Fungal infection often goes to the nail plate from the skin of the feet and hands when fungal infections of the skin smooth. One of the conditions of the spread of the fungus is poor circulation, metabolism
Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things
or decreased immunity. That is why nail fungus appears frequently in the elderly.
Nail Fungus - the main reasons and manifestations
Nail fungus can be caused by a variety of fungi. But more often the cause of fungal nail infections (onychomycosis) are fungi - dermatophytes - Trichophyton, epidermofiton and others. Less onychomycosis caused by other fungi, for example, the yeast genus Candida.
Fungal infections can be picked up in the bath
Sauna and health: the benefits and harms of bath procedures
or in the pool, if you use someone else's shoes, in close contact with patients with fungal infection. Onychomycosis develop as a complication of fungal infections of the skin stop when brushes or circulatory disorders in the limbs, which in turn causes metabolic disorders and local immunity. Due to such features, these diseases generally occur in the elderly.
Manifested fungal nail infections may be different. Sometimes the nail plate only change color to yellow, white or brown. In other cases, the nail plate or atrophy (decrease in volume), or, on the contrary, increase in volume (hypertrophic nail plate). This may be affected the entire nail or just the edges.
How does Lamisil at onihomikozah
For the treatment of onychomycosis Lamisil is used only in dosage forms for oral administration. For external use usually use other drugs that have the ability to dissolve and remove the affected nail (eg ureaplast, the patch "Hunger" and so on), as well as nail varnish containing antifungals (eg, nail Batrafen). Lamisil is not issued in the form of dosage forms for topical application for the treatment of onychomycosis.
When receiving lamizila inside it accumulates in the nail plate in an amount sufficient to kill the infectious agent. Active ingredient lamizila terbinafine inhibits the action of certain enzymes, fungal cells, causing the cells there is a lack of one and a plethora of other biologically active substances. This leads to cell death of fungi.
Lamisil is effective against fungi-dermatophytes, which are major pathogens of fungal nail infections.
Onychomycosis requires prolonged treatment. The course of taking the pills usually from six weeks to six months. Course duration depends on the form of onychomycosis, the lesions and general condition of the patient. For example, with the defeat of the nail plate brushes usually sufficient six weeks of treatment. A fungal nail infections is required stop for three months of treatment. If the patient the nature of the nails grow slowly, three months is not enough, sometimes a course of treatment is extended to six months. External effect of lamizila
Lamisil - a modern drug to help cope with fungal infection
It continues for several months after cessation of treatment, due to the regrowth of healthy nails.
For the treatment of fungal infections of the skin feet and hands, which in most cases are a source of infection for nails, apply such external lamizila dosage forms, as a cream, dermgel, spray lamilil uno. But the treatment of nails are not effective.
Side effects and possible overdose
Lamisil tablets for oral administration is generally well tolerated. But sometimes side effects do happen, especially with prolonged use, which is required for onychomycosis. In such cases may occur symptoms such as discomfort and minor pain in the stomach, loss of appetite, nausea and sometimes (very rarely) vomiting, diarrhea, taste disturbance, abnormal liver function, which can manifest itself only in the form of changes in laboratory parameters, and can - in the form of jaundice and pain in the right upper quadrant. Since disorders of the liver are possible before the appointment lamizila check the function of the body.
In addition, there may be side effects such as muscle pain and joint pain, changes in blood cell composition (reduction in the number of white blood cells and platelets), allergic reactions (sometimes severe).
An overdose of pills lamizila can only come at a very significant excess of recommended doses of the drug for treatment. This enhanced all the side effects of the drug, there are severe headaches and dizziness
Dizziness - if the ground is slipping from under his feet
In some cases, Lamisil tablets can not be used
Lamisil tablets do not use in hepatic dysfunction, children up to two years, nursing mothers and hypersensitive to the components of the drug to patients. With caution and only for health reasons it is used during pregnancy and some other diseases.
Galina Romanenko