Treatment of sarcoidosis folk remedies - very carefully

October 20, 2013

 Treatment of sarcoidosis folk remedies
 Treatment of sarcoidosis folk remedies possible, especially in the initial stages of the disease. But it can be done only on prescription. For the treatment used herbal drugs have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant action.

 Treatment of sarcoidosis folk remedies - very carefully

Treatment of sarcoidosis folk remedies - is there a point?

Sarcoidosis is a systemic disease in which the result of hereditary characteristics of immunity in a patient under the influence of various external factors (usually well-tolerated other people) is developing specific pathological process in the form of inflammatory nodules - granulomas. The true causes of the disease, no one knows, although since its first description has been more than 150 years. For the treatment of this disease are used glucocorticoid hormones, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, drugs that suppress the immune system and anti-depressants.

Sarcoidosis - it is a rare disease and unexplored.

Traditional medicine in our country has no experience of his treatment. But such experience in oriental medicine. And it can be used, but only under medical supervision.

 Treatment of sarcoidosis folk remedies - very carefully

What does the Tibetan Medicine

Tibetan medicine for the treatment of sarcoidosis offers licorice root, honey, sea buckthorn fruit, ginseng root, kernel apricot pits.

Licorice root has an effect similar to glucocorticoid hormones - actively reduces inflammation. Therefore, drugs based on licorice will certainly be useful in sarcoidosis:

  • licorice root infusion: 2 tablespoons dried minced root pour 1, 5 cups of boiling water, in a thermos for two hours, drain, squeeze and take half a cup 3 times a day for a month; After a month break, the treatment can be repeated. Do not use licorice during pregnancy.

The kernels apricot kernels contain vitamin B15, fatty oils and glycoside amygdalin, which has toxic properties and gives the kernels a bitter taste. Amygdalin has antineoplastic and immunosuppressive properties (suppresses the immune system), so it can also have a positive impact in sarcoidosis. But the number of nucleoli apricots shall not exceed seven pieces a day. Sarcoidosis of the lungs - the treatment of folk remedies using the following formulation:

  • decoction of the root elecampane with apricot: tablespoon dried minced root elecampane pour a glass of hot water, simmer for 15-20 minutes, three minutes before the end of cooking, add the broth 7 (no more!) crushed nucleoli apricot; the broth to cool, strain and take on a third cup 3 times a day for half an hour before meals for three weeks; repeat the course can only be a month.

Another plant that is used in Tibetan medicine for the treatment of sarcoidosis - buckthorn. It is also quite justified, because of the sea buckthorn oil contains vitamin E, which has antioxidant action. In the treatment of sarcoidosis are always assigned to anti-oxidants, as in this disease in the cells of the tissues produced increased amounts of free radicals that have a toxic effect on the body and inhibits the action of other drugs. You can cook:

  • seabuckthorn fruit infusion: 25 buckthorn berries thoroughly rinsed under running water, fill a thermos cup of boiling water and infuse for four hours; Then strain, wring out and drink during the day; course of treatment - at least three months; particularly suitable is the treatment of sarcoidosis skin Sarcoidosis of the skin - one of the most common forms of the disease  Sarcoidosis of the skin - one of the most common forms of the disease
  • in the pharmacy you can buy sea buckthorn oil and make it into a teaspoon 2-3 times a day for three weeks; sea ​​buckthorn oil is contraindicated in diseases of the liver, biliary tract and pancreas.

Honey can be added to any cooked vegetable preparations. In addition to improving the taste of it also has a positive effect on metabolic processes, as is composed of a lot of biologically active substances, macro-and micronutrients.

 Treatment of sarcoidosis folk remedies - very carefully

That offer traditional healers

Traditional healers offer for sarcoidosis Sarcoidosis - treatment of systemic disease  Sarcoidosis - treatment of systemic disease
   eat more onions and garlic Garlic health: almost a panacea  Garlic health: almost a panacea
   - Contained in the volatile these plants have a positive effect on metabolism Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting  Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
 . Furthermore, onion and garlic are used to treat chronic skin diseases including sarcoidosis skin.

Folk healers recommend as necessary to include in the diet of oatmeal and buckwheat porridge - they also contribute to the improvement of patients with sarcoidosis.

Sarcoidosis - national treatment method can be justified, but traditional medicine does not have much experience in treating this disease. Yet the little knowledge that has in its arsenal, can be used to treat the condition under medical supervision.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • sarcoidosis

Treatment of bacterial vaginosis folk remedies - whether the result?

May 31, 2014

 folk remedies treatment of bacterial vaginosis
 Treatment of bacterial vaginosis folk remedies is possible, but only on prescription and conducting laboratory testing - quantitative content gardnerellas contents of the vagina. Folk remedies it is possible to achieve a reduction of the volume of conditionally pathogenic microflora of the vagina and strengthen the immune system of women.


Basic principles of treatment of bacterial vaginosis

Bacterial vaginosis - vaginal bacteria overgrowth is, which is characterized by excessive growth of pathogenic microflora (in this case gardnerellas) and a decrease in the amount of normal microflora. In the treatment of bacterial vaginosis is no question about the total destruction of gardnerellas, as they are natural inhabitants of the woman's vagina.

Treatment of bacterial vaginosis - this suppression of life gardnerellas using antibacterial agents, restoration of normal acidity of the vagina, the restoration of general and local immunity.


Treatment of bacterial vaginosis folk remedies with antibacterial effect

Antibacterial action have many plants. For the treatment of bacterial vaginosis douching fit with infusions of camomile, St. John's wort, sage. They are brewed at the rate of 2 tablespoons dried minced raw in a glass of boiling water.

Inside you can take an infusion of pine buds, which has an antibacterial effect: a tablespoon of crushed dried pine buds to fill in a thermos, pour 500 ml of boiling water and leave for the night; morning infusion of strain, squeeze and take in the form of heat for half a cup 4 times a day for half an hour before meals. The course of treatment - 2 weeks.

Effective in bacterial vaginosis, tea tree oil, which can be taken orally and used for local procedures. As a general tonic and antibacterial tea tree oil is taken orally 1 drop (dissolved in a tablespoon of milk) twice a day. The course of treatment - 3-4 weeks, after a week's break, it can be repeated.

Bacterial vaginosis, and tea tree oil Tea tree oil  Tea tree oil
   in the form of vaginal tampons. Please prepare an oil solution for tampons: 10 ml of any boiled vegetable oil was added 5 drops of tea tree oil. Oil soaked swabs and inserted into the vagina at night and in the morning removed. Procedures are carried out every other day, a course of 10-12 is required. At intervals of a week spend two more courses.

Bacterial vaginosis and homeopathy - it is also quite acceptable combination. Available in homeopathic medicines, which are used in the treatment of pelvic inflammatory disease. For example, ginekohel and calendula Nam.

Drops for oral homeopathic ginekohel (Biologishe Haylmittel pharmaceutical company Heel, Germany) is taken orally, 10 drops, dissolved in 30 ml of water, 3 times a day. The course of treatment - 2-3 weeks under the supervision of a physician. In exacerbations - 10 drops every 15 minutes (for 2 hours).

Rectal suppositories homeopathic calendula MD (Dr. N. Ltd., Russia) injected into the rectum 1 suppository 1 time a day at night after the hygiene procedures. The course of treatment - 2-3 weeks.


Changes in vaginal acidity

Traditional medicine recommends the use of douches and hip baths with apple cider vinegar. Vinegar for these procedures is diluted at the rate tablespoon per cup of boiling water. The procedures recommended daily for two weeks.

The same can be done with irrigation 2-3% lactic acid or used for the purpose of vaginal suppositories Vaginal suppositories - for contraception and treatment of inflammation  Vaginal suppositories - for contraception and treatment of inflammation
   femileks that inserted into the vagina once a day at night for 10 days.


Strengthening the body's defenses

In order to strengthen immunity Strengthening the immune system - help the immune system  Strengthening the immune system - help the immune system
   You can drink the infusion of black currant leaves 2 tablespoons dried or fresh leaves brew two cups of boiled water, half an hour, strain, wring out and drink in the form of heat for half a cup 4 times a day for half an hour before meals; course of treatment - 2 months.

Honey and aloe Aloe - its amazing healing properties  Aloe - its amazing healing properties
   You can cook a fortifying agent: 150 g leaves (with spines edge should be cut) crush hands and pour 300 ml of hot honey, do not boil; insist night, heat, strain and take 5-10 g in the morning an hour before meals for a month.

Gardnerella and homeopathy. To strengthen the local immunity and as anti-inflammatory agent can be used rectal suppositories homeopathic api-plus (Dr. N. Ltd., Russia); suppositories are administered into the rectum, one for the night after the hygiene procedures. The course of treatment - 8 weeks.

To restore the hormonal levels can be used homeopathic drops for oral gormel CH (Biologishe Haylmittel Heel, Germany). They take 10 drops, dissolved in 100 ml of water three times a day, half an hour before a meal or 1 hour after a meal. The course of treatment - 1-3 months.

Treatment of bacterial vaginosis folk remedies should be carried out by your doctor.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • gardnerellez
