Infertility treatment sage - miraculous power plants

September 13, 2012

 infertility treatment sage
 Since ancient times it is known that sage Sage - cvyaschennaya grass  Sage - cvyaschennaya grass
   It has a broad spectrum of medicinal properties and this allows it to be successfully used in medical practice, including gynecological. According to some reports, this plant was used in prehistoric times as well as in ancient Egypt and Rome. In the Middle Ages sage it became even cure almost all known diseases at that time. Currently, its healing properties are continuing to study. Infertility treatment sage should be appointed only by a physician, as a preparation for the reception of the plant there are a number of contraindications.

 Infertility treatment sage - miraculous power plants

What useful properties has sage

In the course of a lot of studies have been opened those useful properties due to the presence of which is widely used sage. Containing essential oils, tannins, mineral salts and volatile provide the following therapeutic effects:

  • anti-inflammatory
  • antiseptic
  • hemostatic effect
  • astringent effect

If infertility in women is caused by an infectious factor, the problem with inflammatory diseases sage copes. In order to provide an anti-inflammatory effect, should be prepared to collect herbs that will complement each other medicinal properties. Sage mixed with grass, yarrow, rosemary, oak bark. Components collecting mixed in equal proportions and are filled with water in an amount of three liters. This mixture must infuse a night, after which it was already possible to boil for 30 minutes, then drain. The resulting mixture was used as a topical agent. As another optional component of the anti-gathering can use a daisy pharmacy.

For the treatment of infertility Infertility Treatment - What principles are priority  Infertility Treatment - What principles are priority
   Sage is used to normalize hormonal imbalance Hormonal disorders - oversupply and a lack of equally dangerous  Hormonal disorders - oversupply and a lack of equally dangerous
 . Against the background of his regular admission is a restoration of gonadal function. Sage is appointed for a long term, while it should not exceed more than three months. Women should drink a day for two cups of broth sage, which can be prepared as a tea. Two cups of boiled water is taken two tablespoons of raw materials and finished infused for twenty minutes. To improve the taste, you can add them to the broth a little lemon or honey.

 Infertility treatment sage - miraculous power plants

"Sacred Grass" sage and plant hormones

The sage contains a large number of plant or plant hormones that are similar to the female sex hormone or estrogen. Positive effect on the ability to conceive the use of extracts from sage seeds (treatment not only female but also male factor infertility). You can also drink fresh juice derived from the plant. The use of pure juice can lead to the development of allergic reactions Allergic reactions: how to understand why you tickle in the throat  Allergic reactions: how to understand why you tickle in the throat
 And in case of poisoning by overdoses of what needs to know the patient before treatment. To start receiving sage therapeutic purposes should be only after inspection and advice of the doctor.

For an infusion of seeds need one teaspoon of seeds, which insists on a glass of boiled water. The infusion should be insisted for a while, and then it can be drunk - twice, morning and evening. In order to increase fertility it is recommended to take this infusion immediately after a woman's menstrual period. For an even more pronounced effect to the Sage can add lime. If after receiving the sage within three months of a pregnancy does not occur, then repeat the course of treatment should be two months break.

Marina Solovyov

Article Tags:
  • traditional methods of infertility treatment

Euphorbia - quite toxic, but still useful

January 31, 2010

  • Euphorbia - quite toxic, but still useful
  • The botanical characteristics of milkweed

 In different parts of the world is growing more than two thousand species of milkweed from annual grasses to trees. Many of them are native to Africa and Madagascar, and most of them related to succulents.

Indians have long been used in the Western Hemisphere growing milkweed species for medical purposes, in particular for the treatment of skin infections (external) and gonorrhea (orally). Furthermore, in many regions spurge used as a laxative, as well as a remedy for rheumatism Rheumatic fever - are possible complications of heart  Rheumatic fever - are possible complications of heart
   and various skin disorders. However, almost all kinds of milkweed and are poisonous if fracture stem or leaf of a plant, stands caustic jelly. It has long been known that the spurge has antitussive, anti-fungal and anti-tumor effect.

Action milkweed has been investigated, but the experimental data is insufficient to draw definitive conclusions about its effectiveness, as well as its security.

 Euphorbia - quite toxic, but still useful

Chronic bronchitis

View spurge Euphorbia helioscopia useful for elderly patients, patients with chronic bronchitis Bronchitis - protection if the body has malfunctioned  Bronchitis - protection if the body has malfunctioned
   - It has been shown in clinical trials. However, data are insufficient to recommend that doctors could milkweed as an effective remedy.

 Euphorbia - quite toxic, but still useful


The study of the actions of one of the types of spurge - Euphorbia acaulis, is still in the beginning, but we can assume that it will be useful both in dry and in wet eczema.

 Euphorbia - quite toxic, but still useful


It was found that alkaloid with spurge Euphorbia fisheriana, has anticonvulsant effect, making it potentially useful for patients with epilepsy Epilepsy - a sacred disease  Epilepsy - a sacred disease

 Euphorbia - quite toxic, but still useful

Inflammation in the oral cavity

We studied the effect of Euphorbia balsamifera on patients pulpitis Pulpit: what to do to not get on the table of the surgeon?  Pulpit: what to do to not get on the table of the surgeon?
 . Euphorbia showed high efficacy, but further study is needed.

However, today you can buy a spurge in many pharmacies - it is sold as a dietary supplement. It - Euphorbia resinifera, type of milkweed that grows in the north-west and central Africa. It's quite a large plant with fleshy leaves, like a cactus. This euphorbia used as a medicine by the ancient Greeks, Romans and Egyptians. Types of milkweed that grows in Russia, too, have long been used in folk medicine. With its help get rid of warts, age spots and dry calluses; it, as in many other regions, used as a laxative and remedy for skin diseases.

 Euphorbia - quite toxic, but still useful

How to prepare spurge

Now, despite the insufficient scientific data, spurge in the different countries are used as anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anti-viral and anti-fungal agent. It is also used as a medicine against dysentery, digestive problems, hay fever, parasites.

Euphorbia should be collected before flowering or during flowering. It can zasushivat or boil the juice out of it. For intake needed to brew tea or cook tincture milkweed. Fill the flowers and stems of the plant vodka and put in a dark cool place for at least two weeks. Begin to make the tincture milkweed to 0.25 teaspoons and gradually increase the dosage to one teaspoon. When you decide to end the reception, you need to gradually reduce the dose.

Despite the recommendations of traditional medicine, do not attempt to self-treat using milkweed diseases such as eczema, stomach ulcers, epilepsy, and so on. These are serious diseases that require professional assistance.
