Vitamin B2: basic functions - natural sources

November 28, 2011

  • Vitamin B2: basic functions
  • Natural sources
  • Symptoms of beriberi

Natural sources

Modern society is paying more attention to health and a healthy lifestyle, it is not surprising that even the average person far from medicine, aware of the latest research in the field of vitamins and health benefits. Vitamin B2 plays a special role in the vital activity of the human body.

Vitamin B2 or riboflavin - the water-soluble vitamin that is easily destroyed by sunlight, it is poorly soluble in water and alcohol, but is not afraid of heat and oxidation. Vitamin B2 is involved in carbohydrate metabolism Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things  Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things
 . Furthermore, riboflavin involved in the metabolism of fats and proteins required for the formation of red blood cells and antibodies, maintain normal functioning of the nervous system plays an important role in the growth and repair of cells and tissues, as well as improves the visual organ (reduces eye fatigue and facilitates prevention of cataract). From the deficiency of vitamin B2 often suffer pregnant women and chronic alcoholics.

The main natural sources of vitamin B2 - dairy and meat products. Riboflavin is also found in bananas Bananas: the benefits and harms health  Bananas: the benefits and harms health
 , Green vegetables, nuts, peas, cereals. Rich in vitamin B2, liver, liverwurst, cheese, cheese, yogurt, leafy green vegetables, spinach, walnuts and peanuts, as well as fish. Consumption of eggs and yeast helps to maintain reserves of vitamin B2 in the body. Bakery products from wheat flour, buckwheat, cocoa powder, beans, sweet potatoes - excellent sources of riboflavin.

A significant amount of vitamin B2 is lost in food processing: in alkaline solutions is rapidly destroyed by heat and sunlight contributes to the loss of riboflavin almost completely. So, milk in glass containers in daylight, such as the window loses much of the contained vitamin B2. In sunlight 2 hours milk in transparent bottles loses more than 50% of riboflavin.

When we cook the peas and drain the water in the finished dish riboflavin is not all. Always cover your utensils in which food is prepared. Oxidize many other vitamins. Do not pour the water in which potatoes are cooked: it has a lot of riboflavin and other B vitamins B vitamins: the body useful helpers  B vitamins: the body useful helpers
 . Keep in mind that the vitamin B2 is lost when washing the vegetables in a large amount of water, a part - on storage even under refrigerated conditions (approximately 1% per day). That said, do not be a long soak vegetables and buy them in large quantities.

Apart from natural sources, there are nutritional supplements Food additives - basic classification  Food additives - basic classification
   vitamin B2, which help to meet the body's daily requirement for this vitamin. Take 20 - 25 mg daily multivitamin to provide the body with all the essential vitamins and minerals. Remember: it is always better to use natural sources of vitamins and nutritional supplements are not.

Vitamin B7: the main sources and symptoms of deficiency - prevention and treatment of diseases

November 22, 2011

  • Vitamin B7: the main sources and symptoms of deficiency
  • Prevention and treatment of diseases
  • Natural sources and symptoms of deficiency

Vitamin B7 in the prevention and treatment of certain diseases

Vitamin B7 or biotin controls the exchange of fats, proteins and carbohydrates in the body and is predominantly in the skin and hair. In addition, vitamin B7 optimizes use of fatty acids in the body and makes less oily scalp, and thus may improve the overall structure and appearance of hair. Biotin is also involved in the synthesis of hemoglobin and red blood cell production and helps maintain muscle tone of the walls of the digestive tract. Vitamin B7 is required for maintenance of normal skin, hair, nails, eye, liver and nervous system.

Symptoms of deficiency of vitamin B7 in the body:

  • increased sore tongue (glossitis)
  • fatigue;
  • nervousness, irritability Irritability - you try to control my temper  Irritability - you try to control my temper
  • too dry, flaky or oily skin Oily skin: Natural and artificial care  Oily skin: Natural and artificial care
  • hair loss, dandruff Dandruff: where it comes from, and what to do  Dandruff: where it comes from, and what to do
  • gray color of the mucous membranes of the mouth and throat;
  • depression, lethargy, drowsiness;
  • loss of appetite;
  • anemia;
  • muscle aches.

In the absence of timely treatment of vitamin B7 deficiency may lead to malfunction of the heart, diseases of the lungs and gastrointestinal tract. In addition, a long lack of vitamin B7 in the body inhibits the growth and development of children, reduces immunity to various diseases.

The main functions of Vitamin B7:

  • necessary for the prevention and treatment of diabetes;
  • It helps produce energy;
  • It is involved in fatty acid synthesis and regulation of lipid metabolism;
  • improves metabolism Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting  Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
  • useful in the treatment of Parkinson's disease, Crohn's disease, Rett syndrome and vaginal candidiasis;
  • helps slow the graying hair and early baldness;
  • It accelerates healing of tissues and helps in the treatment of skin diseases, including seborrheic dermatitis, and peripheral neuropathy;
  • regulates cholesterol levels, promoting weight loss and prevention of heart diseases.

The main sources of vitamin B7: yeast, liver, chocolate, egg yolk, soy flour walnuts, peanuts, sardines, almonds, mushrooms, cauliflower, peas.

How to choose a multivitamin: important age and gender - Recommendations

May 17, 2012

  • How to choose a multivitamin: important age and sex
  • References

 guidelines for choosing the multivitamin

Recommendations for choosing a multivitamin, in accordance with the age and sex

Many vitamin complexes have their target audience. At different stages of life, our nutritional needs change, and properly selected multivitamin can provide all the nutrients the body needs a certain age. In addition to the multivitamin Multivitamins - how dangerous overdose?  Multivitamins - how dangerous overdose?
 Designed for different age groups, such as older people, there are vitamins for women of childbearing age who need more iron in the diet, or are pregnant or planning pregnancy women.

Since most of the vitamin complexes Vitamin Complexes: to drink or not to drink?  Vitamin Complexes: to drink or not to drink?
   include calcium or vitamin deficiency, it is recommended to take them in the form of additional food additives Food additives - basic classification  Food additives - basic classification
 Of course, except when the diet included a lot of milk, fish and / or food and beverage, enriched with calcium.

  • Multivitamins for women. Such vitamin complexes designed for women of childbearing age. They contain a number of nutrients that meets the needs of women from 18 to 50 years, including more iron and folic acid to prevent birth defects in the fetus during pregnancy.
  • Multivitamins for men. They are adapted to ensure the nutritional needs of adult men under the age of fifty years. Such vitamin complexes provide increased dose of certain vitamins and minerals. Also, their composition is not always part of the iron, because the male body it requires significantly less.
  • Multivitamins for older people. Such vitamin complexes designed for men and women over the age of fifty. With their design takes into account the fact that after fifty years of certain nutrients, such as calcium, vitamins B6 and B12, are digested worse than before. And the need for vitamin D increases. At this age, the body produces enough acid for absorption of vitamin B12 from food. Artificially synthesized vitamin B12 contained in food supplements and fortified foods, it is absorbed much better. At the same for its absorption by the body is not required to produce acid.

It is necessary to choose a multivitamin according to their sex.

Dietary recommendations for men and women over fifty years of age are a number of differences. When a woman stops menstruating, their need for iron is reduced to the level of men's needs in this element. Women who eat a balanced diet, can take supplements with low iron content or not.


Recommendations for the storage of vitamins

Nutritional supplements have a shelf life and eventually lose their effectiveness, particularly in the case of improper storage. When you purchase is necessary to check the expiration date on the packaging, and store vitamins in a cool dry place. You can not, for example, to keep them in the bathroom, where it is hot and humid.

You should also keep the vitamins in a safe place away from children.


What is the form of multivitamins is preferable?

Most multivitamins available in capsules. But there are those who are in the form of tablets, powders, chewable tablets and jellies, and syrups and injections, which are administered to patients in hospitals.

In addition to the differences in the contents of vitamins and minerals, there are differences in rate of assimilation of nutrients from supplements. Liquids are digested faster and coated tablets, much slower, because their shell slows digestion in the stomach pills.

If there are problems with swallowing tablets, gel capsules may be taken or syrup, which is much easier to swallow.

Some prefer to take a multivitamin during breakfast, while others - before going to bed Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
 . At what time of day to take vitamins do not play an important role, but it is better to take them with food to reduce the risk of stomach irritation.


Security multivitamins

The government sets the allowable upper limits with respect to the consumption of most vitamins and minerals. This takes into account the fact that the food and drinks in our body also receives a certain amount of nutrients. The composition of the multivitamin from different manufacturers may be different ,. according to the established norm, a part of each of them must include at least three of vitamins and minerals in an amount not exceeding the upper limit of the permissible, and they should not contain herbs, hormones or drugs.

According to the norms FDA, vitamin complexes have the status of "food" or "dietary" supplements, ie products taken orally as a supplement to the basic diet.

On the safety of multivitamins says quality mark on its packaging. Vitamin complex should meet all the standards of the producer country, which guarantees besprimestnost product, ie the fact that it contains only the ingredients listed on the package.

Finally, do not be superfluous to consult with your doctor, who will tell you on what vitamin complex is better to stop. This is especially important for those who buy vitamins at a pharmacy without a prescription or has a chronic illness such as cancer.

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  • vitamins
