Pimafucin - there are practically no contraindications

September 16, 2012

 pimafutsin contraindications
 Pimafucin - is an effective antifungal antibiotic that is often used to treat candidiasis - the most common fungal diseases today. Unlike other antifungals pimafutsin virtually no side effects, and contraindications for use.

 Pimafucin - there are practically no contraindications

Why pimafutsin no contraindications for use

They are not completely absent, pimafutsin Pimafucin - help in difficult times  Pimafucin - help in difficult times
   It can not be used when you are hypersensitive, ie in case of hypersensitivity of the patient to the components of this drug. Other contraindications to its use is not - it is derived from the mechanism of action pimafutsin.

Pimafucin refers to drugs that are not absorbed into the blood to the surface on which they fall. All pimafutsin dosage forms (tablets for oral, vaginal suppositories Vaginal suppositories - for contraception and treatment of inflammation  Vaginal suppositories - for contraception and treatment of inflammation
 2% cream and 2, 5% slurry) act only in the surface layers of the skin and mucous membranes.

Once in the mucosa or the skin, where present pimafutsin destroys fungal cells by binding to sterols. These biologically active substances required for the fungal cells of membrane structure and if they do not, the membrane (and with them, and cells) fungi are destroyed. But it has no overall effect on the organism, as it is not absorbed into the bloodstream. Therefore, to use pimafutsin and there are no other contraindications except for individual intolerance.

 Pimafucin - there are practically no contraindications

The main advantages

The main advantage is its pimafutsin local action. It is not absorbed into the blood, has no overall effect on the organism and almost no contraindications for use. In this regard, it is widely used for the treatment of fungal infections in pregnant women and nursing mothers, but only if the infection does not spread to the internal organs. If, despite treatment, thrush continues to recur, to suppress the source of infection, which is most often the intestines, pregnant women and nursing mothers pimafutsin appointed inside a pill - it's also not a danger to them.

Pimafucin - a very effective antifungal antibiotic Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?  Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?
 While he does not just suppress the vital activity of fungi and kill them, that is, it has a fungicidal effect. That is why pimafutsin has increased efficiency. High sensitivity to pimafutsin show yeast fungi genus Candida. Other fungi that cause, including lesions of the skin and are less sensitive to the drug antifungals. Pimafutsin undeniable advantage is the lack of habituation to it pathogens fungal infection, it can be used in repeated relapses pimafutsin fungal infection.

A large number issued by the manufacturer (of the Japanese pharmaceutical company Astellas Pharma) dosage forms pimafutsin provides a comprehensive approach to the treatment of fungal infections Fungal infection: to prevent and defeat  Fungal infection: to prevent and defeat

 Pimafucin - there are practically no contraindications

Do pimafutsin side effects?

Pimafucin and its active substance natamycin (some pharmaceutical companies produce the drug was under this name) are the only antifungal drugs that are very well tolerated by patients. However, sometimes the side effects do occur.

When the pill inside the side effects may be manifested in the form of short-term nausea and loose stools. This suggests that irritation and inflammation of the intestinal mucosa began acting is another factor, which she initially perceived as an irritant. But such events are very fast, does not require discontinuation of therapy.

In the application of vaginal suppositories, creams and suspensions may also experience a similar phenomenon: there is irritation and pain can worsen itching. It also does not require discontinuation of therapy. In addition, part of the spark alcohol may cause hypersensitivity reactions - in this case, the drug is usually discontinued.

Application pimafutsin can be combined with any other medicines. This is possible because, without being absorbed into the blood, it can not interact with the drug general operation.

Pimafucin applied at any age, even for the treatment of newborn babies. He was appointed in lesions of the mucous membranes and skin fungi genus Candida, as well as any other fungi are sensitive to this drug.

Yet, despite the high efficacy and safety of this treatment, it is better to spend on prescription and under laboratory control cure - is to prevent the spread of candidiasis in the internal organs.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • pimafutsin

Fibrous cavernous tuberculosis - a transitional stage

April 10, 2014

 fibro cavernous tuberculosis
 Fibrous cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis known as a chronic disease in which the lungs are formed cavern - cavity, the formation of which is a result of tissue necrosis. In addition, in the tissues of the lung and pleura formed fibrous tissue - is the main feature that distinguishes cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis by fibrous tuberculosis. Typically fibrous cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis is the next stage after a tricky and infiltrative tuberculosis. Behind him could come the last stage - cirrhotic tuberculosis Cirrhotic tuberculosis - the final stage of the disease  Cirrhotic tuberculosis - the final stage of the disease
   lung, where vast areas can be readily replaced by fibrous tissue, which can lead to serious complications.


Symptoms of pulmonary fibrosis cavernous

Typically fibrous cavernous tuberculosis occurs in waves, and in the periods when the disease subsides, the symptoms are usually absent. During exacerbations of symptoms such as cough (often it is so strong that the patient is unable to sleep), expectoration, chest pain Chest pain is one symptom - a lot of diseases  Chest pain is one symptom - a lot of diseases
 , Fever, weight loss, shortness of breath, sometimes - heart palpitations. Hemoptysis is often observed in the later stages of the disease. Body temperature during exacerbations may be especially high if the patient develops a secondary infection of certain organs.

Gradually periods when no symptoms are becoming less time and aggravation all last longer. With long-term course of the disease and untreated, may appear such symptoms as muscle weakness and muscle atrophy, flabby and dry skin, which is why patients may appear premature wrinkles.

Experts identify two main types of the course of fibro-cavernous tuberculosis:

  • A disease in which the patient's condition is relatively stable, and after TB treatment exacerbations are not repeated for several years;
  • Fibrous cavernous tuberculosis with strong private and exacerbations, which typically can not achieve long-term remission.



To assess the extent of damage to the lungs when fibrous cavernous tuberculosis necessary radiography, computed tomography, in some cases - bronchoscopy Bronchoscopy - unpleasant but necessary  Bronchoscopy - unpleasant but necessary
 . A complete blood count reveals violations caused by tuberculosis, such as anemia. Analysis of sputum is usually positive, but it allows you to install only the fact that the patient has an open tuberculosis, not the stage of the disease. Because patients with fibrous cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis, there is a possibility of spread to various organs can be used certain medical imaging techniques to assess the condition of the liver, kidneys, and other organs.


Treatment of fibro cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis

Before developed modern methods of treatment, the diseased fibro-cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis, died, on average, two or three years after the first symptoms, and in recent months the disease usually leads to a drastic reduction in quality of life. Modern treatment of fibrous cavernous tuberculosis allows to reduce the risk of death to a minimum, but we must remember that the forecast is more favorable than before the patient started treatment.

Drugs of first choice in the fibrous cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis is ethambutol, isoniazid, pyrazinamide, streptomycin and rifampicin.

In cases where the TB bacteria are resistant to these drugs can be assigned to second-line drugs - amikacin, capreomycin, ciprofloxacin, levofloxacin, ethionamide, protionamid, cycloserine, terizidone. When treating fibrotic lung cavernous tuberculosis never used only one drug - this may quickly lead to the development of drug resistance in bacteria, whereby the treatment does not give the expected results. Typically, patients assigned to receive four different medications. The course of treatment can last from six to eighteen months, depending on the degree of lung damage, and on any affected fibro-cavernous tuberculosis Tuberculosis - a full recovery is not guaranteed  Tuberculosis - a full recovery is not guaranteed
   other organs.

Sometimes the tissue of the lungs are so damaged that it is necessary to resort to surgery.

It is very important that patients give up bad habits - smoking, alcohol, and so on. Patients who did not get rid of their own dependencies, you may need to help the psychiatrist.

Article Tags:
  • types of tuberculosis
