Contraindications to vaccination - something to fear? - Risks

August 5th, 2014

  • Contraindications to vaccination - something to fear?
  • Risks
  • Dangers

 contraindication to vaccination risks

Contraindications vaccinated against meningococcal infections

MCV4 vaccines and MPSV4 contraindicated in those who have their components cause severe allergies, and who has acute infectious diseases. Vaccination of pregnant women is allowed only in cases when there is a legitimate need. Physicians should be especially careful to watch the women who during pregnancy were vaccinated against meningococcal disease.

There are specific contraindications to vaccination in children with sickle cell anemia and disturbances in the spleen. These children should not be administered vaccine against meningococcal infections along with immunization against other diseases.


Contraindications vaccinated against polio

The only strict contraindications to vaccination against polio Vaccination against polio - the only guarantee of protection against infection  Vaccination against polio - the only guarantee of protection against infection
   are a severe allergic reaction to any ingredient of the vaccine, including - to neomycin, streptomycin and polimitsin B. Patients with moderately severe and severe acute diseases can be recommended to be vaccinated only after recovery. However, in most cases, the benefits of vaccination far exceeds the associated risks, and doctors very rarely decide not to vaccinate any polio patients.


Contraindications vaccinated against rabies

Modern rabies vaccines are generally tolerated relatively well. In addition, rabies - a very dangerous disease, and vaccination should be done in any case, because without it the effects of the disease on human health will be extremely negative.

And yet, during the post-exposure rabies vaccination in some cases, have to comply with certain restrictions. Thus, during treatment can not take any drugs that suppress the immune system, except in cases when there is an urgent need. This is due to the fact that corticosteroids and other agents that weaken the immune system, as well as diseases that cause immune deficiency, may impede the development of immunity after vaccination. If you refuse to accept the drugs can not be, and if the patient has the disease, which was the result of immune deficiency during treatment is necessary to observe special precautionary measures.

Pregnant women with suspected rabies as prescribed post-exposure prophylaxis of rabies: in this case the risk for the mother's health is much more serious potential risks associated with the introduction of the vaccine. In addition, the study has not yet been revealed whether the increases vaccinated against rabies Vaccination against rabies - the only escape from a deadly infection  Vaccination against rabies - the only escape from a deadly infection
   during pregnancy the likelihood of miscarriage, premature delivery or fetal anomalies. Rabies and vaccination against this disease is also not an indication for termination of pregnancy.

People who have previously had a severe allergic reaction to the components of the vaccination against rabies, vaccination is still appointed, but it is carried out with extreme care. Ideally, during the entire course of treatment in these patients should only be used one vaccine - HDCV or PCEC.


Contraindications vaccinated against shingles

Vaccination against herpes virus that causes shingles Ringworm - not only infectious disease  Ringworm - not only infectious disease
 Contraindicated in patients with a history of anaphylactic shock has caused by allergens such as gelatin, neomycin, and a number of other components of the vaccine. Vaccination is not recommended to do with AIDS, those who take immunosuppressive drugs or undergoing long-term treatment with corticosteroids, as well as people who are prescribed chemotherapy or radiotherapy and patients with cancer that affects the bone marrow or lymphatic system (such as leukemia or lymphoma). Finally, vaccination against shingles is contraindicated during pregnancy and in cases of suspected pregnancy. Planning Conception should be not earlier than four weeks after vaccination.


Contraindications vaccination Mantoux

Doctors do not recommend the Mantoux test for people with certain skin diseases, acute infections (it can be done no earlier than a month after recovery), as well as those with tuberculin skin test previously caused a severe allergic reaction.


Contraindications BCG

The vaccine for TB is contraindicated in those who have already been vaccinated with BCG, those who are ill with tuberculosis, who are allergic to components of the vaccine, newborns who had contact with patients with active TB The open form of tuberculosis - to be treated in hospital  The open form of tuberculosis - to be treated in hospital
 , Individuals with immunodeficiency and certain types of cancer.

Vaccination against rubella - can not be ignored - Pregnancy

July 15, 2014

  • Vaccination against rubella - can not be ignored
  • Gestation

 vaccination against rubella during pregnancy planning

Vaccination against rubella during pregnancy planning

For most adults, a strong immune system Immunity - types and characteristics in children in adults  Immunity - types and characteristics in children in adults
   either due to rubella vaccination in childhood, or because of the fact that they have previously been ill rubella. However, neither one to another does not guarantee that you are still protected from this disease. In some patients, the immune system weakens with time. This means that you can be protected against rubella, for example, in adolescence, as well as during the first pregnancy, but by the time you become pregnant again, immunity is weakened. Therefore, women are strongly encouraged to do the analysis on antibodies to rubella virus before each pregnancy.

It is also possible that in humans after immunization or rubella not developed immunity to the disease. It is estimated that this occurs in 5% of patients.

Vaccination against rubella before pregnancy is recommended for all women (except for those who are allergic to components of the vaccine), who do not have antibodies to rubella virus.

Most experts agree that pregnancy after vaccination against rubella Rubella - it is better to be vaccinated  Rubella - it is better to be vaccinated
   should be scheduled no earlier than 1-2 months. However, observation of the women who were vaccinated less than one month before pregnancy and even when they were pregnant, did not help to identify any health problems for the mother or the fetus.

Analysis of antibodies to rubella virus is usually made during the first visit of a pregnant woman to the doctor. If it turns out that the future mother is not immune to rubella, the doctor usually recommend to make a single injection of the vaccine against rubella in a few days after birth (usually it is done before the statement of a woman with a newborn baby from the hospital). The main objective of vaccination after the end of pregnancy - to prevent rubella and development of possible complications in subsequent pregnancies. Vaccination against rubella is completely safe for women who breastfeed their children.


Complications after vaccination against rubella

The most common effects of vaccination:

  • Fever (occurs in 1 out of 6 patients);
  • Skin rash (about 1 in 20 patients);
  • Enlarged tonsils (1 in 75).

Much rarer are the effects of vaccination against rubella, as seizures (in 1 out of 3,000 people) and a temporary reduction in platelets (1 in 30,000 cases), resulting in impaired blood clotting.

The most severe and, fortunately, rare of the possible consequences of vaccination - deafness, coma, changes in mental status, damage brain tissue.

About one out of a million patient develops a severe allergic reaction to the vaccine against rubella.

When her symptoms such as swelling of the face and throat, difficulty breathing, extensive skin rash, nausea, dizziness, Dizziness - if the ground is slipping from under his feet  Dizziness - if the ground is slipping from under his feet
 , Fatigue, increased heart rate, seek immediate medical attention.


Vaccination against rubella and autism

Since the first vaccine against rubella do for children aged 12-15 months, and the first signs of autism often appear between 15 and 18 months, for a long time, researchers have begun to raise the issue that between vaccines and autism may be a link. The first study on this subject was published in 1998; in it, among other things, he cited a number of examples where children were found autistic symptoms within a few months after it was introduced a vaccine against rubella. However, the principle of "then no means thereby" applies not just logically but also in medicine.

Over the next few years it was published thirteen more research on this topic, and ten of them have denied any link between autism and the vaccine MMR.

Despite this, the question of the connection between the disease and the vaccine from time to time rises again. At the same time, doctors say that the most dangerous thing to refuse vaccinations, as likely to get rubella, measles Measles in children - may cause serious complications  Measles in children - may cause serious complications
   or pig, from which protects the vaccine MMR, much higher than the risk of developing autism. In addition, some of these diseases, often - measles, can lead to serious complications, which result sometimes become chronic health problems.

Article Tags:
  • immunizations
