Herbs - whether they should have a modern man?

November 27, 2008

 Healing herbs
   Herbs and plants used for medicinal purposes long before mankind started to conduct their own history. The ancient Chinese and Egyptian papyrus can find many descriptions of the use of plants to treat diseases. Indigenous peoples, for example, African and North American Indians used the herb in healing rituals, and other nations built on the entire health care system of herbal medicine (Ayurveda). Researchers found that people on different continents share the same plant with the same objectives.

At the beginning of the XIX century, when it became possible a chemical analysis, scientists have begun to extract active ingredients from plants and used in the pharmaceutical industry. In the twentieth century, chemists have learned how to get vegetable matter in the laboratory, and eventually of vegetable origin have been completely superseded by drugs.

Recently, the World Health Organization estimates that 80% of people around the world use herbal medicines for primary health care. For example, in Germany about sale, there are about 600-700 names of herbal remedies, and German doctors prescribe them actively. The popularity of herbal medicine Phytotherapy and menopause - without the side effects  Phytotherapy and menopause - without the side effects
   in the last 20 years has increased in other European countries.

The secret to the effectiveness of medicinal herbs?

In many cases, scientists are not sure exactly what the active substances or part of a plant help in the treatment of disease. Herbs entirely contain many ingredients that may have combined therapeutic effect. The effectiveness of medicinal plants is determined by many factors, such as conditions (climate, microorganisms, soil quality), in which the plants grow as well as the conditions of its collection (some plants should be collected strictly at certain times of the year) and processing.

 Herbs - whether they should have a modern man?

How to use herbs?

Over the past 30 years, the use of plants for medicinal purposes has increased dramatically, as some herbs are effective both in treatment and prevention of diseases, especially diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and urogenital system. Another advantage weighty herbs that have fewer side effects than chemicals, and less likely to cause allergic reactions. In addition, long-term storage of medical fees are not spoiled, and retain their beneficial properties. However, herbs should be used in accordance with the instructions of the doctor, as ignorant and uncontrolled use of medicinal injuries can cause irreparable harm to the body.

Often several prescribed herbs, since some combinations may be more effective and have fewer side effects. In the appointment of herbal medicine doctor should take into account various factors, including the type and family, to which the plant, its growth environment, the conditions of its collection, processing and storage.

 Herbs - whether they should have a modern man?

Why use herbs?

Herbal medicine is used to treat many diseases and conditions, including asthma, eczema, premenstrual syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, migraine, menopause, chronic fatigue Chronic fatigue - if life is not a pleasant experience  Chronic fatigue - if life is not a pleasant experience
 , Irritable bowel syndrome and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Here are some of the common use of medicinal herbs:

  • St. John's Wort (Hypericum perforatum) is well known for its antidepressant action. In general, most studies have shown that St. John's wort may be effective in treating mild to moderate depression Depression - a little more than a bad mood  Depression - a little more than a bad mood
 And it has fewer side effects than most antidepressants prescription. But St. John's wort interacts with many other drugs, including birth control pills, so it's important to take it only under the supervision of a physician.
  • Valerian (Valeriana officinalis) - a popular alternative to commonly prescribed drugs for insomnia, as has a gentle effect and, unlike many chemicals, safe for health. Some studies support this view. Valeriana has a minimum of side effects as compared with prescription hypnotics, e.g., does not cause drowsiness, morning.
  • Echinacea (Echinacea purpurea) helps increase the body's resistance and enhance natural immunity. Echinacea - one of the most popular medicinal plants, but researchers find it difficult to say whether it can help to prevent or cure the common cold, even though it is the use of echinacea is the most common. Echinacea also are inherent antibacterial and antiviral properties, it inhibits the growth and reproduction of Streptococcus, Staphylococcus, E. coli, influenza, herpes, stomatitis, effective in inflammatory diseases (rheumatism, arthritis What is arthritis - when it hurts everywhere  What is arthritis - when it hurts everywhere
 , Prostate, gynecological disorders), diseases of the upper respiratory tract, wound for different processes (trophic ulcers, osteomyelitis).

Medicinal herbs - the priceless gift of nature, they will help you in the treatment of many diseases, but they must be used under the supervision of a physician.

Article Tags:
  • healing herbs

Herbs for the liver: filter cleaning

March 31, 2011

 Herbs for the liver
 The liver performs in our body a very important function of cleansing the body Cleansing the body - comprehensive restoration  Cleansing the body - comprehensive restoration
   poisons and products of metabolism Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things  Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things
 . If abnormal liver function of the poison continues to poison our bodies. If the liver has completely lost its function, the continued existence of the organism is impossible.

 Herbs for the liver: filter cleaning

What diseases can affect the liver

It may be your own liver disease with lesions of liver cells, most often it is the disease of viral origin - acute and chronic hepatitis and their consequences. In inflammatory processes partial liver cells die and are replaced by connective tissue cells. Long flowing inflammatory process can lead to a significant widening of the connective tissue and reduce the function of the liver - cirrhosis.

On the condition of the liver can not be reflected, and a variety of diseases of biliary tract, including the gallbladder. Inflammation of the gallbladder and bile ducts lead to the stagnation of bile, a change in its chemical composition and, in some cases, and jaundice. All this adversely affects the function of the liver.

 Herbs for the liver: filter cleaning

Bile grass

Bile Herbs can be divided into three groups:

  • enhances the formation of bile (choleretic, for example, corn silk, Helichrysum flowers, flowers, dandelion); choleretic mechanism of action is due to reflections from the intestinal mucosa, which contribute to the revitalization of the liver cells;
  • promotes the release of bile from the gallbladder to the intestine - holikinetiki, such as barberry, fennel; holikinetiki increase the tone of the gall bladder and bile under pressure is released into the common bile duct;
  • antispasmodics (herb oregano, grass, peppermint, chamomile flowers) they lower the tone of the biliary tract and promote the free flow of bile.

Almost all herbs have choleretic on the liver and biliary tract combined action by stimulating the formation of bile, it is released into the intestines, thus providing anti-inflammatory and antibacterial action. An example of such action is corn silk, which when taken orally help to increase the amount of bile, making it less viscous and thick, reduce the amount of bilirubin in it. The main indications for the use of drugs of corn stigmas: inflammation of the gallbladder (cholecystitis), bile duct inflammation (cholangitis), inflammation of the liver (hepatitis) with a delay of bile.

Assign corn silk in the form of decoctions and infusions. Broth corn silk prepared as follows: a tablespoon of dry powdered corn stigmas pour a glass of cold water, boil for 30 minutes, cooled, made up to the initial level of boiled water, filter and take a tablespoon 3-4 times a day.

A decoction of the flowers of immortelle is used in cholelithiasis, chronic cholecystitis and hepatitis, impaired motor activity of the biliary tract. The broth is made from the calculation of a tablespoon of crushed dried flowers per cup of water (prepared as well as a decoction of corn stigmas), take in the form of heat for half a cup 2-3 times a day.

 Herbs for the liver: filter cleaning

Herbs that improve liver function

Means of enhancing the stability of the liver to various negative influences that increase its metabolic (exchange, cleaning) functions, normalizing its functions under various injuries (including a constant influence on liver cells spirits) called hepatoprotectors. Many drugs have hepatoprotective properties, are composed of herbal preparations (eg, Liv-52). To restore the function of the liver and used decoctions, infusions of herbs.

In chronic hepatitis, for example, recommended such charges (composition of herbs are changed every 2-3 months):

  • tablespoon dried minced raw valerian root and hawthorn flowers, 1, 5 tablespoons of the bark of barberry and mint leaves Mint and its useful properties: aromatic freshness  Mint and its useful properties: aromatic freshness
   pepper mix well, take one tablespoon, pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes, cool, potsedit and take on a third cup three times a day;
  • the fruit of barberry, birch leaves, grass St. John's wort, yarrow herb - take all of half a tablespoon, mix, take a tablespoon of the mixture, pour a glass of boiling water for 15 minutes, cool, strain and take on a third cup 3 times a day.

In cirrhosis of the liver is recommended that the following collection: two tablespoons of chopped rose hips mixed with a tablespoon of dry powdered nettle leaves, mix, take a tablespoon of the mixture, pour a glass of boiling water for 15 minutes, cool, strain and take half cup twice a day . This fee improves metabolic processes in the liver cells, intestinal digestion, regulates the chair and removes excess fluid How to withdraw excess fluid from the body - all sorts of ways  How to withdraw excess fluid from the body - all sorts of ways

Medicinal herbs have a special place in the treatment of liver diseases, as they can take a long time - that this therapy is needed in the human liver and biliary tract.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • healing herbs
