Acupressure - the invention of ancient Chinese medicine, which is closely related to the philosophy, ideas about the world and the unity of all living and nonliving. With this massage, working on specific points on the body surface, it is possible to restore the functions of any organs and systems, relieves pain, irritability
Irritability - you try to control my temper
, Improve mood.
Ancient Chinese doctrine of the chi energy movement
According to the beliefs of ancient Chinese doctors in the human body is constantly moving life energy (chi). That chi makes all organs and systems to function properly. If the motion of chi is disrupted, the disease develops. All diseases are associated with an excess or (stagnation, fullness) or negative (vacuum) chi.
The energy of chi moving on certain meridians (there are in the human body 20: 12 major and 8 extraordinary, "miraculous"). In the course of the meridians there are points on the surface of the body (acupuncture points - TA - the point of entry and exit chi), acting on that can be sent chi in either direction, that is, reduce or increase the fullness or emptiness of a body, which will lead to recovery.
As the selected acupuncture points to treat various zschabolevany
For the treatment of various diseases for certain TA act in different ways: by using acupuncture
Acupuncture - the ancient traditions in the service of modern science
(Zhen), cautery (chiu) or a massage. All these impacts are a part of modern science - reflexology.
TA Selection for acupressure
Acupressure - Eastern practices in the service of modern science
It carried out according to certain rules, developed in ancient China and is closely related to the ancient Chinese philosophy. In order to select the TA, you must first make a diagnosis, to determine which authority and how it affected (there is the fullness or emptiness). It is very difficult: the ancient Chinese doctors were trained in the art of Zhen-chiu therapy for decades before they are allowed to work independently. Nowadays reflexology
Reflexology - a policy of non-drug therapies
can deal with the doctor - neurologist, trained and certified specialist in acupuncture.
Technique of acupressure
For proper acupressure using different techniques, depending on the excess or deficiency chi has a diseased organ. Acupressure techniques: one-finger stabbing, kneading and finger nail prick.
The most commonly used technique one-finger stabbing. Massage is carried out middle finger, which is at right angles to the surface of the skin. One-finger stabbing is performed in three steps, all three steps are repeated three to five times:
- TA feel for the middle finger and press down on it; slight pressure at first, then growing, a finger deep into the tissue and stops;
- vibrating finger movements increase impact on AT;
- vibratory motion finish, finger pressure gradually weakens until it stops completely, but the finger for some time does not take away from the skin.
As a result of the impact of the movement of chi is restored meridian removed pathogenic energies.
Technique finger kneading. Kneading is conducted thumb pressure is accompanied by a helical movement of the finger with the displacement of the skin. Such exposure activates the circulation of energy and blood, relieve muscle spasm, swelling and pain.
Acupressure - recipes for various diseases and conditions
The doctors of ancient China and modern reflexologist TA for a particular exposure to selected individually for each patient. But there is a standard set of TA (recipes) for certain diseases and conditions.
When a headache in the forehead massaged point Wan-gu, located on the back-line elbow hand at the wrist, where determined by a small depression.
When headaches in the parietal region massaged point buy-hui - is located in the parietal region at the intersection of the rear of the median line and an imaginary line connecting the top of the folded forward ears.
For colds massage points:
- da chzhuy - is located in a recess of I thoracic vertebra (to reduce fever);
- Hae-gu - is located in the groove between the bones of the thumb and forefinger (relieves nasal congestion);
- fei shu - located on either side of the spine under the third thoracic vertebra, otsupiv aside about 3 cm (relieves compulsive cough).
When syncope produce nail prick to the point buy-hui. If fails, the pressure in the same manner alternately on the tips of the fingers against the nail.
Acupressure in the right hands can have a great regulating effect and take the unpleasant symptoms of various diseases.
Galina Romanenko
Article Tags:
- massages,
- home environment