Sage infertility - an ancient technique

May 19, 2014

 Sage infertility
 Infertility is considered a condition in which the normal sexual life for two years does not lead to the desired pregnancy, a pregnancy or miscarriage repeatedly interrupted. Can sage infertility do something to help?

Infertility occurs in about 20% of cases. Scientists believe that there are three main causes of infertility: fallopian tubes, endometriosis and problems with ovulation. Male infertility is usually caused by changes in the sperm: its poor quality and reduced activity of sperm.

The number of studies proving the benefit of natural remedies in the treatment of infertility, growing all the time. Studies confirm the beneficial properties of natural products, natural supplements and natural herbs that help to normalize the function of the endocrine system and all aspects of the female menstrual cycle, including ovulation.

Among the vitamins, minerals, natural supplements and herbs that help restore ovulation and healthy menstrual cycle, increasing estrogen levels and restoring the balance of estrogen and progesterone in the body, not the least is the sage. Infertility treatment sage practiced in ancient Egypt.

Herb sage used in gynecology in the Mediterranean countries for the treatment of excessively heavy menstrual bleeding. Sage in gynecology and has long been used to increase the likelihood of conception.

Treatment sage in gynecology can be applied in the form of an essential oil. The use of essential oils - one of the ways that can play an important role in the treatment of infertility, in particular, to improve fertility in women after 40. It is impossible to underestimate the importance of proper nutrition, lifestyle, and personal relationships.

Essential oil of sage is easy to find on sale, it has a pleasant smell and is not very expensive. When buying essential oil, make sure it is a reliable manufacturer released. Best Buy is medicated oil, rather than aromatic, which will not have the desired effect.

Clary sage essential oil - is a powerful tool that has a positive effect on the female reproductive system. Clary sage oil has the properties of natural estrogens, and simulates the production of the body's own estrogen, which helps to regulate the menstrual cycle.

Sage oil relaxes well and is a good aphrodisiac.


How to use essential oils of sage infertility

Treatment should start on the last day of month. Use sage oil, alone or in combination with other oils. Add 6-8 drops in a bath oil, massage oil or cook by adding 1 drop of sage essential oil in 1 ml oil-conductor.

Oil-guide can serve as sweet almond oil, sunflower oil or olive oil. Rub the oil in the abdomen, hips, lower back, upper curve of the buttocks. It is important not to forget to put oil on the lumbar region, as there are located the nerves that are connected to the ovaries and uterus.


Sage oil infertility

Here are the recommended treatment protocol sage infertility that can help:

  • 5-10 drops of essential oil clary sage

Clary sage essential oil contains natural phytoestrogens. It helps to restore hormonal balance, and allows the use of sage Sage - cvyaschennaya grass  Sage - cvyaschennaya grass
   in gynecology, helping women in menopause.

  • 5-10 drops of essential oil of frankincense

Frankincense (Boswellia carteri) has the ability to regenerate cells. This is an excellent remedy for skin health and support the immune system.

  • 5 drops of essential oil of basil

Basil restores balance.

  • A little less than one teaspoon (5 mL) vegetable oil-conductor

Dip feminine hygiene tampon in a mixture of oil, insert the swab into the applicator. Use within 10 days. This mixture is also useful in fibroids, cysts, and other gynecological problems.

Here are ways to use sage The use of sage - from cooking to treatment  The use of sage - from cooking to treatment

The mixture of essential oils for the treatment of female infertility

  • Eucalyptus oil - 5 drops
  • Geranium oil - 15 drops
  • Clary sage oil - 25 drops
  • Whisper / Whisper ™ - a mixture of oils of rose, jasmine, bergamot, cinnamon, citrus, vetiver, ylang-ylang, sandalwood, patchouli, cocoa and vanilla - 15 drops
  • The mixture of essential oils AromaTouch - 10 drops
  • The mixture of essential oils "Fit" - 8 drops
  • Basil oil - 10 drops
  • Lavender oil - 2 drops
  • Marjoram oil - 15 drops
  • The mixture of essential oils "Balance" - 25 drops

Apply 4 drops morning and evening on his stomach in the ovaries and in the ankles. If necessary, dilute.

Salvia for male infertility in a mixture of essential oils

  • Clary sage oil - 25 drops
  • Geranium oil - 15 drops
  • Whisper / Whisper ™ - a mixture of oils of rose, jasmine Jasmine aromatherapy Royal fragrance mood, health, beauty  Jasmine aromatherapy Royal fragrance mood, health, beauty
 , Bergamot, cinnamon, citrus, vetiver, ylang-ylang, sandalwood, patchouli, vanilla and cocoa - 8 drops
  • Basil oil - 10 drops
  • The mixture of essential oils AromaTouch - 10 drops
  • The mixture of essential oils "Balance" - 10 drops
  • Lavender oil The healing properties of lavender - not only pleasant aroma  The healing properties of lavender - not only pleasant aroma
   - 2 drops
  • Marjoram oil - 15 drops

Apply 4 drops morning and evening on the soles of the feet.


Side effects of Salvia infertility

The fact that Sage - a herbal remedy does not mean that it is always safe. Salvia can be reacted with a variety of drugs ranging from analgesics such as ibuprofen and aspirin and ending with diuretics and drugs, blood thinners. There may be other unpleasant side effects. The oils in the composition of sage contain toxic thujone, which can affect the nervous system, or in large doses cause convulsions. Salvia can not be used in patients with epilepsy.

The use of sage in infertility must be accompanied by certain precautions. Use sage in the first half of the menstrual cycle, as the sage stimulates contractions of the uterus, which can cause miscarriage.

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  • sage

Use of St. John's wort - unique properties

January 2, 2014

 use of St. John's wort
 St. John's Wort - a perennial plant that grows in different climates around the world. Use of St. John's wort has been known long before our era; it was used as a treatment for certain diseases, and to protect against evil spirits.


Historical facts

Medicinal properties of St. John's wort are known for a long time - this plant was already mentioned in ancient written sources. In ancient Greece, it was used not only for the treatment of physical illnesses, but also for protection against evil forces. In the Middle Ages, St. John's wort used for healing wounds, treatment of back pain; It is also used as a diuretic. In the sources dating from the seventeenth century, the recipe was found St. John's wort extract, which is taken orally to relieve anxiety Anxiety - how to distinguish normal from disease?  Anxiety - how to distinguish normal from disease?
 And externally - for various inflammatory diseases.

In recent decades, the healing properties of St. John's wort The healing properties of St. John's wort - a herbal treatment  The healing properties of St. John's wort - a herbal treatment
   actively studied, and there are more new information about the medicinal plants and the possibilities of its use in the treatment of various diseases.


St. John's benefit and harm

St. John's Wort has analgesic, anti-viral and anti-inflammatory effect. As an anesthetic it is usually taken by mouth - it is especially very good for rheumatism, neuralgia, sciatica and joint pain. Lotions and oils St. John's Wort St. John's wort oil - a remedy  St. John's wort oil - a remedy
   used topically for the treatment of sunburn, as well as to accelerate the healing of cuts, scrapes, insect bites. These funds are also used to treat hemorrhoids. Furthermore, Hypericum can be used for the treatment of herpes Treatment of herpes - a serious problem  Treatment of herpes - a serious problem
 , Shingles and other viral diseases.

Hypericum has a sedative effect, so it is widely used to treat mild to moderate depression. With it, you can also cope with the mood swings caused by menopause or premenstrual syndrome. St. John's wort is useful and seasonal affective disorder.

The main active ingredients of Hypericum are hypericin and hyperforin - a substance with properties similar to prescription antidepressants such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and monoamine oxidase inhibitors. St. John's wort can be taken in capsules, extracts, tinctures, or just prepare a decoction of dried flowers or plants.

We must remember that St. John's wort is not completely safe drug. It makes the skin more sensitive to sunlight, so those who take St. John's wort, it is necessary to use sunscreen and in clear weather to wear dark glasses. Sometimes, St. John's wort can cause nausea, weakness and dizziness, but these side effects are rare and usually, in those cases when patients are taking it on their own initiative, often exceeding the permissible dose. If you are taking any medications, before taking St. John's wort is especially important to consult with your doctor - the active ingredients of the plant interact with many medications.

It is not known as St. John's Wort affects the pregnant woman and the process of development of the fetus, so to take during pregnancy is not recommended.

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