Thrush in men - not such a rarity - are exposed

June 20, 2013

  • Thrush in men - not such a rarity
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  • Chronic candidiasis
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 thrush dangerous than for men

The thrush is dangerous for men

Candida (candida) - yeast-like fungus that exists in the human body. Under normal circumstances, the reproduction of these organisms is regulated by others, the beneficial bacteria - such as bifidobacteria and acidophilus. However, in cases where the delicate balance of this system is broken - illness, stress How to beat stress? Create an oasis  How to beat stress? Create an oasis
 , Poor diet or certain medications, increased activity of the fungus begins uncontrolled, too rapid multiplication of micro-organisms that causes thrush. Thrush - not the most harmless disease, which can be dangerous for men.

 The dangerous | Thrush in men - not such a rarity


One of the most unpleasant consequences of thrush men - prostatitis, an inflammation of the prostate gland, the element of the male reproductive system. Prostatitis is accompanied by a number of unpleasant symptoms: pain in the groin area, pain when urinating. Although in most cases the cause of prostatitis Causes of prostatitis: it can lead to disease  Causes of prostatitis: it can lead to disease
   are bacterial infections, thrush can also lead to inflammation of the prostate gland, especially in weakened immunity.

The exact mechanism of disruption of the prostate gland as a result of yeast is unknown, but presumably, the rapid proliferation of the fungus thrush disrupts the immune system, causing inflammation of the prostate gland.

 The dangerous | Thrush in men - not such a rarity


Symptoms of yeast infection may appear on the skin and the glans penis: as thrush - a disease transmitted through sexual contact, often through sexual contact with a partner with thrush symptoms manifested in men. Thrush in men can cause pain, redness, itching and swelling of the glans penis.

In the absence of proper treatment, one of the effects of yeast infection in men may be a contraction of the urethra that violates the influx of semen and, eventually leading to impotence Impotence - a female perspective on the problem  Impotence - a female perspective on the problem

In addition, impotence may become a result of chronic prostatitis Chronic prostatitis - every man should know his signs  Chronic prostatitis - every man should know his signs
 Also provoked thrush in men.

 The dangerous | Thrush in men - not such a rarity

Fungal infections

One of the most common effects of yeast infection in men - the emergence of a variety of fungal infections (such as fungal diseases of the feet (athlete's foot), or jock itch (bordered eczema)). These two areas of the human body, especially in males, are most vulnerable to fungal infections: warm moist environment becomes an ideal breeding ground for microorganisms proliferate.

The most common causative agent of jock itch becomes another type of fungus - trichophyton rubrum. In this case, the main symptom of the disease - the appearance of the characteristic rash on the skin of the inner thighs and groin. If the rash appears not only in those areas of the skin, but also on the penis and scrotum are likely to cause jock itch - thrush.

Athlete's foot - a kind of fungal infection, which is characteristic for the feet (especially for areas of the skin between the toes). Although athlete's foot can also cause other species of fungus, thrush can cause a relapse of the disease.

Thrush in men - not such a rarity - Long or treated

June 20, 2013

  • Thrush in men - not such a rarity
  • Causes
  • Treatment
  • Symptoms
  • As shown
  • The dangerous
  • How long is treated
  • Signs
  • Medication
  • Prevention
  • Chronic candidiasis
  • Forum

 How long will men treated thrush

How long is treated the thrush in men

Thrush in men can be as a result of disruption of the immune system, and the result of infection from a partner. One of the most common factors causing thrush men - long-term use of antibiotics that destroy good bacteria that control the growth of microorganisms. Deficiency of these bacteria leads to excessive growth of the fungus causing thrush in men.

Thrush in men is accompanied by itching, redness and irritation of the glans penis. In addition, the typical consequence of yeast infection in men are often rash - itchy red rash.

The most common method of treatment of thrush in men - antifungal ointments and creams (monistat monistat-1 and-2), which are sold in pharmacies without a prescription. These drugs must be treated regularly affected skin. Some antifungal drugs act very quickly, and the disappearance of symptoms of thrush can be seen within a few days. In the treatment of yeast infection in men it is very important to follow the instructions on the packaging of the antifungal drug. Furthermore, in some cases men treated yeast drugs for oral administration - for example by means of drugs such as diflucan (fluconazole) and Nizoral (ketoconazole). Medicines for oral help clothe the symptoms of yeast infection in men within a few days.

 How long treated | Thrush in men - not such a rarity

Treatment of yeast infection in men folk remedies

For the treatment of thrush home Treatment of thrush at home: the struggle on their own  Treatment of thrush at home: the struggle on their own
   You can use cold pressed coconut oil - this oil is rich in lauric acid, due to its antifungal and antibacterial properties, is very good for the treatment of thrush Treating Thrush: how to get rid of bad fungus  Treating Thrush: how to get rid of bad fungus
   men. Oil should be applied to affected areas of the skin - it will help reduce the pain and get rid of the itch.

  • Garlic - another indispensable tool in the fight against thrush, known for its antifungal and antibacterial properties. For the treatment of yeast infections in men can eat a few cloves of garlic Garlic health: almost a panacea  Garlic health: almost a panacea
   daily or processed garlic juice affected skin.
  • Oil of oregano (Origanum) also has effective antifungal and antibacterial properties. Since the concentrated butter may provoke an allergic reaction to the treatment of the skin with oil of oregano is best to dilute it with water.
  • The most common yogurt without sugar and flavorings - the most effective tool in the fight fungal infections Fungal infection: to prevent and defeat  Fungal infection: to prevent and defeat
 . Acidophilic lactic acid bacteria, which are contained in a yogurt, strengthen the immune system and helps to neutralize the activity of harmful microorganisms.
