Rose oil: luxury and smell good

July 7, 2011

 Many thousands of years ago, people learned about the queen of all flowers - the rose. Rose oil began to receive much later. Then the world learned about the wonderful properties of this gentle product: oil calms the heart, cure hundreds of diseases, harmonizes interior space and open the world subtle soul. Precious rose oil is rarely found on sale: due to the high cost it is often falsified.

 Rose oil: luxury and smell good

Production rose oil

A long way from China to Asia Minor, Rome, and Egypt rose bush did many centuries ago. For the first time to produce rose oil from the petals of a beautiful flower guessed in Persia, where the recipe has migrated to India, the Arabian Peninsula and in Europe. Today, the world's main center for the production of rose oil is considered to Bulgaria, where more than one hundred and fifty residents of small villages near the town of Kazanlak, engaged in manual collection and preparation of rose petals. In Germany, in Leipzig, in 1884 opened the plant Schimmel working on local raw materials. Produce rose oil in Italy, France, Morocco and Turkey.

Typically, for the production of essential oil of flowers removed after blooming, before sunrise, because at this time the largest in the petals of rose oil content. The petals are placed in the distillation pipe: Bulgaria - on fire in Germany - for a couple. Rosa cleaned of green cuttings, pour water several times: thus receive direct steam distillation of high quality oil.

The extraction method of obtaining the essential oil of rose petals are not widely used in the world because of the complexity and high cost. The most widely used rose oil found in the perfume industry for the production of cosmetic products with fragrances, food and confectionery - the production of beverages and candy and Pharmacology - for the preparation of ointments, creams and drops. Essential rose oil is used in aromatherapy and beauty massage.

 Rose oil: luxury and smell good

Properties and indications for use of essential oils

On the world market there are several types of essential oils: Rose Absolute, Rose Otto and Rose Oil (Rose essential oil). Appearance, aroma and effect on humans is largely dependent on the method of producing oil and country of origin. Use essential rose oil at elevated pressure, headaches, burns, arrhythmia, stomach ulcer, depression Depression - a little more than a bad mood  Depression - a little more than a bad mood
 , Insomnia, apathy, infectious diseases, varicose veins, constipation, nausea, during menstruation.

Excellent oil helps in the care of aging skin and body for dry and sensitive skin Sensitive skin: causes and care  Sensitive skin: causes and care
 , Stretch marks and postoperative sutures. It increases the elasticity of the skin, removes irritation and inflammation. Rose oil - a strong aphrodisiac Aphrodisiacs - cause desire where necessary  Aphrodisiacs - cause desire where necessary
 , Capable of attracting the opposite sex, a powerful antidepressant, increases vitality, relieve headaches caused by nervous overexcitement. Oil regulates cardiac arrhythmias, allergic eases itching and heals, disinfects wounds.

Rose oil is widely used in dentistry: the introduction into the cavity of carious teeth, it relieves pain for three or four hours. A few drops of oil added to a glass of water for rinsing the oral mucosa reliably disinfect bacteria. In diseases of the upper respiratory tract inhalation use rose oil: in a pan with hot water, add 8-10 drops of oil and breathe for 15 minutes under a towel.

On the central nervous system oil has a calming effect, it is a mild antidepressant, a sedative: facilitates feelings of fear, anger, suspicion, resentment, jealousy. Enough to drip a few drops in an aroma lamp Aroma - create an atmosphere  Aroma - create an atmosphere
   and light it in a place where the tears are pouring.

 Rose oil: luxury and smell good

It is interesting

Because of the high price of rose oil is rarely marketed natural, falsification and forgery subjected to almost the entire volume of this product. Often rose oil substitute oil rosewood, whose scent is strongly reminiscent of the smell of the royal flower. This exotic plant living in the Canary Islands, the oil obtained by distillation from a steam roots and wood, containing 3-5% essential oil.

In psychiatry, rose oil since ancient times been used as a tester of the psychological state of the patient. On the inside of the wrist a few drops of pure oil, half an hour later, it changed its flavor depending on the internal mood. In psychopaths and hysterics smell becomes acidic, strong character and sustainable psyche gave a tart flavor, while the romantics - the smell of roses in the Sahara.

Contraindications to the use of rose oil are idiosyncrasy odor treatment biochemistry, acceptance of homeopathic medicines and the first trimester of pregnancy.

Jeanne Pyatirikov

Article Tags:
  • oils

Flavolignany - Ambulance for liver

August 30, 2014

 Long life without pain and ailments, without weakness and problems - the dream of all people. And medicine is doing everything possible to bring this dream to fruition. Synthesize new drugs, and sometimes open the healing properties of plants familiar to mankind since ancient times. So it was opened flavolignany - substances found in milk thistle.


What flavolignany

The answer to the question, what is flavolignany find it is not so simple. This is primarily due to the fact that these substances have been discovered recently, and still can not say that they are fully understood. Accordingly, the information flavolignans quite contradictory.

Flavolignany belong to the group of flavonoids - substances which possess antioxidant properties and can neutralize free radicals.

As a rule, flavolignany isolated from milk thistle, in which they are contained in a significant amount. It is thanks to these substances thistle is considered a healing tool that can be used to treat many diseases. It plants emit flavolignany such as silybin, silychristin and silidian.


Milk Thistle: Introduction

Milk - a rather unattractive herb kind of bitmap. Homeland plants - the Mediterranean, but today thistle spread almost all over Europe and Asia. Prickly weed height up to two meters is considered to be mainly southern plant, because not tolerate low temperatures. However, milk thistle can be found in the north - in the dumps and vacant lots, forest glades and fields, and even in gardens.

From the usual thistle thistle different whitish "marble" patterns on the leaves. An old legend relates these spots with Jesus Christ: according to legend, drawing on the leaves was formed in contact with them the milk of the Virgin Mary. For this reason the thistle is sometimes called the thistle of the Virgin Mary.

It is difficult to say how it was that got the beautiful name of weeds. Perhaps the fact that the milk thistle in ancient times was considered a healing? This aggressive weed, from which many gardeners vainly looking for a way to get rid of, has unique properties.

Even in antiquity, milk thistle was used to treat a variety of diseases of the liver and biliary tract. This plant is mentioned in the works of Galen and Dioskrid. A thistle Avicenna considered an effective antidote to snake bites and insect. Seeds of the plant have long been used to treat diseases of the internal organs, while the leaves are used to treat ulcers, erysipelas and tumors.


Protection and restoration

It recognizes thistle and modern official medicine: Based on the plant created a lot of drugs for the treatment of liver diseases. Researchers claim that contained in milk thistle flavolignany successfully protect liver cells from negative influences and various toxins.

This flavolignany - is more than hepatoprotector. These substances contribute to the restoration of liver cells, including heavily damaged.

Preparations based on milk thistle used in the treatment of hepatitis and liver cirrhosis. They strengthen the membranes of liver cells (hepatocytes), improves metabolic processes and contribute to the regeneration of damaged cells.

Flavolignany protect hepatocytes from the toxins in alcohol and some medications, harmful effects on the liver. They prevent the degeneration of the liver, improve the function of the body, promote normal bile formation and excretion of bile. In addition, flavolignany have anti-inflammatory and can be used in the treatment of inflammatory processes in the liver, gallbladder and bile ducts.


Not just for the liver

Preparations based on milk thistle are recommended not only for those suffering from liver disease. The plant has been used successfully by cardiologists as a preventive measure, strengthens the heart and blood vessels. The toxicology of milk thistle used for chronic poisoning by alcohol, chemicals, drugs, and food poisoning. It is believed that milk thistle improves the tolerability of chemotherapy Chemotherapy - it always falls the hair?  Chemotherapy - it always falls the hair?
 Therefore extract of this plant is often recommended to cancer patients.

Outwardly milk thistle used in dermatology, cosmetology. Plant used in cooking: as an oil, tea, broth. Effectively this plant for weight loss.


Flavolignany and slimming

How to start the process of getting rid of the extra kilos? No, not a diet and not with the exercise, and to cleanse the body Cleansing the body - comprehensive restoration  Cleansing the body - comprehensive restoration
 . Alcohol, drugs, poor quality or artificial foods are bad for the liver, and as a result the body ceases to cope with their work. As a result, it is disintegrating digestion and the metabolism Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting  Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
 , There is an unhealthy appetite and there is excess weight.

Can I handle this? Yes, and it's quite easy. Sometimes enough course of treatment with hepatic to the liver was again function normally. And products based on milk thistle would be a perfect choice for such purification.



Flavolignany as such non-toxic and have no contraindications. But thistle oil or flour from this plant also contains other substances that can negatively affect health.

Before using the preparations of milk thistle is necessary to consult with your doctor. To refuse such medicines should be in mental and nervous disorders, diseases of the heart Heart disease and heart attacks: that every woman should know  Heart disease and heart attacks: that every woman should know
 , Gallstones, asthma.

Maria Bykov
