This disease is not as easy as it seems at first glance. It is the symptom of a more serious condition that can develop in the patient for many years. I personally put it clearly elevated hemoglobin in oncology. And it was quite irritable and there was even a chance of a stroke. Fortunately, everything worked out. I recommend to pass inspection by a doctor at least once a year.
Alina read your comments and took me to ***. Usually oncology hemoglobin falls, and you have it on the contrary increased. The first time with such a face. I also increased hemoglobin, but the doctor on this account not sharpened. Apparently ёschё some looking indicators in the analysis.
My husband had to do the operation, but after passing the tests revealed that he had poor blood clotting, as the level of hemoglobin was 21, 3 g / dL at the rate of 14-18 g / dl. How to lower, no one said the doctor only said that elevated hemoglobin often occurs in men. After reading all I think it's smoking as a smoker husband with great experience and does not want to throw. The operation was postponed for an indefinite period and I am afraid of blood clots. But what we do not know.
Maybe someone knows what drugs increase the hemoglobin is the most effective? And now on the market pharmaceutical products is a great variety of options that simply dazzled, and I want to buy a tablet really good, so they really helped and it turned out that the money just wasted. Who is knowledgeable in this subject?
I have experienced the detrimental effects of this disease. In general, elevated hemoglobin is more common in women because of pregnancy and child-bearing. I started to be too nervous, could not come, the memory has deteriorated. I decided to consult a doctor. It turned polycythemia. The increased number of red blood cells, causing the blood becomes too viscous.
I did not know that there are pills increase hemoglobin. But now I will keep in mind) Although I have a high content of protein in the body never suffered. Rather, quite the contrary. Every time I am surprised at how much we have a complex system in the body. And even the smallest deviations from the norm can sometimes lead to serious consequences and violations.
Elevated hemoglobin at the teenager - this is probably a common phenomenon in our society. My son passed inspection at the school with the class, and a blood test showed he had an elevated hemoglobin. We went to our pediatrician, and we were told that there is nothing wrong and the global, and as such, we will not offer the treatment. Now she shtudiruet internet and learn everything on their own.
I've always used to think that you need to be afraid of poor performance. But recently I encountered a problem when high levels may indicate the cause of serious diseases. My mother-in increased hemoglobin and red blood cells, and she was diagnosed with "embolism". The doctor said that her blood is thick, and therefore formed clots in the blood. Now we are seriously worried about her health.
But I prefer to take herbs increase the hemoglobin in the broth and add in the tea leaves of black tea. I think that it is more effective and natural, safe for health, than taking pills strange chemicals, the effect of which has not been proved. Adverse them more than good. But the grass never hurt, though effect is longer.
Olya, this topic worries me too. I want to understand, is not dangerous if hemoglobin increased in a child? I asked about this at the pediatrician, but she sees no cause for concern. He believes that with time everything will fall into place. I trust my doctor, but somehow my heart is not calm. I am watching the baby all day. By type can not be said that he had some problems. Even rarely takes cold.
I had a long treatment of elevated hemoglobin. The doctor has appointed a cure, a strict diet. I really did not understand why. Control was every two weeks. All fingers istykali me. After three months finally got the first good analyzes. Now, about once every three months rent. So far, everything is fine. But still I try to stick to a diet.
I often take the drug increases hemoglobin, because I have very heavy periods, and chronic anemia. Without these drugs I constantly dizzy, sometimes I even fainting, falling, bad bear stuffy room. I am taking pills courses for several weeks, and then take a break. As a result, it is feeling much better.
If elevated hemoglobin in children, it is also some kind of disease? Still, the body is still growing and consumes more. My son often is above normal, the doctor said nothing. That's what I was worried something. Do we need further examined? The child is almost 3 years. Apparently not say that he is somehow a disease. Always cheerful, active.
I constantly my physician prescribed products increase hemoglobin during pregnancy, it was beef liver, greens, bell peppers and buckwheat groats course. I it's not very much, but ate through force, plus an additional saw some vitamins on the advice of the doctor of course. I would say that helped - a blood test showed a sufficient level, all was well. So that power means a lot!
What fruit increases hemoglobin, I know exactly, because I suffer from iron deficiency anemia. My analyzes always show a bad result. In addition to the drugs the doctor each time reminds me of the products, about nutrition. I eat a lot of bananas, lemons. Generally, when the disease should eat yellow fruit. But most of all I love apples. Their I have a few kg per day.
Natalia, apples useful, but it is necessary to measure them know there are a few kilograms a day can be detrimental as too high hemoglobin ploho.Takzhe You should understand that the fruit that we all tend to buy from the stores are not as helpful as we think they contain harmful substances, which are stuffed with them for better safety.
For some reason I did not say anything the doctor how to treat elevated hemoglobin. Only yesterday I was a physician, I take the results of analyzes. I myself saw in a form that the indicator above the norm. Something I was now worried. Can I donate blood again to see the dynamics? Or refer to another doctor, and then you never know what could be. It's a pity that information later on come across.
Kate, do not panic if you do not feel the "signs of elevated hemoglobin", it is possible the excess was small and the doctor decided to simply pull you in vain. If you start now to all day to think about it, even go to another doctor, the exact level of hemoglobin rise and then will need real help. In this situation, you just forget about it and after a couple of months to go and ask again appointed donating blood for this analysis.
It is necessary to give my mom to read this material. I do not know how to deal with it by smoking. She recently blood tests and discovered the problem. Now, sitting on different diets, do not eat apples and other fruits, raising hemoglobin. But smoking does not know about, do not want to hear nothing. Maybe this information will affect her opinion on the harmful, destructive habits.
Catherine, do you think smokers will think why elevated hemoglobin, they still will not give up their addiction by reading this material. For information on these elevated hemoglobin Buda compelling reason to stop to smoke and to smoke their lungs. Therefore, in vain do not waste your time and nerves get the best pictures with images of the lungs of those who dabbled with cigarettes for many years and show them.
Viola, you can never underestimate the power of persuasion, a person must know "why the hemoglobin rises" and understand that smoking is directly related to this. I for example refused to cigarettes in order to preserve the health and Katerina might be able to convince his mother that it is time to stop to smoke like a locomotive, and along with light smoke around her.
Something I doubt that red caviar increases hemoglobin. My husband was in the army in Kamchatka. Then he brought home a large jar. We ate it every day, but we did not rise. I so do, as being low, and stayed. Or may need to eat throughout the year is the treat large quantities. Although her husband two years there and eat it too personal.
Inna, you just do not know because of what the hemoglobin rises like a bank of red caviar on the whole family is a guaranteed way to change the level. There are certain portions which need to eat in a day, and that instead of 100 grams you eat 2 kilograms better not be. And your husband is hardly two years in the army only ate caviar, it is expensive and the tree does not grow to be as accessible to the common soldier.
Ian, I know that means increased hemoglobin and read a lot on this subject. Red caviar must immediately begin to act, but even after a few days of use it is not acted on nas.A husband ate a lot of it for the service, in those places this product should not be so expensive as in the European part of our country. So that your doubts are groundless.
Girls, stop arguing, I know what foods increase hemoglobin and red caviar is one of these products, it is beyond doubt. But it is also true that it should be there by a certain scheme that was the result. You each in its own right, but admit mistakes, refuting each other. Inna, and I also doubt that your husband during the service ate caviar.
On the contrary I have to eat something that increases hemoglobin, which since childhood I have always been lower than normal. The doctor recommended that I often eat the liver of any kind, so the stable twice a week or cook beef or chicken. If at least a month to make a break, it immediately makes itself felt, had no idea that he could be so high that it is necessary to lower.
Always had a good performance on hemoglobin - 130-145. The mother is the same. I believe that I was raised hemoglobin during pregnancy. In 3 terms in all it has dropped to 110-90. And I was 145! The doctor said that good times do not have anemia. But I have doubts about the normality of numbers. If I was not pregnant, he would have been 170-180 ??? I do not know whether it is connected, but I ate a lot of chocolate before analysis.
Well, with adults is more or less clear, but what if hemoglobin increased in a child? It will not be the same kid thin the blood, using aspirin - is banned in pediatric medicine. Most likely it will be necessary to put the baby on a diet and limit the products that podniamyut this indicator. That's just how removed from the child's diet meat and liver?
Yes you, Nina! I believe that in any case can not infringe on the child in the full ration. Dining at elevated hemoglobin should not be radically different in this case, because the child's body is growing and constantly requires energy for outdoor games and mental development. Here it is necessary to consult a nutritionist or pediatrician, in order to avoid the negative consequences!
Firstly do not immediately panic if hemoglobin is above the norm! First, find out what the difference between your performance and physicians, if the difference is small, try to hold a special diet and retake the analysis in a month or two. Maybe things will get better by itself! But when the figures are much higher than the norm, then seek immediate medical drug for the purpose!
I'm surprised to hear about the hemoglobin is above the norm for women, as I have, he has always been low and if raised, then a short while and then drops again. To keep their performance level, I often use the liver, it is suitable for both beef and pork. I scroll it through a meat grinder, add 1 kg 5-6 more more bulbs and 1 medium cup of semolina in a pan and cook are the pancakes. As such, the liver turns out tasty, suitable to any porridge.
I did not know the cause of elevated hemoglobin can be any disease. I thought that the disease is always only reduce it. My sister even in the intensive care unit fell due to the fact that during his illness she had fallen figure. Could not pick it up. It seems like a weight, someone wants to lose weight, while others get better, and in this case: someone tall, someone low.
I wonder what threatens elevated hemoglobin? How many years after the testing is often confronted with the fact that he had me greatly reduced and had almost kilograms of milled buckwheat is. And then it turns out that the opposite is the case, I have long been his dream to have increased and did not even know that it's too bad. But how many I did not try because I have the recommended standards have never risen.
I did not know that it can be increased. Once in his youth has always been low, forced to eat the liver undercooked meat, but I do not really like, is always difficult to have to have it all. And then suddenly it turned out that he was above the norm, began to find out what causes high hemoglobin. It turned out smoking, you have to throw, or thrombophlebitis provided already swelled huge veins behind the knees, walking becomes difficult.
I do not know, from what I have hemoglobin rises. Like any such products do not eat to them was this reaction. I do not know what to think already. Maybe you need to still somehow be tested for any diseases? The doctor did not really say. It was prescribed to reduce the need and diet to keep. Eat less meat, sugar beet, buckwheat, garnets.
To say there is not, and elevated hemoglobin during pregnancy does not happen, at least I've never heard of such a problem! All my friends (and I myself included) suffered the opposite diagnosis and constantly had to drink iron-containing vitamins. And what is the disease affects those who can not reduce the rate of blood? As I understood - it is associated with hematopoiesis?
One to see the analyzes can be symptoms of high hemoglobin? The fact that I have always been a low-level or regulations, but the doctor prescribed pills to increase, more meat, liver and vegetables. You had to be tested regularly to monitor the level. But I have no time. So I think, all of a sudden he has become higher than the norm, it's not too good.
I do not know which is worse: when overweight or less the norm. I figure that's more than the norm. The doctor examined me on the disease that improve. Now banned eating food, which increases hemoglobin. So you have to follow the diet and give up many of your favorite foods. Apparently, their use has led to the growth of this indicator at me.
You know, in the ordinary life of our usual products are not even give us the necessary daily requirement of iron. For example, in the fruit they contained a minimum, even in their calculation is not worth taking. Koordinalno the situation would only affect raw meat, liver and iron supplements. But it is unlikely you daily eat steak with blood. Therefore, you should think about another specialist examination. The reasons may be deeper and more serious.
I too think about it, Anna! And what kind of a diet with increased hemoglobin prescribed? In all likelihood, do not eat meat, liver and everything else that provokes the production of this substance? Or it will be easier to appoint a drug correction and power remain the same, because it is also important for the overall health of the person. And you can even earn anemia!
There are products that increase hemoglobin - a good way out for anemia. Personally, I do so. I try to eat more liver steak with blood. A fruit make up this deficit grapes, strawberries, raspberries. In the season of sweets I eat them without restriction. Especially help bananas. They are so nutritious that if I eat a banana, then we can satisfy your hunger.
Indeed, many of ignorance seems that the increased hemoglobin in the blood - it's good, and in fact, any deviation from the norm even in large, even in the smaller side - this is the reason for seeking medical attention. My husband was a problem at one time (accidentally discovered during a planned medical examination), and he still did not want on this occasion to go to the experts, is about the consequences he did not explain ...
I once heard an opinion that red wine improves hemoglobin and even after birth the doctor recommended we drink Cahors. But it turned out that this is only partly true, because the present enzyme is found only in meat products (beef, liver, etc.), as well as in the plant it is not exactly the same in composition and action. So I do not think you can so greatly enhance it with only one power supply!
Wow! Always I know what is bad - this is when a blood test shows an undervalued level of red blood cells, but it turns out that if elevated hemoglobin - the same trouble, there is a problem with blood clotting.