How to control high blood pressure
February 25, 2010
- How to control high blood pressure
- Specific factors of the disease in women
High blood pressure really is a serious health hazard. In many cases, high pressure occurs without any symptoms. And if the pressure is not controlled, it can be faced with many serious health complications. It has been observed that the number of Americans with high blood pressure is becoming more and more. The incidence among American women between the beginning of the nineties and the millennium is an absolute sign of increasing rate from 17% to 22%.
Knowing the risk factors, you can acquire the skills and prepare for measures to combat high blood pressure. And what are the factors that are the cause of high blood pressure in women? Whether a woman is going through in his life some stages, is a risk factor for high blood pressure? Next, we will acquaint you with more information on the control of high blood pressure, which should be adopted for any sane women who care about their health.

High blood pressure
The functions of the heart and high blood pressure are closely linked. The primary task of the heart is pumping blood, which comes with every pulsation of the heart. And each time when the heart pulses, a certain pressure exerted on the artery, the channels through which blood is transported throughout the body. This pressure is referred to as systolic blood pressure. In the same way, in the arteries creates a certain pressure, when the heart is resting between beats. This phenomenon is referred to as 'diastolic' blood pressure.
The systolic and diastolic pressure are a kind of performance pressure. If all had normal pressure, then in an adult over 18 years of normal blood pressure was 120/80 mm Hg or lower. On the other hand, as a result of certain reasons, if the blood running through the arteries at a higher pressure, then the pressure reading will be higher. Then the blood pressure is 140/90 mm Hg or higher.
The transient increase in blood pressure is normal. Although, if the blood pressure remains elevated, you should seek immediate medical advice and treatment. High blood pressure can lead to serious health complications, such as damage to the blood vessels and heart. Also, this disease increases the risk of heart attack
Heart disease and heart attacks: that every woman should know
Heart failure, stroke, eye problems, kidney, and nerve diseases.

Elevated blood pressure in women
According to the National Heart, Blood and Lung, an adult female healthy systolic pressure of 120-139 or diastolic pressure of 80-89 there is an initial stage there is high blood pressure. Women with diabetes or chronic kidney disease, the importance of high blood pressure varies, which is 130/80 mm Hg or higher.
- Compared to men, women aged 60 years and above have high blood pressure.
- High blood pressure can lead to serious health problems if the disease is left undetected and untreated. For example, one out of four cases of heart failure
Heart failure - when the heart is unable to cope with the work
in women is caused by high blood pressure.
- With the aging of women, risk factors for high blood pressure increase. More than half of women over age 50 suffer from high blood pressure.
- Women who have had a heart attack, less prone to the second attack on the condition that take up your health and reduce your blood pressure.
- Compared with white women, more African-American women are beginning to suffer from high blood pressure at an early age.

Women and high blood pressure - risk factors
What happens to women that men, the exact cause of high blood pressure is still unknown. In particular in respect of women have some stages of life, when the possibility of increased pressure is relatively high. The first step in saving herself for the early detection of disease - it is awareness. The second step - this is immediate counseling and medical intervention without delay. Remember, once you have developed high blood pressure, it will remain with you for the rest of his life. In addition, there is no cure for high blood pressure. It can only be treated in a timely manner and always keep under control.
There are, however, factors that are the same for men and women. Common factors specific to both sexes, which lead to the appearance of high blood pressure include:
- Family genetics: High risk for those whose parents or siblings suffer or have suffered from high blood pressure.
- Age: The likelihood of high blood pressure increases with time. In the most potential risk group of women over 65 and men over 55 years.
- Sensitivity to sodium: Incidence high in salt sensitive people.
- Insufficient intake of potassium: The less potassium in the body, the higher the blood pressure. A diet rich in potassium helps prevent high blood pressure.
- Body weight: Obese people are prone to high blood pressure. Cardiac output is increased, thereby increasing blood volume and vascular resistance.
- Alcohol consumption: The consumption of more than one drink per day for women and more than two drinks for men is a high risk for the occurrence of high blood pressure.
- Smoking: Smoking is in itself harmful to health; In particular, the nicotine in tobacco products promotes hypertension.
- Lack of exercise: lifestyle without exercise involves the development of high blood pressure.
- Cold weather: In cold weather conditions are narrowed blood vessels that are likely to lead to high blood pressure.
- Depression: There is quite a lot of information that there is a connection between depression
Depression - a little more than a bad mood
and high blood pressure.
- High cholesterol: Wrong diet and excessive intake of foods rich in cholesterol, promote the development of high blood pressure.
- Health: Diseases such as diabetes or kidney problems are directly linked to high blood pressure
How to deal with high blood pressure?
Leukocytosis - when there are too many white blood cells
June 4, 2009
- Leukocytosis - when there are too many white blood cells
- Leukocytes and their role in the human body
Leukocytosis - a condition characterized by an excess of white blood cells, or white blood cells in the blood. White blood cells are part of the immune system, that is, they help the body to fight various diseases. They are produced in the bone marrow. There are different types of white blood cells; some of them are released into the blood, some remain in the bone marrow and all perform different functions.
Leukocytosis develops when excessive production of white blood cells. He can go without treatment, or develop into hyperleukocytosis - threatening disorder in which the patient requires immediate treatment.

Reasons leukocytosis
- Infection is the most common cause of leukocytosis. In particular, this disorder can be caused by viral pneumonia and chicken pox.
- Inflammation. The inflammatory process begins when white blood cells fight with dangerous bacteria penetrate into the body. In some diseases, such as arthritis
Arthritis - a variety of forms and complications
, Inflammation may be chronic, which means that the level of white blood cells are also constantly increased.
- Tissue damage. The level of leukocyte increases with any tissue damage from scratches and burns, ending with those which are caused by cancer and heart disease
Heart disease and heart attacks: that every woman should know
- The immune response. The leukocytosis can develop in patients with asthma and severe allergies.
- Violations related to the bone marrow. Bone marrow can produce too many white blood cells in various diseases, including leukemia. In leukemia, the bone marrow makes too many white blood cells, but they do not act as normal white blood cells. Development of white blood cells increases and disorders such as polycythemia vera, myelofibrosis, and thrombocytopenia.
- Medications used to treat inflammation, mental disorders, cancer and problems with the respiratory tract, may cause leukocytosis.
- Stress. Heavy and / or prolonged psychological stress could be a factor in the development of related leukocytosis.

Symptoms leukocytosis
The most common symptoms of leukocytosis are:
- Increased body temperature
- Bleeding and / or frequent bruising
- Causeless tiredness, weakness, malaise
- Dizziness, fainting, sweating
- Pain or tingling in the arms, legs and abdomen
- Heavy breathing
- Violation of
- Unexplained weight loss and / or poor appetite
Leukocytosis often asymptomatic or present only the symptoms of the disease, which is the cause of leukocytosis.

For diagnostic analyze blood leukocytes during which determines the level of white blood cells and, in some cases, causes for changing it. In addition, the doctor conducts a thorough medical examination. In some cases, other tests are needed, for example, peripheral blood smear and bone marrow biopsy.

Treatment of leukocytosis
The choice of treatment depends on what caused a leukocytosis.
- Antibiotics are prescribed to treat and prevent infection that caused leukocytosis. Sometimes it is just a precautionary measure, and in some cases, antibiotics
Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?
help prevent sepsis.
- Steroids are used that remove or reduce inflammation and thereby reduce the number of leukocytes in the blood.
- Antacids can help reduce the amount of acid in the urine during treatment leukocytosis.
- Drugs that reduce uric acid levels
Uric acid - a normal level?
. Reducing the amount can prevent the destruction of the tissues of the body, the result of which sometimes becomes a leukocytosis.
Leukapheresis - the process of extracting white blood cells from the blood. After that, the blood may be transfused back into the patient or send to the laboratory for analysis. Sometimes it is maintained to be used for transfusion to another person.