It created a lot of methods of instrumental studies of the vascular bed. The most safe, non-invasive, painless and quick method is UZDG head and neck vessels. Duplex scanning of vessels allows us to estimate not only the state of the blood vessels (arteries and veins) and hemodynamic parameters. If the patient has neurological disorders, it is a direct indication for the survey.
How is the condition of vessels
Ultrasonography allows you to assess the condition of arteries and veins, that is, to conduct a detailed study of the vascular bed in the head and neck. Arterial system is available for inspection by the fact that the carotid arteries are located superficially. To suspect the presence of other changes in the blood vessels can be, if the study revealed characteristic lesions. First, we should pay attention to the thickening of the artery walls. This is one of the first indicators that reflects the tendency to the development of atherosclerotic lesions.
The formation of plaque is caused by the fact that the damaged inner shell is deposited macrophage cells, lipids, fibrin.
In the process of ultrasound can identify overlaps atherosclerotic plaque lumen of a blood vessel or not, that is, to evaluate the state of blood vessels in the pool, head and neck.
Plaque composition influences its stability (plaques may be frangible or resilient).
To assess the state of blood flow is important to determine the severity of the stenosis. If a person has the stenosis that closes the vessel lumen at 50% or more, it affects the process hemodynamics. There is a loss of power of different parts of the brain, as the compensatory capacity of the organism can not fully compensate for the violation caused by stenosis.
On the necessity of the study
There are certain indications for the purpose of this type of survey. Carotid ultrasonography should be performed for patients who have the following diseases:
- osteochondrosis
Osteochondrosis - learn how to properly distribute the weight
(especially localized in the cervical region)
- hypertonic disease
- dizzy spells
Dizziness - if the ground is slipping from under his feet
, Transient ischemic attacks
- a history of stroke, that is previously transferred
- atherosclerosis
- visual disturbances (confirmed during ophthalmological research)
List of indications may be extended depending on the clinical picture of the disease, the patient's complaints. Similar problems often encountered doctors neurologists, internists, so their competence is the definition of indications for the study.
If a person is detected during a physical examination neurological symptoms, he complained of dizzy spells, headaches, the ultrasound head and neck vessels to be included in a comprehensive study plan. Before the study does not require additional training, so this is an advantage over other instrumental methods of diagnosis.
If the examination of the patient was made in a timely manner, it is possible to detect the presence of factors that predispose to the development of stroke or stroke
Stroke - a serious brain injury
Headache is an absolute indication for ultrasound diagnostics of blood vessels, as it allows to detect vascular abnormalities.
When this type of survey is assigned to children
The big advantage of ultrasound is the absence of contraindications for it. The only contraindication may be the inability of the patient to take a horizontal position. Investigation is appointed, even a newborn to exclude the presence of congenital abnormalities, malformations.
Currently, often encountered in pediatric neurological problems. Timely detection of deviations makes ultrasound diagnosis of head and neck vessels. First of all, this kind of research helps to establish the diagnosis, a policy of effective therapy. Often the only sign of trouble is a headache, so parents should listen carefully to the complaints of child headache
Headache: Causes and Complications
Since it can serve as a precursor to more serious neurological disorders.
If a child in the neonatal period were manifestations of perinatal pathology, dynamic study should be carried out to assess the state of the vessels of the head and neck. This makes it possible to prevent the development of more gross violations, which often leads to the child's disability. Severe manifestations of disease occur in older adults, but it is necessary to prevent the development of childhood.
During the ultrasound vascular patient does not undergo radiation exposure, there is no data on the presence of side effects, so the method is most suitable for examinations of children.
This method complements research vessels angiography, so both methods can be recommended as a comprehensive study. If the birth was difficult, proceeded with complications, it is necessary to examine the child during the first year of his life.
In the process of growth and development of the child is necessary to pay attention to the possible infringement of speech, attention or behavior, it should not be postponed examination if problems are detected. If you have a disease of the nervous system is a violation of cerebral circulation. Against the background of normalization of blood circulation, venous outflow comes the child's condition improved, but it depends entirely on the timely survey vessels of the head.
Marina Solovyov