Psyllium - helps the kidneys and stomach

September 26, 2013

  • Psyllium - helps the kidneys and stomach
  • Treatment

 Plantain - it is a very common and very useful plant, is used to treat constipation, irritable bowel syndrome and other disorders. It can cause some side effects, which depend on the individual characteristics of the person taking the plantain, and on the dose.

Plantain - a perennial herb of European origin, which is now widespread in many parts of the world. It is characterized by the ability to adapt to a variety of habitats, including, and in a rather harsh conditions. Psyllium is one of the most popular medicinal plant in the world. It has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic activity; it is used for dysentery, poisoning, burns. Using psyllium in some cultures for many centuries ago, purifies the blood, lungs, and stomach, were treated with various infections. It is known that psyllium can normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and to stimulate bowel movements.

The main active substances contained in the plant are allantoin, apigenin, aucubin, baicalein, linoleic acid, oleanolic acid, sorbitol, and tannin.

 Psyllium - helps the kidneys and stomach


Most often used as a psyllium laxative. It can also be used as an agent for the prevention of constipation and hemorrhoids, and to lower cholesterol and blood sugar Blood sugar - a very important indicator  Blood sugar - a very important indicator
 . Before taking psyllium, consult your doctor - a medicinal plant is not suitable to each person, and is not compatible with all medications.

 Psyllium - helps the kidneys and stomach


According to some historical sources, even Alexander the Great used psyllium for ease severe headaches from which he suffered periodically. The healing properties of psyllium are mentioned in Pliny ores. Representatives of some cultures are constantly plantain leaves with them, believing that they are able to protect people from the effects of evil forces.

In some parts of the plantain, even today, is used to treat insect bites and scorpion. When ingested strong poisons (such as scorpion venom), its effectiveness is questionable, but it is known that psyllium really helps stings of bees, wasps and mosquitoes.

In Mexico, the plantain is traditionally used for the treatment of pigs, inflammatory eye diseases, liver inflammation and ulcers. Residents of Honduras using plantain treat bronchitis and influenza.

In the ancient written sources mention that psyllium was used to treat people bitten by rabid dog: for this plantain leaf was applied to the site of the bite.

There was a case where the dog bitten by a rattlesnake, treated plantain juice mixed with salt. The mixture almost immediately after the bite was applied to the damaged skin. For a while the dog was in a state of agony, but then it is fully recovered. This story, of course, looks incredible - the venom of a rattlesnake is extremely dangerous. Even if plantain really can block its action, to self is still not recommended - it may cost human lives.

Plantain migrated after European colonizers in different corners of the world, including in New Zealand, where Aboriginal people began to call him "after the Englishman" (or simply "followed the white man"). Hardly settlers brought with them special plantain - most likely, its seeds accidentally transported together with other seeds, as well as on the soles of shoes and other items, which once again proves the amazing vitality of this plant.

 Psyllium - helps the kidneys and stomach


Tea made from plantain is traditionally used to treat lung infections and gastric disorders. It is also used as a mouthwash for ulcers in the mouth and toothache Toothache - itself does not take place  Toothache - itself does not take place
 . A decoction of plantain can be used externally - with scratches, cuts, blisters, insect bites, burns. It soothes the skin and stimulates regeneration of damaged tissue.

For damaged skin can be applied simply and plantain leaves - this way they use many familiar from childhood. For example, if you have an insect bite, tear leaf plantain, a good rub it between your fingers, and then attach to the bite for a few minutes.

Currently, some companies produce a variety of food additives Food additives - basic classification  Food additives - basic classification
   and medications with plantain. This plant is even part of some alternatives for those who want to quit smoking - it is assumed that plantain is an aversion to tobacco.

Psyllium seeds are high in fiber, and are part of some laxatives. They are also used to lower cholesterol.

To make tea out of plantain, pour two tablespoons of dried leaves (some experts recommend the use of alternative medicine the fresh leaves), and allow to stand for five minutes. For the treatment of constipation is recommended to drink one cup of this tea a day. If you want to treat any other illness, consult your doctor about how best to take psyllium.

A decoction of plantain is sometimes used to treat diseases in which impaired blood clotting, however, without a medical examination it is not recommended.

Psyllium be taken after three hours or three hours before taking any other medication. If you are taking psyllium capsules, drink a full glass of water. Follow the instructions on the packaging and in any case not exceed the recommended dose.

 Psyllium - helps the kidneys and stomach

Side effects of plantain

  • Common side effects

A significant portion of people taking psyllium, it does not cause any side effects. Among those who have side effects do occur, the most common abdominal distension and bloating. In rare cases, the side effects may be increased or occur regularly. Those who are faced with such a problem as soon as possible to talk to your doctor.

  • Rare side effects

Very rarely plantain is a severe allergic reaction, symptoms of which are shortness of breath, swelling of the face or throat, dizziness, itching and rash. When these symptoms should immediately seek medical attention - in some cases, such an allergic reaction quickly leads to death.

Safety measures

Contained in plantain active substances can disrupt the absorption of some vitamins and minerals, as well as warfarin Warfarin - indirect anticoagulants  Warfarin - indirect anticoagulants
 , Lithium, and digoxin. Those who take these drugs, it is better to postpone until the end of reception of psyllium treatment.

Treatment of thyroid herbs - among a wide range of medicinal plants

February 27, 2013

 thyroid medication herbs
 Use a variety of recipes available to the traditional medicine, it can be combined with the prescribed course of drug therapy or as the sole method of treatment. Everything is determined by the clinical picture of the disease. Very often, patients prefer monotherapy and decide to use only herbal remedies for therapeutic purposes. Treatment of thyroid herbs ensures normal functioning of the prostate, and the cure is to be sustained.

 Treatment of thyroid herbs - among a wide range of medicinal plants

Universal herb in the presence of thyroid pathology

With all the variety of medicinal plants can be selected herbs with a universal mechanism of therapeutic effects on prostate. This herb is considered white bloodroot. It is versatile, as it can be recommended for patients with reduced and increased function of the gland. The regulation of the functional activity of cancer occurs regardless of the level of hormone production, due to the presence of elemental iodine and iodic acid anion contained in the plant. Bloodroot in content of its constituent materials, has a high concentration of micronutrients such as magnesium, zinc, copper, iron, cobalt.

With the purpose of treatment drink alcohol tincture of the roots of Potentilla. To prepare it, you need to chop the root of the plant and fill it with one liter of vodka (per 100 grams of vegetable raw materials). Within a month, the infusion should be stored out of reach of sunlight (it can be dark dishes). The infusion of cinquefoil are advised to take shortly before the food in the amount of 30 drops. For a positive result it is necessary to spend a few treatment courses of one month, with a break between courses should be done in ten days. From a practical standpoint leaves Potentilla not find application in the treatment of thyroid diseases, since they have no sensitivity to iron.

 Treatment of thyroid herbs - among a wide range of medicinal plants

Plants in the fight against disease

Among the plants that are included in the medicine cabinet drug for diseases of the thyroid gland The thyroid gland - is responsible for your hormones  The thyroid gland - is responsible for your hormones
 Are the following, which were the most widespread in the case of the disease. These plants include:

  • herb Elecampane (flowers of the plant)
  • dried cherry bark
  • valerian root. The root is brewed with boiling water in a thermos (for one glass of water 10 grams of vegetable raw materials). A tablespoon of broth should be ready to drink up to six times a day
  • hawthorn flowers
  • grass, yarrow, celandine Celandine - a means-tested over the centuries  Celandine - a means-tested over the centuries
 , St. John's wort St. John's wort and its beneficial properties - whether a miracle?  St. John's wort and its beneficial properties - whether a miracle?
 , Nettle, as well as fruits of mountain ash, buckthorn. These plants are best shown at a reduced function of the gland. Make sure the diet should include carrots, cabbage, lettuce and fruits (apricot, currant)
  • herb sage Sage - cvyaschennaya grass  Sage - cvyaschennaya grass
   calendula flowers and help relieve inflammation in the case of an infectious nature of the disease process in iron (eg in thyroiditis)

Herbs have a therapeutic effect, thus there is a beneficial effect not only in the breast tissue, but also on the whole body .  On this basis, it developed a compound that was called "the elixir of health" .  To get it, it is necessary to mix carrot juice, beet and black radish with warm honey (all components are taken in the same amount one glass) .  The mixture is poured one liter of vodka .  For convenience you can prepare an elixir in three-liter jar .  Hereby mixture must in a refrigerator for two weeks .  During storage, the infusion should not be shaken and after just two weeks, it is recommended to drain the infusion .  Elixir should be taken before eating the food for half an hour to 30 g per reception .  During the day, it is enough to drink three times .  According to the available observations in the use of the elixir you can avoid surgery if the iron is increased and there is a question about its removal .  The treatment course is long to the complete disappearance of the crop, so to get a result, treatment can not be interrupted .  It is noted that at the termination of treatment, complete recovery does not occur, although there is a positive trend in reducing the size of an enlarged prostate .

Marina Solovyov

Article Tags:
  • thyroid medication
