Swollen lymph nodes - a sign of trouble in the body

October 19, 2012

 swollen lymph nodes
 Lymph nodes have a protective function - they protect the body from pathogens and the spread of malignant tumors. In the presence of purulent infection in the body lymph nodes initially tried to fight it, and then themselves become inflamed.

 Swollen lymph nodes - a sign of trouble in the body

Reactive changes in inflammation in the lymph nodes of organs and tissues

Most often in the lymph nodes the picture of reactive inflammation in response to infectious and inflammatory processes in the near or distant organs. The increase in lymph nodes can be expressed to varying degrees in mainly due to hyperplasia and edema Hyperplasia - do not be afraid  Hyperplasia - do not be afraid
   (growths) tissue. Process enlarged lymph nodes associated with the immune response to inflammation in other organs. Lymph nodes are enlarged, painful and not soldered to surrounding tissues.

Reactive changes in the lymph nodes or lead to the suppression of infections caused by inflammation, or to be involved in the process of lymph node.

 Swollen lymph nodes - a sign of trouble in the body

Inflammatory changes in the lymph nodes

Lymph nodes are inflamed in the case when they become infected with the flow of lymph or the blood and immune system can not suppress it. Inflammation of the lymph node is called lymphadenitis. This disease is in most cases is secondary, that is developed on the background of some other inflammation - a sore throat, thrombophlebitis, boils, abscesses, cellulitis, and so on. Primary lymphadenitis may occur only as a result of injury, in which the infection goes directly into the lymph node.

Depending on the nature and location of the main inflammatory lymph nodes may be increased slightly or very much, have a different texture and appearance. In addition, inflammatory processes in lymph nodes can occur acutely and chronically. Depending on the nature of inflammation distinguish serous, hemorrhagic, fibrinous and suppurative lymphadenitis.

Pathogens may be pyogenic bacteria (primarily staphylococci) in this case is called a nonspecific inflammation as it occurs equally in different pathogens. There are also specific inflammation of the lymph nodes, each with its own particular characteristic of a single disease (tuberculosis, actinomycosis, syphilis, etc.).

 Swollen lymph nodes - a sign of trouble in the body

How are swollen lymph nodes at nonspecific lymphadenitis

In acute nonspecific lymphadenitis of involvement of the lymph nodes says they increase in size and redness of the skin over them. First, inflammation is catarrhal (serous) character without festering. The general condition of the patient is not suffering, painful lymph nodes moderately and not soldered to surrounding tissues.

If the process in this step is not stopped, it can take purulent. This inflamed and swollen lymph nodes, not only for yourself Lymph nodes - what keeps our immune system  Lymph nodes - what keeps our immune system
 But also the surrounding tissues, the lymph nodes are soldered to them in a single conglomerate. At the same time the temperature rises sharply, there is a fever, headache and other symptoms of intoxication.

Especially hard lymphadenitis phlegmonous occur when the pus is not limited to the capsule and can spread through the lymphatic and blood vessels, causing general poisoning of the body - sepsis.

Treatment inflamed lymph nodes depends on the stage of the process. The initial stage (before the formation of an abscess) treated conservatively with antibiotics and physiotherapy. If the abscess began, will only surgery - opening the abscess.

Chronic inflammation of the lymph nodes Inflammation of the lymph nodes - when it comes to infection  Inflammation of the lymph nodes - when it comes to infection
   occurs against a background of acute lymphadenitis or undertreated develops gradually in the body in the presence of a constant source of infection. Most such centers are diseases of the teeth and the upper respiratory tract - caries, chronic tonsillitis, sinusitis and so on. In this case, lymph node under the influence of the inflammatory process involves the proliferation of lymphoid tissues, and it increases in size. Suppurating lymph nodes are extremely rare. Outwardly, they look enlarged, moderately painful (painful or not at all), not soldered to surrounding tissues. Gradually, the lymphoid tissue in the lymph nodes is replaced by connective tissue and reducing their function. This can lead to disruption of lymph circulation and edema.

 Swollen lymph nodes - a sign of trouble in the body

How are inflamed lymph nodes under specific lymphadenitis

When specific lymphadenitis lymph node status is dependent on the underlying disease. For example, in tuberculous lymphadenitis most frequently affects the intrathoracic lymph nodes (tuberculous bronchoadenitis). This is the initial manifestation of a general disease organism, which can only be seen on X-rays. TB bronchoadenitis treated according to the rules of treatment of tuberculosis Treatment of tuberculosis - a lengthy process and requires constant monitoring  Treatment of tuberculosis - a lengthy process and requires constant monitoring

Swollen lymph nodes are a lot can tell the specialist.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • lymph nodes

Wobenzym - indispensable in the complex therapy

January 24, 2010

  • Wobenzym - indispensable in the complex therapy
  • Mechanism of action

 Wobenzym - a drug developed in the 1960s in Germany. German scientist Max Wolf for many years studied the effects of various plants, as well as pancreatic enzymes in alleviating the symptoms of various diseases. In particular, he sought to find a cure for inflammation of the joints, and osteoporosis, which would combine well with the action of the enzymes of the human body without causing health risks. The result of his scientific research was the preparation Wobenzym. First, it is used primarily for the treatment of osteoarthritis.

 Wobenzym - indispensable in the complex therapy

The composition of Wobenzym

The structure consists of Wobenzym enzyme extracted their pineapple Pineapple: caloric and other features of sweet fruit  Pineapple: caloric and other features of sweet fruit
   and papaya and pancreatic enzymes trypsin and chymotrypsin, and an antioxidant Antioxidants: the truth about the notorious benefits  Antioxidants: the truth about the notorious benefits
   flavonoid rutin. The product, which initially received with Max Wolf, in the time since then, many times modified; According to the manufacturer - the better. Today, Wobenzym has enteric coating, so stomach acid does not destroy enzymes. All of its nutrients are absorbed in the intestine, providing a beneficial effect on the body. To derive a formula that Wobenzym is made today, it took six long clinical trials, which were attended by a total of 2489 patients.

 Wobenzym - indispensable in the complex therapy


Studies have shown that vobenzim reduces the level of C-reactive protein (a marker of chronic infections) by an average of 30%. High levels of C-reactive protein 6 times increases the likelihood of myocardial infarction or stroke.

Wobenzym also a natural and safe alternative to anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen.

Some Olympic teams Wobenzym is used to treat a variety of conditions; Sports doctors say that it reduces the likelihood of serious injury by 50% and speeds up the recovery process after injury. Part of this effect is due to the ability to prevent diskoloratsiyu bioflavonoids and pain associated with injuries. For this reason, many surgeons prescribe Wobenzym intake to prevent extensive bruising and swelling as well as pain relief in patients undergoing surgery.

 Wobenzym - indispensable in the complex therapy

Furthermore, vobenzim used:

  • To reduce the formation of blood clots
  • To improve the general well-being - because the drug acts as an antioxidant
  • To reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke, as it has antithrombotic, antispasmodic and anti-arrhythmic action, and helps reduce cholesterol levels in the blood
  • As a means of slowing down the aging process
  • To protect against toxins present in air, food and water
  • In the treatment of autoimmune and rheumatic diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis
  • As an adjunct in the treatment of herpes Treatment of herpes - a serious problem  Treatment of herpes - a serious problem
 , Hepatitis C and various types of cancer
  • To alleviate the symptoms of allergy

Furthermore, vobenzim used for the treatment and prevention of various infections and disorders of the digestive system. It is considered safe enough means, but pregnant and lactating women, it is contraindicated.

If you do not treat these two categories, pre Wobenzym you, however, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

In most cases, the patient must take three to five Wobenzym tablets twice a day. The best time for receiving Wobenzym - half an hour before meals or one hour after eating. However, it can be taken immediately before bedtime Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
   and in the morning before breakfast. Wobenzym should drink small amounts of water; his drink fruit juices, especially citrus fruits, is not recommended.
