Treatment with linseed oil - a wide range of applications

May 31, 2014

  • Treatment with linseed oil - a wide range of applications
  • Properties
  • For good health
  • In folk medicine,

 treated with linseed oil
 Treatment of linseed oil is quite common, but it should be done carefully. Therefore, you should learn about the linseed oil as much as possible.

Before we talk about how to be treated with linseed oil, it is worth saying a few words about its varieties, as well as about the cases in which its use can be unsafe.

There are three main types of linseed oil:

  • Net oil containing very little of the nutrients that are rich in flaxseed, in particular - lignans (these beneficial phenolic compounds in a particularly large number contained in the shell of flaxseed. Flaxseed oil is used in medicine, among other things, because of the medicinal properties of lignans );
  • Oil, moderately enriched lignans. Since oil is usually enriched with the help of ground flaxseed, and these oils are more expensive than unenriched, many people prefer to buy cheaper linseed oil and mix it with their own flaxseed, or use it separately;
  • The upgraded oil with a high concentration of lignans (such oils may be labeled as «high-lignan»).

Currently, there are no strict standards as to how many should be in the lignan enriched oils; As a rule, the concentration ranges from 5 to 40 mg per tablespoon.

We often hear concerns about the safety of the use of linseed oil in the therapeutic and prophylactic purposes .  One of the most common concerns related to the fact that flaxseed oil is rapidly oxidized and loses its beneficial properties, or even becomes harmful when exposed to heat and light .  This is true when buying flax oil, be sure to pay attention to the quality and packaging .  It is best stored flaxseed oil, cold pressed, poured into an opaque container .  Linseed oil, which does not add natural antioxidants such as vitamin E, should be transported only in refrigerators - if this rule has been broken, the oil is already on the way to the customer may lose some of their useful properties .  For this reason, buying flax oil should only be from reliable sellers with good reputation .  Once you have opened the bottle of oil, it must be stored in the refrigerator .


Contraindications for treatment with linseed oil

Linseed oil in high doses (30 mg or more per day) may cause diarrhea. Patients who have diseases that cause diarrhea, and those who take laxatives or herbs that have a laxative effect, you need to refrain from the use of flaxseed oil.

Scientists have not yet come to a final conclusion as linseed oil affects the course of pregnancy, but there is reason to believe that its use may increase the chance of premature birth. For this reason, pregnant women are advised not to consume flaxseed oil. During the period of breast-feeding to accept it is also not recommended because it is very little information about what quantities of the components are excreted in milk, and how they affect the child.

Some substances consisting of linseed oil in certain cases may increase the risk of severe bleeding. Patients who have bleeding disorders and those who are taking blood-thinning medications should not take flax seed oil Linseed oil - the healing properties of a beautiful flower  Linseed oil - the healing properties of a beautiful flower
   without prior consultation with the doctor. For this reason, reception of linseed oil should be stopped at least two weeks before any surgical operation.

Linseed oil also is not recommended in combination with drugs that lower blood pressure (e.g., captopril, enalapril, losartan, valsartan, hydrochlorothiazide, and others).

We must be careful when taking herbs and supplements. For example, fish oil and nettle Fish oil - so whether it is useful to think?  Fish oil - so whether it is useful to think?
   may decrease blood pressure, and garlic, ginger Ginger and the most unexpected, but pleasant useful properties  Ginger and the most unexpected, but pleasant useful properties
 , Clove Carnation: exquisite aromatherapy  Carnation: exquisite aromatherapy
   gingko biloba and thin the blood.

One component of linseed oil - alpha-linolenic acid, is a form of omega-3. This value shall be a lot of useful properties, in particular the ability to prevent the development of certain cardiovascular diseases. But in the late 20th century, it was reported that the consumption of large amounts of alpha-linolenic acid may increase the risk of prostate cancer. In all studies on the subject, describes consumption of alpha-linoleic acid in general, and not only because of linseed oil. However, flaxseed oil in oncology should be used very carefully, and patients who have a family or personal history have prostate cancer, it is better to refrain from doing or to take it in very moderate amounts, and only with the permission of the attending physician.

Harm of linseed oil - which we do not know?

May 28, 2014

 harm linseed oil
 The benefits of flaxseed oil in recent years, said a lot. It refers to those products, which have become especially popular among supporters of a healthy lifestyle, seeking to include in the diet of the most valuable food, and use of food additives instead of the usual natural products. But what do we know about the damage to the linseed oil?

As so often happens, the rising popularity of flax oil have contributed to a greater extent not scientists and media professionals and manufacturers of organic products, which began to replicate the preliminary results of research, without going into details.


Harmful if flaxseed oil?

This question can not be answered unequivocally. If you simply add flax oil to salads and other dishes, replace the hydrogenated fats, this will not be anything but good. But the use of linseed oil as a dietary supplement causes some concern among experts.

For example, often can be heard, that linseed oil called source of omega-3, which can be an alternative to fish oil.

The benefits of omega-3, it seems, no one disputes - the substance helps prevent certain cardiovascular diseases, strengthens the immune system, improves mood, and so on. Furthermore, the omega-3 may lead to normal irregular rhythm, and are therefore considered to be particularly useful in the various forms of arrhythmia, such as atrial fibrillation. The main source of omega-3 fish oil is Fish oil - so whether it is useful to think?  Fish oil - so whether it is useful to think?
 And its best obtained clearly from fatty fish (salmon, herring, mackerel, and so on). The portions of fish weighing 90-100 grams contains about one gram of omega-3, and the RDA for a healthy person is 1-1.5 g; those who are at increased risk of developing cardiovascular disease, can consume up to 5-7 grams of omega-3 per day. People who for whatever reason do not want to or can not every day or at least 3-4 times a week to eat fish or take fish oil supplements are often recommended to use linseed oil Linseed oil - the healing properties of a beautiful flower  Linseed oil - the healing properties of a beautiful flower

Speaking about the benefits of omega-3, the scientists usually mean two forms - eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). The flaxseed oil contains a third form of omega-3 plant origin - alpha linolevovaya acid. It is also in some other foods and oils, such as walnuts and soybean oil. One tablespoon of flaxseed oil contains about seven grams of omega-3, and it is considered one of the richest sources of unsaturated acids of this type. The problem is that in order to benefit from the good qualities attributed to omega-3, the body must convert alpha-linolenic acid to EPA or DHA. As a result, the body gets a tablespoon of only about 700 mg of nutrients - it's a little less than the daily requirement, and much less seven milligrams, which often claim manufacturers of linseed oil, for promotional purposes.

All anything, but some people - usually those who do not like fish - makes flaxseed oil only source of omega-3 in their diets. And if a healthy person one or two tablespoons of oil may be enough to cover the daily requirement of EPA and DHA, for the people who are at increased risk for heart disease and for those who have already been identified heart disease, it is not enough. Doctors believe that flax oil can be in addition to omega-3 obtained from fish oil, but it can not replace them. Relying on linseed oil, excluding fish from the diet, harmful and potentially dangerous. Experts also recommend not count on the use of linseed oil in the treatment of disorders such as attention deficit disorder Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) - how to help fidget?  Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) - how to help fidget?
   hyperactivity disorder, atherosclerosis and diabetes. Its effectiveness as a treatment for these diseases has not yet been proven.



However, associated with linseed oil and a lot more serious risks. Talking about what is harmful flaxseed oil, not to mention dangerous and is a fairly common disease, such as cancer of the prostate. Contained therein alpha-linolenic acid is associated with an increased risk of prostate cancer in healthy men, and also the threat of a serious deterioration in people who are already sick of this type of cancer.

Linseed oil is not recommended during the second and third trimester of pregnancy, as it increases the likelihood of premature birth. Before taking flaxseed oil How to take flaxseed oil: about the course of treatment  How to take flaxseed oil: about the course of treatment
   in early pregnancy, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

Nursing women should avoid eating flaxseed oil, as it is unclear how it affects the composition of breast milk and the baby's health.

In addition, flaxseed oil may increase the risk of bleeding, so it should not be consumed by people who are taking blood thinning medication (such as aspirin, naproxen, heparin, warfarin), as well as those who are soon to be any surgery.

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  • linseed oil
