  Meningitis - an inflammation of the meninges
 Caused by fungal organisms. Mikosist also used for the prevention of fungal infections in patients undergoing chemotherapy Chemotherapy - it always falls the hair?  Chemotherapy - it always falls the hair?
   or radiation therapy prior to bone marrow transplantation. Mikosist relates to antifungal triazoles class. These compounds slow the reproduction of fungi causing infections.

 Mikosist - another remedy for thrush

Why appoint reception Mikosista?

Mikosist can be used to treat very dangerous fungal infections that begin in the lungs and spread to the entire body, as well as infections of the eye, prostate, skin and nails. With its help reduce the chance of infection in patients whose immune system is weakened by human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), cancer or organ transplants Organ transplantation: Past and Present  Organ transplantation: Past and Present

 Mikosist - another remedy for thrush

How to take mikosist?

Mikosist formulated as tablets or suspensions for oral administration. Most patients need to take it once a day. Sometimes a single dose sufficient Mikosista; for the treatment or prevention of certain diseases require treatment lasting several weeks. Often, the first day of the course you want to take a double dose of the drug. Regardless of how soon you feel better, do not stop treatment prematurely, said the doctor.

 Mikosist - another remedy for thrush

Safety measures

Tell your doctor if you are allergic to mikosist or any other antifungals.

Do not take cisapride (Propulsid) while taking Mikosista.

Before you start taking mikosist, tell your doctor if you are taking any of the following drugs: amiodarone (Cordarone), anticoagulants (blood thinners) such as warfarin Warfarin - indirect anticoagulants  Warfarin - indirect anticoagulants
   and aspirin; astemizole, benzodiazepines, clopidogrel (Plavix), cyclosporine, disopyramide (Norpace); diuretics (diuretics) such as hydrochlorothiazide (Hydrodiuril, Microzide); erythromycin, moxifloxacin; oral contraceptives; oral medications for diabetes such as glipizide (Glucotrol), glyburide, and tolbutamide (Orinase); phenytoin, pimozide, procainamide, quinidine, rifabutin, rifampicin, sotalol, sparfloxacin, tacrolimus, terfenadine, theophylline, thioridazine, valproic acid, and zidovudine (Retrovir).

In addition, you need to inform your doctor if you are abusing alcohol.

Mikosist with increased caution should be taken in patients who have a history of cancer and AIDS patients.

Furthermore, the medicament may not be entirely safe for patients with irregular heart beat, heart disease, kidney and liver.

Continuous Reception Mikosista in large doses (400-800 mg per day) during the first trimester may be associated with the development of rare congenital disorders and dangerous for children. In single dose Mikosista small dose (eg, 150 mg for the treatment of vaginal yeast infection) that risk, in all likelihood, no.

During the reception Mikosista not required to make any changes to your diet.

 Mikosist - another remedy for thrush

Side effects

Most often in patients taking mikosist, there are side effects such as headaches, drowsiness, diarrhea, stomach pain, heartburn, and changes in the ability to recognize the taste. These symptoms are relatively harmless and quickly pass.

However, we must as soon as possible to consult a doctor if the following symptoms: nausea, a feeling of extreme fatigue, abnormal bleeding and bruising, fatigue, lack of appetite, pain in the upper right part of the stomach, yellowish skin and whites of the eyes, symptoms resembling flu symptoms , dark urine, unusual light color stool, cramps, hives, swelling of the face, tongue, lips, hands, feet and throat; difficulty swallowing and breathing.

 Mikosist - another remedy for thrush


If you have accidentally taken an overdose of medication, call your doctor. Symptoms of overdose may be Mikosista hallucinations and very strong, sickly fear that someone might hurt you.
