The open form of pulmonary tuberculosis - a disease that is accompanied by the release of infectious agents with phlegm. Active TB disease is more severe. In addition, the patient becomes a source of infection to others. Therefore, open tuberculosis is treated only stationary in specialized departments of the tuberculosis dispensary
Tuberculosis Dispensary - center of the organization TB
The open form of tuberculosis - what she called
Tuberculosis - a chronic infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Worldwide, there is an increased incidence of tuberculosis, the disease has long been a social problem. Currently, Russia is 100 thousand. The population of 90 TB patients, 20 of them die particularly dangerous form of tuberculosis that are resistant to antibiotic treatment. Often, these forms are at the same time open - the patient identifies with sputum infectious agents, that is a distributor of infection.
The causative agent of tuberculosis is the tubercle bacillus. Other names - Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Koch's bacillus, the bacillus of Koch (BK) TB bacillus (TB).
Tubercle bacillus - it is resistant to external influences (including the various disinfectants) and aggressive pathogen. It can be a long time in an active state in dried sputum in soil in a variety of household items. There are several types of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, but human tuberculosis is mainly men (90%) and bovine species.
How is the open form of tuberculosis?
Infected with tuberculosis by inhalation of air and dust, which contain infectious agents. The source of infection is often a TB patient man. From it you can catch when talking through things and so on.
But not all patients with TB are infectious. Non-contagious form of the disease when tubercle bacilli are not allocated to the sputum, more. If the patient open form of TB, it requires the isolation and must be treated in hospital as long as there is no longer marked as sputum Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Bullish view of Mycobacterium tuberculosis can be transmitted from cattle by eating milk of infected animals. Once infected develop the disease, which can be both open and closed.
Signs of open tuberculosis
Tuberculosis has, as the similarity with other infections, and differs from them in a number of respects. Thus, the incubation period (the open form of tuberculosis including) the disease is very difficult to define. On average, experts agree that it is equal to 2-3 months. This is the time from ingestion of Mycobacterium tuberculosis to the first signs of sensitization (sensitization) of the body in relation to the pathogen infection.
To identify the first signs of infection may be using the tuberculin test, which children and adolescents are made once a year. For example, if a year ago, the Mantoux test was negative, and the next positive with growth resulting papules 5 mm, it is said bend - infected with tuberculosis. The stage of infection and sensitization can last for years and decades without going to the next stage, if a person eats properly, leading a healthy lifestyle and has a strong immunity. That is, a person is infected, but almost healthy.
By reducing the body's defenses in patients showing signs of tuberculosis intoxication - weakness, malaise, periodic temperature rises and so on. Children often suffer from colds. Tuberculous intoxication is not associated with the agent secreted toxins, and allergic to it. The phase of intoxication and can last a long time.
Finally, with a sharp decrease in immunity, or by ingestion of additional infection (superinfection) may develop primary tuberculosis
Tuberculosis - a full recovery is not guaranteed
the lungs, most often with the affected lymph nodes
Lymph nodes - what keeps our immune system
. Primary pulmonary tuberculosis is almost never open. Under favorable conditions, the disease can flow seamlessly and pass on their own. But allergic disposition of the body remains.
If after suffering a primary tuberculosis occurs again a sharp decline in immunity or superinfection develops secondary tuberculosis
Secondary tuberculosis - a disease of the second round
Which can occur aggressively, with the defeat of large areas of the lung tissue (infiltrative tuberculosis) and with the release of Mycobacterium tuberculosis from sputum (open tuberculosis).
Symptoms of active tuberculosis do not have to be explicit. Often this disease goes unnoticed, patients feel only a slight malaise, weakness, sometimes a slight rise in temperature. But there are severe symptoms of active tuberculosis: a high temperature, heavy sweats, dry cough intrusive and so on.
Is there a cure open tuberculosis?
Active TB disease is treated, but only in a hospital as an open form of tuberculosis treatment is a daunting challenge. Today, frequent forms of open tuberculosis that are resistant to different types of antibiotic therapy. Treatment of such patients is individually. In addition, open tuberculosis is dangerous to others, so patients should be isolated.
Open pulmonary tuberculosis - is not a sentence, but it should be treated in time.
Galina Romanenko