Axillary lymph nodes - signals about trouble in the mammary glands

October 20, 2012

 axillary lymph nodes
 Axillary lymph nodes are part of the lymphatic system, which together with the venous drainage system performs bodies, that is absorption of tissue water colloidal solutions of proteins, emulsions of fats, salts dissolved in water. The lymphatic system removes the tissue cellular debris, bacteria and protects the body from various external influences.

 Axillary lymph nodes - signals about trouble in the mammary glands

Group axillary lymph nodes

Group axillary lymph nodes (a total of 12-45) is in the armpit, and includes:

  • apical lymph nodes (1-10), at the top of the armpit; connected with the rest of the axillary lymph nodes, breast, subcutaneous lymphatic vessels of the hands;
  • central lymph nodes (2-12), located in the central part of the axilla; associated with surface lymphatics hands, chest wall, back to the breast;
  • lateral lymph nodes (1-8), located at the lateral (outer) wall of the axilla; related to the superficial and deep lymphatic vessels of the hands;
  • thoracic lymph nodes (1-9), located at the medial (inner) wall of the axilla; connected to the side wall of the thoracic cavity and breast cancer;
  • subscapular lymph nodes (1-11), located at the back of the armpit; associated with the skin and muscles in the shoulder area, the lateral surface of the chest wall.

Group protects and axillary lymph nodes adjacent to it cleanses the organs and tissues. When the disease of these organs (thoracic, breast, upper limb) lymph nodes also react - they grow, can become inflamed or, alternatively, can be quite painless.

Most often, the axillary lymph nodes vary in different breast diseases - inflammatory or cancer. It is sometimes the lymph nodes first signal that the body is not all right.

 Axillary lymph nodes - signals about trouble in the mammary glands

How to change the axillary lymph nodes with inflammatory diseases of the breast

The inflammatory process in the breast called mastitis. Most often it develops in the first few weeks after giving birth to background lactostasis Lactostasis - stagnation of milk in the mammary gland  Lactostasis - stagnation of milk in the mammary gland
   (stagnation of milk) and the integrity of the nipple (cracks, scratches caused by improper breastfeeding child). This infection through microtrauma enters the edematous breast and instantly causes inflammation.

Early inflammation occurs without the formation of a cavity filled with pus, and in this case, lymph nodes and if increased, it is insignificant. If the inflammation goes into the second stage - festering, the lymph nodes had increased significantly. They are sharply painful, skin in the armpit, blush, there is swelling in the subcutaneous tissue.

The cause of swollen lymph nodes is an ingress of pathogens with current lymph or blood of breast cancer.

At first lymph node Lymph nodes - what keeps our immune system  Lymph nodes - what keeps our immune system
   activates its protective function by the proliferation of lymphoid tissue (reactive inflammation). If such a way to contain the onslaught of infection persists, the inflammatory process starts in the lymph nodes.

Lymphadenitis is treated according to the same principle as mastitis: conservative in using antibacterial agents, and physical therapy and to the formation of an abscess with the help of surgery after the pus formed.

 Axillary lymph nodes - signals about trouble in the mammary glands

How to change the axillary lymph nodes in breast cancer

In breast cancer, axillary lymph nodes are also increasing. But they are painless, if not expressed edema. In the presence of edema irritated nerve endings located in the lymph nodes, and aching.

Sometimes breast cancer Breast cancer: what every woman needs to know  Breast cancer: what every woman needs to know
   It develops unnoticed and only in advanced stages when germination it appear in the chest pain. In such cases, it is enlarged, dense and almost painless lymph nodes may suggest about a woman has breast cancer. The woman is assigned an additional examination in the form of an ultrasound and X-ray examination of mammary glands, and a biopsy - taking biological material by a puncture of the pathological center, located in the breast. If necessary, sometimes appointed by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), which allows to reveal all the details of the disease.

The most important thing in this situation - timely access to a doctor. The earlier a woman seek medical care, the more it will have a chance to recover.

Some women try to cure enlarged lymph nodes Enlarged lymph nodes - a reason for going to the doctor  Enlarged lymph nodes - a reason for going to the doctor
   own various herbal remedies or warming treatments. This is very dangerous, since warming may stimulate tumor growth and acceptance of herbal medicines will lead to the loss of precious time in this situation.

Axillary lymph nodes always react in diseases of the breast, they should pay attention.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • lymph nodes

Vaccination against rubella - can not be ignored

July 15, 2014

  • Vaccination against rubella - can not be ignored
  • Gestation

 vaccination against rubella
 Rubella usually occurs in a mild form, but it can cause serious damage to the health of the pregnant woman and the fetus. Because so important vaccination against rubella.

In typical cases, this disease leads to extensive reddish rash (hence the name of the disease), bolyu throat, enlarged tonsils. It is also possible conjunctival inflammation and fever. However, if a pregnant woman becomes ill with rubella is a relatively high probability lead to miscarriage Miscarriage - can you protect yourself from it?  Miscarriage - can you protect yourself from it?
 Or damage to the heart, brain, hearing and visual impairment in the fetus. In such cases, there is a high risk of the birth of a child with congenital rubella syndrome - this is a very serious violation, which is characterized by heart disease, deafness, and other problems that may have a very negative impact on the quality of human life.

Since the 1970s, when I started to be widely used vaccine against rubella, the number of children born with this syndrome has dropped dramatically. In developed countries, thanks to the rubella vaccination program has become a very rare disease.


Vaccination against rubella

Currently used for the prevention of rubella vaccine MMR, which protects a person has two diseases - measles and mumps. The first vaccination against rubella is usually given to children between the ages of 12 to 13 months. Often at the same time be vaccinated against pneumococcal infections.

The second dose of the vaccine against rubella is recommended to be administered to children aged 4 to 6 years. Under certain circumstances, the vaccination can be made for younger children, but not earlier than 28 days after the first injection. Children who have to travel abroad can be vaccinated, and under the age of one year.

Vaccination against rubella adults who have not been vaccinated in childhood, may be recommended if:

  • Patient studies at a college or university;
  • The patient works in a hospital or other medical facility;
  • The patient travels a lot, including - on a cruise ship;
  • The patient - a woman of childbearing age.

In the following cases of rubella vaccination is not recommended for adults:

  • The patient - a man born before 1957;
  • The patient many years ago received one dose of the vaccine MMR, and he had no increased risk of rubella, measles Measles in children - may cause serious complications  Measles in children - may cause serious complications
   or mumps.


Contraindications vaccinated against rubella

Vaccination against rubella is contraindicated:

  • Anyone who has ever had a severe allergic reaction to the antibiotic neomycin or other components of the vaccine. Please inform your doctor if you have had a severe allergy to any substance, including - food, insect venom, and so on;
  • All who have the first dose of the vaccine cause severe allergic reactions;
  • Pregnant women.

Sometimes people who have colds, flu and other diseases, it is recommended to postpone the vaccination until recovery.

Before you get vaccinated, the patient should inform your doctor:

  • If he has identified HIV / AIDS or other disorders causing the weakening of the immune defense;
  • It takes drugs that weaken the immune system, such as steroids;
  • He suffered from any type of cancer;
  • He is undergoing radiotherapy Radiotherapy in cancer treatment: irradiation aid  Radiotherapy in cancer treatment: irradiation aid
   or Chemotherapy Chemotherapy - it always falls the hair?  Chemotherapy - it always falls the hair?
  • He has ever been lowered platelet count;
  • If he was in the previous four weeks, did any other vaccines;
  • He recently received a blood transfusion.


Where are vaccinated against rubella?

Vaccination against rubella do subcutaneously or intramuscularly. Children and adults often make the injection in his shoulder, but the youngest children are sometimes administered vaccine in the thigh.


How valid vaccination against rubella

At present, it is assumed that the effect of vaccination against rubella is saved, on average, for 10-20 years. After such a period since the re-vaccination is recommended be vaccinated, but in practice do not always. However, some people have immunity to rubella and other diseases that protects the vaccine MMR, persists throughout life. Using a blood test can determine whether to keep immunity to the disease in a particular person or not.
