Uterine prolapse - timely treatment is necessary

August 26, 2007

 uterine prolapse
   Uterine prolapse is also called pelvic floor hernia or weakness of the pelvic floor. This condition is most common among post-menopausal women, self-giving birth more than once. Uterine prolapse - a fairly common condition, the probability of which increases with age. Almost half of women who have experienced vaginal delivery repeatedly, in varying degrees, suffer from uterine prolapse.

 Uterine prolapse - timely treatment is necessary

Uterine prolapse

Uterine prolapse, or change its position in the pelvic cavity and the displacement e down the inguinal canal is called full or partial prolapse of the uterus. In rare cases, the uterus slips directly into the vagina. In mild cases of uterine prolapse the cervix protrudes at the bottom of the genital slit. In some cases, the cervix drops into the sex gap, and in severe cases, the entire uterus drops out entirely.

Uterine prolapse describe depending on what part of the uterus anteriorly (omitted).

  • Cystocele: loss of the anterior vaginal wall (directly under the bladder).
  • Rectocele: posterior vaginal wall prolapse (right in front of the intestines).
  • Prolapse: uterine prolapse in the sex gap.

Uterine prolapse in females can only take place in the vagina or in the vagina and uterus. To accurately determine the degree of uterine prolapse procedures prescribed imaging, such as magnetic rezonanskaya scan or ultrasound.

 Uterine prolapse - timely treatment is necessary

Causes of uterine prolapse

  • Connective tissues and pelvic pubococcygeus muscle injured during childbirth, especially if the baby is large. Heavy labor and strong attempts can also lead to a weakening of the muscles. Fabrics are stretched, and the uterus slips down into the vagina canal.
  • With age, weakens muscle tone due to reduced concentrations of the female hormone estrogen Estrogen - the key to bone health  Estrogen - the key to bone health
   there is a relaxation of the muscles. This condition can also lead to uterine prolapse.
  • In rare cases, cause uterine prolapse can be a tumor of the pelvis.
  • Residents of northern Europe are more prone to this disease than residents of Asia and Africa.
  • One of the risk factors - obesity, in which increases pressure on the abdominal muscles and pelvic muscles.
  • Persistent cough that accompanies chronic bronchitis and asthma, can also lead to uterine prolapse.
  • Excessive muscle strain during bowel movements due to constipation may also cause uterine prolapse.
  • A greater risk of uterine prolapse affects women with a uterus degenerating.

 Uterine prolapse - timely treatment is necessary

Symptoms of uterine prolapse

Symptoms of uterine prolapse vary depending on the severity of the disease. If uterine prolapse is easy character, symptoms may be absent altogether. In the case of severe illness, the woman has the following symptoms:

  • The feeling of heaviness in the pelvic area
  • Backaches
  • Pain during sexual intercourse
  • The feeling of a foreign body in the vagina
  • Frequent infections of the bladder.
  • Abnormal and heavy vaginal discharge Vaginal discharge  Vaginal discharge
  • Discomfort during urination, which can lead to frequent or irregular urination.

On the morning of the symptoms are rare; but intensified during the day and in the evening becoming unbearable.

 Uterine prolapse - timely treatment is necessary

Treatment of prolapse

Uterine prolapse - a progressive disease, which, if left untreated over time escalates. There are several treatments for this disease, which can be divided into surgical (operative) and non-surgical (conservative).

Treatment depends on the degree of displacement of the uterus and vagina, as well as the general condition of the woman.

When uterine prolapse treatment is performed on an outpatient basis. Apply restorative activities, exercise, contributing to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles and ligaments, water treatments. Listed below are the most common treatments for uterine prolapse.

  • The vaginal pessary: ​​for correction of prolapse often used vaginal pessaries, which are placed in the vagina for a long time or forever. Pessaries support the uterus in the correct position. There pessaries of various shapes and sizes, of which the gynecologist chooses appropriate for a particular case. Vaginal pessaries should be cleaned periodically (this procedure performs the woman) in the case of occurrence of inflammation or discharge with an unpleasant odor pessary should be cleaned doctor.
  • Hormone therapy: use of hormone replacement therapy (estrogen replacement) will help to prevent further weakening of the tissues and muscles that support the uterus. But to take hormone replacement therapy should be only on the advice of the doctor.
  • Correction lifestyle: if the patient is obese, the doctor will prescribe a fitness therapy to help lose weight How to lose weight - basic principles  How to lose weight - basic principles
 . The doctor will also advise on how to reduce weight and maintain it, teach exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles (Kegel exercises).
  • Ventrofixation (suturing to the abdominal wall of the uterus) to uterine suturing surgical mesh is used. In this case, the uterus is not removed, but only the hem.
  • Hysterectomy (removal): In severe cases, a hysterectomy is performed Hysterectomy - the uterus is sometimes necessary to remove  Hysterectomy - the uterus is sometimes necessary to remove
 . During this operation also often perform correction sagging urethra, bladder, vaginal walls, or rectum.

Article Tags:
  • diseases of the uterus

Fibromatosis of the uterus - do not be afraid

September 26, 2013

  • Fibromatosis of the uterus - do not be afraid
  • The clinical picture

 fibromatosis of the uterus
 Fibromatosis of the uterus - is the initial stage in the development of uterine fibroids - benign tumors that occur in a large number of women. Fibromatosis develops when healthy muscle cells of the uterus begin to grow abnormally. Gradually, these tumors are benign tumors derived.

 Fibromatosis of the uterus - do not be afraid

Who can develop uterine fibromatosis

Fibromatosis - a very common disorder. Most tumors are so small that they do not cause any problems, and women are not even aware of their existence. The cause of this disorder is unknown, but it is assumed that fibromatosis of the uterus associated with exposure to estrogen - the female sex hormone. Fibromatosis of the uterus very rarely occurs in women younger than 30 years. After menopause, when estrogen levels are drastically reduced, tumors in the uterus, usually disappear by themselves.

For some unknown reason, while women of African descent fibromatosis of the uterus occurs in 2-3 times more likely than white women. In addition, they usually are the most obvious symptoms of this disorder.

In addition to the race, on the development of fibromatosis of the uterus can affect the following factors:

  • Childbirth. Women who have given birth to at least one child, the chance of developing uterine fibromatosis lower than those who have never given birth;
  • The first menstruation at an early age. The risk of fibromatosis is greatest in women who started menstruating before the age of 10 years;
  • Combined oral contraceptive pill reduces the chance of developing uterine fibromatosis;
  • Have fibromatosis family history increases the risk of developing this disorder.

 Fibromatosis of the uterus - do not be afraid


Most often asymptomatic fibromatosis of the uterus - so many women do not know about it, and he accidentally revealed, or not detected at all. However, some women fibromatosis can cause the following symptoms:

  • Prolonged menstrual bleeding (continuing for 7 days or more);
  • Unusually heavy menstrual bleeding;
  • Pain in the lower abdomen;
  • Constipation;
  • Pain during sexual intercourse.

In addition, experts believe that the development of fibromatosis of the uterus, which can lead to the formation of fibroids, some women reduces the chance of pregnancy.

 Fibromatosis of the uterus - do not be afraid


For the diagnosis of fibromatosis of the uterus can be used the following procedures:

  • Vaginal ultrasound. A special device inserted into the vagina, and the monitor displays an image of the uterus and surrounding structures of the pelvis.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) - a technology that allows you to get a very clear picture of the internal organs. MRI is appointed only in those cases when the doctor has doubts about the diagnosis.
  • A biopsy may be imposed if a doctor has reason to suspect that the tumors in the uterus - is not fibromatosis, a malignant tumor.
  • Hysteroscopy - examination procedure of the uterus, which is carried out with the help of an endoscope.

In most cases, in order to diagnose fibromatosis of the uterus, pelvic examination is sufficient Gynecological examination: an important component of women's health  Gynecological examination: an important component of women's health
   and ultrasound.

 Fibromatosis of the uterus - do not be afraid


Typically, when the uterine fibromatosis treatment is not required. Prior to menopause, most patients tumors grow little, or only slightly increased. In some cases, a doctor may prescribe for the treatment of uterine fibromatosis following means:

  • Combination oral contraceptives help normalize the menstrual cycle (including menses do not so painful, and bleeding - less abundant).
  • Lupron - hormonal drug that blocks the ovaries, causing menstruation ceases and tumors in the uterus decreases. Typically, Lupron is used as a temporary means of treatment before surgery.
  • Intrauterine devices, levonorgestrel-releasing, help to normalize the menstrual cycle.
  • Analgesics may be prescribed to patients who have uterine fibromatosis causing persistent pain in the lower abdomen.
  • Iron. Heavy bleeding caused fibromatosis, can lead to iron deficiency and anemia. Administration of drugs containing iron, will normalize the level of this agent in the blood.

Surgery is usually given only in the later stages of the disease, that is, when fibromatosis develops in uterine fibroids. In this case, it can be used myomectomy (removal of fibroids) or hysterectomy (removal of the uterus). Approximately one-third of women after myomectomy in the womb again formed benign, and often require repeated operations. After the formation of uterine fibroids hysterectomy, of course, impossible, but this operation is suitable only for women who do not plan to in the future to have children. Currently, the removal of the uterus Hysterectomy (removal of the uterus) - a terrible need  Hysterectomy (removal of the uterus) - a terrible need
   not necessary to conduct an open operation - this can be done using a minimally invasive technologies, such as laparoscopy Laparoscopy - why is it necessary?  Laparoscopy - why is it necessary?

Sometimes the treatment is applied, such a procedure as uterine artery embolization (UAE). During EMA artery that feeds benign tumors of the uterus, with a catheter introduced particles which block the flow of blood to the tumor. As a result, fibroids will gradually decrease, which lead to the relief of the symptoms of the patient. EMA - a minimally invasive procedure, and most patients can go home the same day when it was carried out, or, in extreme cases, the next day. Within a few days after the procedure, the patient may experience cramping in the lower abdomen, but usually this can be quickly overcome with the help of non-prescription painkillers.

 Fibromatosis of the uterus - do not be afraid

Fibromatosis of the uterus and pregnancy

Fibromatosis of the uterus - is a very common disorder in women of reproductive age. It is estimated that over the life of fibromatosis develops in approximately 20-50% of women. Most vulnerable to the violation of women older than 35 years. In women younger than 20 years of fibromatosis is extremely rare. Studies show that the likelihood of fibromatosis is particularly high in women who are overweight or obese - probably due to the fact that they have the level of estrogen Estrogen - the key to bone health  Estrogen - the key to bone health
   Blood is highest.

Since fibromatosis usually occurs in the reproductive years, the most natural question arising in connection with this violation - Does it affect pregnancy?

In most cases, fibromatosis of the uterus does not have a negative impact on a woman's fertility. However, about 3% of women suffering from fibromatosis or the next stage - uterine fibroids, there are difficulties with conception.

Sometimes large benign tumors of the uterus compress the fallopian tubes, in some cases - they overlap completely, resulting in the egg can not get into the uterus, and sperm can not fertilize it. Tumors were located in the region of the cervix, sperm path can overlap the uterus, and because of this conception also becomes impossible. Some tumors inhibit uterine contractions, causing the movement of eggs and sperm is difficult.

Some tumors are very large may restrict blood flow to the endometrium, which leads to a gradual change in its structure, and reduces the likelihood of implantation of the fertilized ovum and normal pregnancy. Neoplasms can change the shape of the uterine cavity, and act almost as well as the intrauterine device, causing miscarriages in the very early stages of pregnancy.

Even if the pregnancy, the presence of benign tumors in the uterus, depending on their size and location, increases the risk of premature birth.

Due to the increase in estrogen levels in the blood during pregnancy fibromatosis may start to progress rapidly, leading to the formation of large fibroids, and this, in turn, can cause movement of the placenta.

Neoplasms large size can lead to a shortage of space for the growth of the child, and the consequence may be a variety of miscarriage or congenital disorders.

If the tumor will increase significantly during pregnancy, they can block the birth canal, resulting in the need to do a caesarean section.

During pregnancy, because of the increased risk of bleeding and death of the fetus treatment of uterine fibromatosis surgical techniques are not performed. This is another argument in favor of that pregnancy should be planned, and before its onset undergo a medical examination and, if necessary, treatment.
