Thrush is a direct indication for pimafutsin. A dosage form is manufactured by manufacturers pimafutsin allow the use of this drug and for thrush genital and oral thrush. If there are complications thrush, the appointment pimafutsin can be combined with the appointment of other antifungal agents.
Thrush genitals
Thrush - the defeat of the yeast of the genus Candida and the mucous membranes of the genital skin.
Thrush female genitals (vulvovaginal candidiasis) is manifested in the form of redness, swelling and cheesy white plaque on the mucous membranes of the external genitalia and vagina. The woman in this case feels very itchy, which at constant relapses of the disease may lead to a neurosis
Neurosis - reaction to the nervous shock
. Thrush can appear heavy and cheesy discharge, thick film on the surface of the mucous membranes and other symptoms. In any case, the diagnosis must be confirmed laboratory as candidiasis can be combined with bacterial infections that require a hike of a different treatment.
It starts thrush is not necessarily after infection (although this often happens), sometimes for the onset of the disease sufficiently reduce immunity. Pathogens yeast, fungi genus Candida, usually part of the pathogenic microflora of the vagina, and with a decrease in immunity begin to multiply rapidly causing disease. Often thrush begins after treatment with antibiotics that suppress the activity of the normal vaginal microflora (mainly lactobacilli) that normally inhibits the growth of pathogenic microflora.
In men thrush occurs less pronounced, they do not always treat it and are a source of infection for your partner. Thrush manifests in men
Thrush in men - not such a rarity
in the form of Candida balanoposthitis - skin lesions of the glans penis and foreskin.
Thrush is not as harmless as it seems, the infection can spread to the internal genital organs and the whole body, and this is a serious disease.
Treatment for thrush pimafutsin genitals
Pimafucin is a highly effective anti-fungal antibiotic. It acts only locally, penetrating into the surface layers of the skin or mucosa and killing fungal cells. The blood pimafutsin
Pimafucin - help in difficult times
It is not absorbed and therefore does not have the body of common action. For the treatment of thrush pimafutsin applied in the form of vaginal suppositories of 100 mg 2% cream.
The mechanism of action pimafutsin associated with suppression of metabolic processes in the fungal cell membrane, resulting in impaired permeability and cell death. Thus, unlike some other antifungals pimafutsin not only suppresses vital functions for fungi which exhibit sensitivity to it, and their cell killing. This is called a fungicide.
In the treatment of vulvovaginal candidiasis used vaginal suppositories (suppository) with pimafutsin. Assign them a candle at night for at least a week. Enter vaginal suppositories
Vaginal suppositories - for contraception and treatment of inflammation
in the supine position as deeply as possible into the vagina. During menstruation, the treatment is interrupted - this makes no sense, since pimafutsin washed menstrual blood. Partner at this time should be applied to the glans penis pimafutsin cream once a day, even if he has no symptoms of thrush. Sexual contact in such treatment are permitted. If a woman has genital skin lesions, then it is also possible to apply the cream once to several times per day.
The manifestations of thrush in men treated with 2% cream pimafutsin which is applied to the affected area several times a day. The partner in this case is to use vaginal suppositories with pimafutsin, even if she has no symptoms of thrush.
Treatment for oral thrush pimafutsin
Affected by fungi of the genus Candida can and oral mucosa. Most often, it is also associated with impaired immunity. Oral thrush occurs in infants, the elderly, the sick after serious infections, and immunocompromised patients.
Thrush manifests redness and swelling of the oral mucosa, which appear curdled raids.
For the treatment of oral thrush using 2, 5% suspension pimafutsin. Adults usually administered one ml of a suspension of 4 to 6 times a day, depending on the severity of the disease. The suspension is necessary to delay as much as possible in the mouth - the exposure promotes faster recovery. Babies suspension appoint half ml and from 4 to 6 times a day.
Thrush treatment pimafutsin well fed, but only if she could spread to the internal organs (except intestines, Candida is also successfully treated pimafutsin).
Galina Romanenko