Adenomyosis - treatment of folk remedies can also help - Leeches

July 31, 2013

  • Adenomyosis - treatment of folk remedies can also help
  • Herbs
  • Borovaya womb
  • Leeches

 adenomyosis treatment with leeches

Adenomyosis treatment with leeches - whether there is in this sense?

Treatment of adenomyosis leeches in medicine is practiced for a long time. Today, most of the complex treatment of adenomyosis introduced courses hirudotherapy - treatment with leeches. This method is used more often, it is the same as herbal medicines, can potentiate (enhance) the effectiveness of medical treatment.

 Leeches | Adenomyosis - treatment of folk remedies can also help

How do leeches

Leeches - a segmented worms with oral sucker and special prisasyvatelnym disk on the back end. There are many kinds of leeches, but with the purpose of treatment is used only one kind - medical leech. This species of leeches are not so often, so specially bred medical leeches. Contain them in special nurseries, where they come to hospitals.

After contact with skin leeches attach themselves to it, highlighting the special secret - hirudin, is a potent anticoagulant (a substance lowering blood clotting ability). The composition of the secretions of leeches also includes substances histamine, expanding capillaries. In this regard, the exchange rate of girudoterapii women with heavy bleeding, contra - bleeding may increase.

However, the attending physician may decide the method will bring the patient benefits when applied at a time when no hemorrhages. The fact that these leeches have properties that are useful in the treatment of adenomyosis Adenomyosis - treatment should be individualized  Adenomyosis - treatment should be individualized
 . First of all, it is a regulating effect on the whole body, including on the system of the cerebral cortex - the hypothalamus - pituitary - ovary. Such a mild regulating effect is particularly effective in the early stages of the disease. Leeches also have anti-inflammatory, resolving (with adenomyosis is almost always in the uterine cavity formed adhesions, and in the wall of the uterus will grow connective tissue) and analgesic effect, relieve muscle tension and spasms, reduce pain during menstruation, relieve tissue edema and congestion in the veins, improve blood circulation.

Today hirudotherapy is also the occasion for the techniques of reflexology Reflexology - a policy of non-drug therapies  Reflexology - a policy of non-drug therapies
 That is, leeches are placed on certain points associated with a particular organ. Reflectring leeches significantly enhances the therapeutic effect of hirudotherapy.

The secret of leeches also has excellent immunomodulating effect, which is very important for adenomyosis. And if the main cause of adenomyosis was a violation of immunity, the woman may experience significant improvement, whereas the use of hormones was not as effective.

 Leeches | Adenomyosis - treatment of folk remedies can also help


Courses girudoterapii conducted by a physician. This is a medical procedure that is also held by a physician who has received special training. Leeches are used only medical disposable, and then recycled.

Girudoterapii effective rate will be at adenomyosis in the initial stages, when there are no significant blood loss. In such cases, doctors are increasingly include leech therapy in the complex treatment. Many women report significant improvement after a course of hirudotherapy. Pain during menstruation becomes less sharp are cramping, and autonomic effects such as nausea, vomiting, headaches, which often occur in women with adenomyosis Adenomyosis - avoid constant stress  Adenomyosis - avoid constant stress
   before menstruation.

As a result of this treatment is a gradual but lasting normalization of hormonal and immune system, eliminates stagnation of venous blood in the uterine wall. Resolving the action of saliva of leeches can reduce the spread of adhesions.

In the later stages, when starting heavy blood loss, the use of hirudotherapy is contraindicated.

 Leeches | Adenomyosis - treatment of folk remedies can also help


Application girudoterapii contraindicated in bleeding disorders, bleeding disorders, iron deficiency anemia of heavy and prolonged menstrual periods, and intermenstrual bleeding (menorrhagia and metrorrhagia), low blood pressure, pregnancy and nursing Breastfeeding - a personal choice  Breastfeeding - a personal choice
   feeding. All of these contraindications are generally present in adenomyosis. That is why hirudotherapy in any case can not be used without the knowledge of the physician.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • Treatment of adenomyosis

Adenomyosis - treatment of folk remedies can also help - Borovaya uterus

July 31, 2013

  • Adenomyosis - treatment of folk remedies can also help
  • Herbs
  • Borovaya womb
  • Leeches

 adenomyosis and upland uterus

Adenomyosis and upland uterus

Adenomyosis and upland uterus - will help you weed? So sometimes you do not want to take different medicines of chemical origin. And now, it turns out, there is a magic herbal remedy that has long been used to treat adenomyosis. How could I not try? Such actions and lead to the rapid spread of adenomyosis when the "chemistry" has already become powerless. So is it possible to apply at adenomyosis upland uterus?

 Borovoy of the uterus | Adenomyosis - treatment of folk remedies can also help

Borovaya womb (ortiliya sided) - botanical characteristics

Borovoy of the uterus is a perennial herb of the family of heather. This low grass with oval leaves, flowers in the form of small white bells, gathered in a kind of brush and creeping along the ground stems. It blooms in late June - early July, the fruits appear in August - a small round boxes. This plant grows in the woods, in a swampy area in the European part of our country, Siberia and the Far East. As a medicinal plant used grass and flowers.

 Borovoy of the uterus | Adenomyosis - treatment of folk remedies can also help

The chemical composition and the effect of upland uterus to a woman's body

The present composition upland uterus variety of biologically active substances, which have not only therapeutic, but also toxic effects. Borovoy of the uterus is not entered in the register allowed for the use of medicinal plants, as its structure has not been studied, but the toxic side effects are known. It is known that in the leaves of many upland uterus arbutin and flavonoids.

Arbutin - a substance that decomposes in the body metabolic products, has significant anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. Action arbutine supported the action of flavonoids, which also have anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, anti-tumor, immune-stimulating properties that inhibit the action of toxic free radicals (antioxidant effect). But Borovoy of the uterus also contains coumarin, which reduce rolling capacity of the blood, which makes the use of this herb when adenomyosis Adenomyosis - avoid constant stress  Adenomyosis - avoid constant stress
   dangerous - may increase bleeding.

However, this herb has been used for centuries by traditional healers to treat gynecological disorders, including the treatment of endometriosis, uterine body - adenomyosis. It is believed that the upland uterus inhibits the action of the female sex hormones estrogen, which are the main "culprits" of adenomyosis. But such assumptions have not been confirmed by research and clinical trials.

Such conflicting information about the structure and mechanism of action of upland uterus, making this herb is dangerous, especially for women suffering from heavy and prolonged bleeding. Possibly, it may be used and in some cases for treating adenomyosis Adenomyosis - treatment should be individualized  Adenomyosis - treatment should be individualized
 But clearly not all. Apply a plant can only physician who knows the patient, its main and concomitant diseases and already has experience prescribing upland uterus for the treatment of adenomyosis.

 Borovoy of the uterus | Adenomyosis - treatment of folk remedies can also help

Can I buy upland uterus at the pharmacy?

It turns out you can. Today, it is available as a biologically active food additive in the form of droplets in vials of 50 ml, as well as herbs in packs of 30 g and filter bags 2 g (20 packets per pack). BAA Borovoy of the uterus - is a means of improving the function of the genitourinary system, which also has a diuretic effect. Apply with gynecological diseases, diseases of the urinary tract and prostate cancer (mostly inflammatory).

BAA Borovaja uterus contains arbutin, hydroquinone, coumarins, vitamin C, flavonoids, saponins, trace elements and other. The instructions indicate that an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory action due BUD hydroquinone released into the body when arbutin hydrolysis by enzymes and acids. By stimulating the renal epithelium, arbutin has a diuretic effect.

BAA Borovaya womb accelerates resolution of inflammatory processes in diseases of the female and male urogenital. It improves the function of the genitourinary system, a diuretic. Effective gynecological diseases, inflammatory diseases of the kidney, bladder, prostate gland.

Alcohol tincture of upland uterus apply for an hour before eating 30-35 drops three times a day, diluted with water or juice.

Grass upland uterus is prepared as follows: 10 grams of grass pour a glass of boiled water, 15 minutes, strain, wring out and take a tablespoon 3-4 times a day for an hour before a meal. Duration of reception - from two weeks to a month. You can repeat the course next month.

Contraindications reception BUD Borovoy of the uterus in its body are hypersensitive woman, pregnancy and nursing Breastfeeding - a personal choice  Breastfeeding - a personal choice
   feeding. Side effects are known BUD nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms  Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms
   and allergic reactions.

Manufacturers BUD Borovoy of the uterus (the Russian company Evalar) is recommended before using consult your doctor.

Borovoy of the uterus - is herbal, which should be used by a physician.
