Tuberculosis of lymph nodes: how to identify the disease

April 9, 2014

 Tuberculosis of lymph nodes
 In the lymph nodes tuberculosis accounts for about 8% of all TB cases; tuberculous lymphadenitis often occurs simultaneously with pulmonary tuberculosis. Women suffering from tuberculosis of lymph nodes more likely than men - one man falls 1.4 women with this diagnosis. In addition, if earlier tuberculosis lymph nodes in children occur much more frequently than in adults, today, in many countries the incidence of tuberculous lymphadenitis peak accounted for 30-40 years.

TB lymphadenitis can affect the lymph nodes in all parts of the body, but most often it develops in the lymph nodes of the neck; the second most common is tuberculosis of intrathoracic lymph nodes.


How is tuberculosis of lymph nodes

In typical cases, peripheral lymph nodes TB is caused by bacteria M. Tuberculosis, which are transmitted by airborne droplets. Historically, a common cause of this species were tuberculosis M. Bovis - the bacteria that causes tuberculosis in cows and other cattle; thanks to pasteurisation and strict control over the quality of animal products in developed countries, these bacteria do not pose a serious danger to humans. However, when using unpasteurized milk risk of infection still remains.


Symptoms of TB lymph nodes

Tuberculous lymphadenitis usually develops slowly, and its first symptom is typically a painless increase in lymph node groups. Cervical lymph node tuberculosis may increase so that the patient will be able to find them on their own, but the increase in other lymph nodes can detect only a doctor.

The average diameter of enlarged lymph nodes Enlarged lymph nodes - a reason for going to the doctor  Enlarged lymph nodes - a reason for going to the doctor
   It is three centimeters, but sometimes they can reach a diameter of 8-10 cm. Only 10-35% of patients complain of pain with pressure on the lymph nodes Lymph nodes - what keeps our immune system  Lymph nodes - what keeps our immune system
   during the medical examination. Other symptoms characteristic of tuberculosis, this disease is not always observed. For example, weight loss is observed in most patients with pulmonary tuberculosis, there is, on average, only 20% of patients; about the same proportion of patients complaining of fever. In HIV-infected patients with tuberculous lymphadenitis such symptoms occur much more frequently.



Mantoux test and sputum tests are not enough to diagnose tuberculosis Tuberculosis - a full recovery is not guaranteed  Tuberculosis - a full recovery is not guaranteed
   lymph nodes. The most invasive, and at the same time accurate method of diagnosis of this disease is a biopsy - a physician performs sampling of tissue from lymph nodes, followed by laboratory tests. Instead, a biopsy can be used computed tomography, at least - Magnetic Resonant Imaging. Blood tests may provide additional information for the diagnosis of tuberculous lymphadenitis.


Treatment of tuberculosis of lymph nodes

Tuberculosis of the lymph nodes is well treatable and rarely causes any complications. Typically, doctors prescribe a course of treatment lasting six months. In the first two months, patients taking isoniazid, rifampicin, pyrazinamide, and ethambutol for another four months - only isoniazid and rifampicin. The effectiveness of the six-month course of treatment confirmed by a number of studies that did not show much difference between the course of therapy lasting six and nine months - the proportion of cured was 89% and 94%, respectively, and the likelihood of relapse in both cases was about 3%.

Sometimes the treatment of tuberculosis lymphadenitis used steroids, although their usefulness for patients with this disease still causes some doubts. At the moment, their effectiveness is confirmed by a number of uncontrolled studies only. Steroid drugs are used in severe forms of tuberculosis lymphadenitis, causing severe symptoms.

Surgery in tuberculosis of the lymph nodes Tuberculosis of the lymph nodes - the degree of complexity of the disease  Tuberculosis of the lymph nodes - the degree of complexity of the disease
   it may be necessary only in exceptional cases. The exact criteria for determining the need for surgical treatment for patients with this disease does not exist, but most of the operations are appointed when medical therapy is not effective, for example, due to drug-resistant bacteria.

Article Tags:
  • types of tuberculosis

Multivitamins - how dangerous overdose?

August 12, 2010

 Vitamins - these are natural substances needed by the body to grow, develop and function normally. Vitamins contained in foods; balanced diet usually contains all the necessary vitamins. However, sometimes, for example during pregnancy, the body needs more vitamins than usual. In some diseases, the body can not digest or effective use of all the necessary vitamins.

Multivitamins originally designed for patients who need extra nutrients; however, they are often taken as a whole healthy people to prevent vitamin deficiencies and associated problems.

The popularity of multivitamins is growing (according to statistics, in the US alone, more than half the adult population regularly take a multivitamin), but their effectiveness and even the security still remain controversial. For example, the risk can be that the content of specific nutrients in some multivitamins can be several times greater than normal. Although these substances are absorbed from the vitamins are not as good as from food, it should be noted that their excess can be harmful to health.

Now produce special multivitamin designed for people with different needs. For example, there are prenatal vitamins, multivitamins for children, the elderly, men and women, athletes, and so on. Most multivitamins designed for administration twice a day, but some of them are encouraged to take up to seven times a day.

The most common ingredients of multivitamins are:

vitamins C, B1, B2, B3, B6, folic acid Folic acid - the value is hard to overestimate  Folic acid - the value is hard to overestimate
   (vitamin B9), vitamin B12, B5 (pantothenic acid), vitamin H (biotin), vitamin A, E, D3, K1, potassium iodide, zinc, calcium, magnesium, chromium, manganese, molybdenum, iron and beta carotene.

 Multivitamins - how dangerous overdose?

Safety measures

Although multivitamins are a valuable tool for improving the health and disease prevention, with their admission to certain risks. Various drugs can interact with multivitamins; In addition, some states are characterized by the special dietary needs. For example, doctors always advise pregnant women about taking a multivitamin - in particular, they need to know that both the deficit and the excess of vitamin A can lead to a variety of birth defects.

Severe deficiency of vitamins and minerals can not always be cured with the help of a multivitamin. In some cases, it requires special preparations, sometimes - prescription.

 Multivitamins - how dangerous overdose?

Multivitamins for Children

So far we can not say with certainty whether it is necessary to give a multivitamin for children, and if so, in what doses.

Recent studies have given quite the expected results: in the course of monitoring of 200 mothers and their daughters, it was noted that mothers who themselves are taking a multivitamin with a high probability will give them and their children. Interestingly, this is not due to the quality of food on the child, but only with the views of parents about the correct diet. Part of the diet, according to them, is a multivitamin. Scientists insist that parents need to first of all to inculcate the habit of children nutrition Proper nutrition - the basic precepts of healthy food  Proper nutrition - the basic precepts of healthy food
   - So, to teach them to eat well to get as much vitamins from food. Multivitamin for a healthy person should not become a daily habit.

Some studies suggest that children take a multivitamin in the preschool years, reduces the risk of developing allergies.

 Multivitamins - how dangerous overdose?

What is a multivitamin and their types

Vitamins - a biologically active substance, which requires the body in small amounts, but continuously, since they are involved in all biochemical processes of the metabolism. Currently known vitamin 13 (9-soluble and liposoluble 4) and 10 vitamin-like substances. Man gets the vitamins with food, some types of vitamins also produce beneficial bacteria that live in the intestine and involved in the digestion of food.

Today, produces large amounts of multivitamins (vitamin B complex), increasingly they are released along with the minerals, which are also vital to the body. Pharmacies can be found: a multivitamin mineral complexes, without mineral complexes for children, pregnant women, contributing to the improvement of the skin, hair and nails, and so on.

Multivitamin acquitted in early spring, when all fruit and vegetables have no vitamins, and the body is tired after a long winter. Take them with a variety of chronic diseases, which violate the metabolism and absorption of vitamins in the gut (in these cases, a multivitamin is administered twice a year, in spring and autumn), during recovery from any acute illness and after operations, during pregnancy, in the period of intensive growth and high physical activity, as well as in all those cases when the doctor has appointed a multivitamin.

 Multivitamins - how dangerous overdose?

How to choose a multivitamin

But whether all vitamins are equally useful and how to choose them all yourself? Better, of course, consult with your doctor, but something you need to know and own. So, when buying a multivitamin you need to pay attention to the following nuances:

  • the fact of origin vitamins - natural or synthetic; they are not equal, since vitamins derived from natural raw materials contain other biologically active substances that help vitamins are better absorbed; in synthetic vitamins is more than any kind of chemical fillers;
  • on the manufacturer - synthetic vitamins in domestic and foreign multivitamins nothing (except the price, which in the known farmfirm several times higher) are no different; for example, domestic vitamin and mineral complex komplivit no worse than expensive imported complexes;
  • the composition - it must include a sufficient amount of vitamins; that swinging their dosages, it is worth to consult with a doctor who knows the daily allowance of certain vitamins, because you can overdose and a multivitamin - it is dangerous;
  • the presence in the composition of the gum, and algin multivitamins; These substances may cause side effects in the form of sensitization of the organism and malformations in the fetus;
  • the existence of detailed instructions on the use of multivitamin with indications and contraindications for their use, as well as possible side effects;
  • the expiry date of the drug and the conditions of storage.

 Multivitamins - how dangerous overdose?

Can multivitamins cause the body harm

Can, like any drug. This is an overdose (taking vitamins in high doses) and allergy to one or another component of multivitamins.

Especially dangerous overdose of fat-soluble vitamins. For example, in acute overdose of vitamin A appear severe headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, blurred vision, loss of consciousness, seizures. Chronic overdose of vitamin A develops gradually over several months, there is irritability Irritability - you try to control my temper  Irritability - you try to control my temper
 , Decreased performance, loss of appetite, sleep disturbances Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
 , Blurred vision and so on.

Not less risk of overdose of other fat-soluble vitamin - D. In this case, there is a weakness, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dry and itchy skin, increased blood pressure, seizures, difficulty breathing. Chronic overdose of vitamin D can lead to softening of the bones, disruption of the blood vessels and internal organs.

Overdose of water-soluble vitamins is also dangerous. In case of overdose of B vitamins may develop toxicity in the form of general excitement, insomnia, headache, dizziness, sometimes - seizures. Chronic overdose of vitamins of the group can lead to liver disease. An overdose of vitamin C can cause agitation, anxiety, sleep disorders, the appearance of sugar in the urine, disorders of mineral metabolism (removal of large amounts of calcium in the urine, which is accompanied by a violation of the contractility of the muscles, breaks the heart).

From all this it follows that a multivitamin - a medication that should be used in strict accordance with the instructions and indications, that is prescribed by a doctor.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • vitamins
