Gepatrombin - effective antithrombotic drug

April 18, 2010

 In diseases of the veins, trauma and inflammation, doctors often prescribe gepatrombin. This preparation for external use and is available in the form of an ointment and gel. It reduces inflammation, improves blood flow and the metabolic processes in the damaged tissues. Due to this absorption and wound hematoma occurs much faster.

 Gepatrombin - effective antithrombotic drug

Gepatrombin composition and mechanism of action

Gepatrombin - combined preparation. This means that it is composed of several active ingredients:

  • Heparin - a substance that retards blood clotting and thrombus formation. It is a direct anticoagulant. Heparin interacts directly with coagulation factors, circulating blood for the human organism. It inhibits the activity of thrombin - a substance that plays a very important role in the formation of blood clots. Heparin also reduces swelling and inflammation in the vessel wall, improves topical blood circulation.
  • Allantoin has anti-inflammatory effect, accelerates the local metabolism Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting  Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
   and stimulates recovery of the affected tissues.
  • Deksapantenol refers to vitamins of group B. This feature improves the healing of the skin, accelerates its cell division, increases the strength of collagen fibers, and also facilitates penetration of heparin in the tissue.
  • The oil from the needles of the mountain and plain pine, lemon oil has anesthetic effect and possess antimicrobial activity.

When applied to the skin gepatrombin heparin is rapidly penetrates its upper layers. From there, it gets to the small blood vessels, which takes effect. Thanks to the new heparin blood clots are formed, and there is a reduction in the size of the already formed clots. They subsequently dissolved by fibrinolytic enzymes produced by the human body. Allanton deksapantenol and accelerate these processes.

Heparin is slowly released from tissues and, once in the blood, bound to proteins. He then transferred to the liver where it breaks down into inactive substances. Recently removed from the body through the urinary system.

 Gepatrombin - effective antithrombotic drug

Indications and contraindications

The ointment and gel are used in the prevention and treatment of the following conditions:

  • Thrombosis - formation of thrombus in the lumen of blood vessels;
  • Thrombophlebitis - inflammation of the vein wall, which is accompanied by the formation of a blood clot that blocks a vessel;
  • Varicose veins - a condition in which the superficial veins of the lower extremities dilate due to the insolvency of the valve device and impaired blood flow;
  • Tenosynovitis - inflammation of the synovium tendon;
  • Sports injuries, which are accompanied by the formation of bruises or hematomas (limited accumulation of blood in the damaged tissues).

The ointment is also indicated for trophic ulcers on the lower leg, which arose as a result of violations of local circulation, and external appearance of inflammatory and seals (infiltration):

  • Mastitis - an inflammation of the mammary gland Inflammation of breast cancer: what is more dangerous - acute or chronic?  Inflammation of breast cancer: what is more dangerous - acute or chronic?
 Which often develops in women during lactation;
  • Lymphangitis - inflammation of the walls of the lymphatic vessels;
  • Furuncle - acute purulent inflammation of flowing hair follicle with the involvement of the surrounding tissues;
  • Carbuncle - acute purulent inflammation of several hair follicles, sebaceous glands and surrounding skin and subcutaneous tissue.

Conditions that gepatrombin contraindicated:

  • Individual hypersensitivity to substances that are part of the drug;
  • The open and infected wounds;
  • The gel does not apply to violations of integrity of the skin of any localization.

With extreme caution gepatrombin used in diseases which are accompanied by bleeding disorders: hemorrhagic diathesis, hemophilia, and thrombocytopenia (a decrease in the number of platelets in the blood).

Gepatrombin Treatment should be stopped immediately if any allergic reactions on the background of its application: rash, flushing (redness) of the skin, urticaria or angioedema.

 Gepatrombin - effective antithrombotic drug

As used

The drug is used only externally. From a tube of ointment extruded column length of about five centimeters and is applied to the affected skin from one to three times per day.

There are several ways to apply the ointment:

  • In diseases of the veins, thrombosis, when absent, the ointment should be applied with light massage movements from the bottom up (toward the natural outflow of blood through the veins). In this case all the recommended amount of drug applied immediately, but is divided into small portions.
  • When thrombophlebitis and thrombosis drug is used in the form of bandages with the ointment. Massaging the affected areas at the same time is impossible, as it could lead to the separation of a blood clot. In this case, it will start to move freely through the vessels with blood. If a clot gets into the blood vessels of the lungs, it can develop life-threatening complication - pulmonary embolism.
  • In the presence of trophic ulcers ointment should be applied in the form of a ring width of about four centimeters.
  • For the treatment of boils Treatment for boils and carbuncles  Treatment for boils and carbuncles
 , Carbuncles ointment is applied in the form of gauze pads to be changed twice a day.

Gepatrombin in the form of gel should be applied only to the unaffected skin. It should be rubbed lightly in an upward direction. However, thrombosis and thrombophlebitis massage the affected limb is also not recommended.

During pregnancy and during the feeding of the child Breastfeeding - a personal choice  Breastfeeding - a personal choice
   breast gepatrombin can be applied only in cases when its benefit to the mother outweighs the risk to the child or fetus. The content of heparin in the gel or ointment should not be greater than three hundred international units per gram.

Gepatrombin - a modern drug that has an antithrombotic effect and accelerates tissue repair.

Stroke - symptoms of the disease: they must know each

November 4, 2010

 When the cells of the brain lacks oxygen, as occurs in stroke, they lose the ability to properly perform their tasks. The symptoms of stroke depend largely on what part of the brain was struck and the volume of brain tissue damage.

Some of the more mild forms of stroke, do not cause symptoms, but still lead to damage to the brain tissue. This stroke is sometimes called the silent stroke Stroke - a serious brain injury  Stroke - a serious brain injury

When symptoms of stroke such as numbness and weakness of the muscles on one side of the body, the brain tissue damage typically occurs on the opposite side.

Symptoms usually appear suddenly stroke - a few seconds or minutes. the more extensive area of ​​the brain affected, the more functions will lose people.

 Stroke - symptoms of the disease: they must know each

The main symptoms

  • Sudden numbness or weakness of the facial muscles, and the muscles in the arms and legs, especially on one side of the face. Loss of the ability to freely move them, and / or loss of sensation may be complete or partial. The affected area may occur tingling.
  • Sudden confusion, impaired ability to speak and understand speech. Sometimes the weakness of facial muscles causes increased salivation.
  • Sudden blurred vision in one or both eyes.
  • Dizziness, loss of the ability to maintain balance, coordination of movements.
  • Sudden severe headache, with no apparent reason.

 Stroke - symptoms of the disease: they must know each

Additional symptoms

In stroke may be other symptoms (following stroke symptoms usually occur in women):

  • Shortness of breath and a feeling of tightness in the chest.
  • Hiccups.
  • The pain in my heart, like a symptom of angina Symptoms of angina: angina pectoris  Symptoms of angina: angina pectoris
  • Palpitations of the heart.
  • Nausea and / or pain in the stomach.
  • Sudden pain in the limbs.

 Stroke - symptoms of the disease: they must know each

Possible symptoms

The following symptoms of a stroke can occur in patients of both sexes:

  • Changes in smell, taste, hearing and / or vision (sometimes - their complete loss)
  • Sagging eyelids and the weakness of the eye muscles
  • The weakening of reflexes such as swallowing reflex and pupil reaction to the change in intensity of light
  • Reduced sensitivity and facial weakness
  • Weakness sternocleidomastoid muscle
  • The weakness of the language (impaired ability to move them)
  • Memory Disorders
  • Anosognosia (the denial of the patient that he has any health problems).

When symptoms of stroke in themselves or another person should immediately call an ambulance. This is no exaggeration to abuse every second may decide the question of life and death of the patient, and that if he could, if he stays alive, to continue fulfilling life. Stroke is terrible not only a large number of its victims, but also the fact that approximately 30% of the survivors, he takes away the ability to serve themselves.

 Stroke - symptoms of the disease: they must know each

The symptoms of hemorrhagic stroke

Hemorrhagic stroke is more common in the elderly, with about equal frequency in men and women. But in recent years hemorrhagic stroke significantly "younger" and is no longer a rarity in the age of 40. There he is often in broad daylight and is associated with fatigue or emotional outbursts. Sometimes a stroke is preceded by flushing, headache, vision items in red.

The initial symptoms of hemorrhagic stroke: sudden headache, vomiting, disturbance of consciousness, shortness of breath, rapid or, on the contrary, slow heart rate, hemiplegia (complete loss of movement or paralysis on one side of the body) or hemiparesis (partial paralysis of one side of the body).

The depth of human consciousness can be different, it depends on the degree of cerebral edema. With the development of coma consciousness is completely lost, the response to stimulation is absent, his eyes closed, his mouth half open, his face flushed, his lips with a bluish tint. Frequently observed visible to the eye pulsing blood vessels in the neck, breathing hoarse, with periodic freeze within a few seconds, with labored breath or exhale. The skin is cold, slow heart rate, blood pressure Blood pressure - dangerous if his swing?  Blood pressure - dangerous if his swing?
   often high, the pupil on the side of hemorrhage is often extended. On the side of the body opposite the lesion in the brain (neural pathways make the crossing and go to the opposite side of the body) often show signs of paralysis: the foot is turned outwards, lifted hand falls limp. Often develop swallowing disorders, urinary retention or urinary incontinence. If there is extensive bleeding, it may appear respiratory disorders and cardiac activity. These symptoms may appear as directed, and after a while.

With less profound disturbance of consciousness, stupor (a state of consciousness is also called hibernation when it was too much stimulation can cause a short in the mind), the patient usually lies with his eyes closed, does not respond to the questions or answers very briefly. Sometimes, such a patient may appear oznoboobraznoe shaking the whole body, fever, sweating, increased as the deepening of delirium.

Even less profound disturbance of consciousness - stunning - is characterized by anxiety, restlessness, motor excitation combined with a slow response, automated movements in healthy limbs. Performing complex action fails.

There are several forms of hemorrhagic stroke: acute (all symptoms develop within a few minutes), acute (sudden onset and the patient's condition deteriorates within a few hours) and subacute (symptoms slowly growing or acute onset replaced improvement, then again deteriorating, and so on) .

Individuals elderly bleeding occur less rapidly than in the young, are often accompanied by impaired consciousness.

 Stroke - symptoms of the disease: they must know each

Signs of ischemic stroke

Ischemic stroke or cerebral infarction is more common in middle-aged and elderly, but sometimes it can occur at a young age. In men, it is more common than in women.

In some cases, before the stroke occurs short transient ischemic whose symptoms (movement disorders, sensitivity) quickly pass.

Developing ischemic stroke more often at night, but sometimes it happens during the day, after mental or physical exertion, alcohol, heat treatments (eg bath) and so on.

Symptoms of ischemic stroke, hemorrhagic unlike manifest slowly over several days. A feature of ischemic stroke is that it seldom causes a general brain injury with loss of consciousness. Most of its features are hitting certain parts of the brain. Signs of ischemic stroke depend on which areas of the brain affected. It can be motor or sensory disorders, disorders of the senses, and so on. Often developing ischemic stroke after myocardial infarction Myocardial infarction - the most formidable diagnosis  Myocardial infarction - the most formidable diagnosis

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  • stroke
