Symptoms of leukemia does not always have some special features. The disease can begin as usual angina or manifest as fatigue, malaise. It is very important time to pay attention to these symptoms, because the sooner will be set to the correct diagnosis and appropriate treatment, the better the chance for recovery.
The first signs of leukemia
Leukemia (leukemia) or cancer of the blood
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characterized in that the white blood cells reach the stop state of maturity and therefore do not fulfill their protective function. Bone marrow is where all blood cells are formed, filled with immature white blood cells - blasts that violate the maturation of red blood cells and platelets. Therefore, all types of leukemia are accompanied by frequent infections, septic complications, anemia and bleeding disorders.
Leukemia can develop at any age. For example, when young adults more likely to develop acute myeloid leukemia, in which blood myeloblasts appear - precursors of granular white blood cells (granulocytes). The disease progresses rapidly and if not to treat it in time, patients die from infectious complications or bleeding.
After 40 years more common chronic leukemia. For example, under the age of 50 years - chronic myelogenous leukemia, and in a later age - chronic lymphoblastic leukemia, and hairy.
Acute leukemias often begin under the pretense of some infections, such as purulent tonsillitis
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, Acute pyelonephritis, and so on. Start accompanied by high fever, malaise, nausea, vomiting, pain in bones and joints. After the treatment the patient continues to bother periodically rising temperature, weakness, malaise, dizziness.
Among the first signs of acute leukemia may include permanent bruises on the skin, bleeding gums
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, Nasal and uterine bleeding
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But not always, even acute leukemia begins suddenly. Quite often, the patient just feels a malaise, weakness, loss of appetite, frequent colds. However, if you do not identify and treat acute leukemia in time, it progresses rapidly, and the changes are irreversible.
Symptoms of leukemia in adults
Chronic myelogenous leukemia usually develops gradually and imperceptibly. Patients may be several months or even years to ignore the disease and lead a normal life. They often suffer from infections, are becoming less workable, there is excessive bleeding. Expressed progression may not be for several years.
Against the background of such imperceptible currents may cause exacerbations, which are called blast crisis. Blast crisis may manifest fever, weakness, lethargy, pain in bones and joints, frequent infections and bleeding. In these patients, the spleen is always increased, as its primary goal - the destruction of excess blood cells, including blasts.
Chronic lymphoblastic leukemia in the elderly also takes place very quickly. Often the only symptom is weakness and fatigue, which is easily written off old age. The blood of these patients revealed a large number of lymphocytes at different stages of maturation. Lymph nodes are only the beginning of the disease increases in infections and then return to normal. Then gradually increase the first cervical and axillary, and then other groups of lymph nodes. Typically, anemia, and increased bleeding in the early stages of the disease the patients feel very comfortable. The main symptom and is usually the cause of death of these patients are infections.
Older people can also develop hairy cell leukemia, which is often a genetic character. In this disease can be seen in blood leukocytes with typical rough, as if torn edges having a "hairy" appearance. The disease begins slowly, imperceptibly, it manifested as weakness, sweating, sometimes fever, general malaise. Patients exhausted, often suffer infections.
One of the most characteristic signs of hairy cell leukemia is a significant enlargement of the spleen, which poses a threat to her injury and even rupture. The diagnosis of the disease in a timely manner is placed not always.
Symptoms of leukemia in adults is usually expressed softly, severity of the disease is growing relatively slowly, making it difficult to diagnose. And how to identify such diseases should be as early as possible is very important attention to the health of the patient and his family.
Galina Romanenko