How to put the mustard should be good to know, because this procedure is often applied in relation to adults and to children. Amounts greater or less irritating to the skin, are used in medicine since ancient times. They do an excellent job with the seasonal flu, and some other pathological conditions.
Why put mustard
Mustard is a sheet of thick paper, coated with a layer of skim powder seed Sarepta mustard or black. Signs of good mustard plaster: plenty of mustard on it clings. If dry yellow card does not produce acidic or musty smell, but when wetted immediately appears peculiar pungent odor of volatile mustard oil. Mustard Store in a dry place, or the composition of mustard weight changes, and yellow card loses its irritant properties.
Mustard is used for the purpose of reflex therapy. They irritate the skin, including its receptors. This stimulates cellular immunity
Immunity - types and characteristics in children in adults
(the phenomenon of phagocytosis - the destruction of pathogens by phagocytes blood cells), causing a rush of blood to the site of inflammation and, by reflex change for the local inflammatory process.
Technique setting mustard plasters
Mustard wetted with warm water immediately prior to use. Then they applied mustard on the skin side, cover the top with a towel, and sometimes warm blanket. Depending on the degree of irritation or skin sensitivity duration of the procedure can be from 5 to 15 minutes.
After one or two minutes after setting mustard plasters check response: the patient must feel the heat, and a mustard plaster skin needs a little blush. The signal for removal of yellow cards is a distinct local redness. After removing the skin yellow cards wiped with a damp cloth, the patient puts on dry clothes, covered with a blanket and lying under it for a half hour.
People with very sensitive skin do not put mustard on the skin and in the tissue paper or gauze, which is applied to the skin.
Mustard can cook yourself immediately before use. To do this, take the mustard powder, mix it with an equal amount of flour, diluted with warm water to the consistency of warm dough. The resulting mass should be applied in an even thicker (3-5 mm) thick layer on the flap of cloth or a sheet of paper, cover with gauze or tissue paper and attach to the skin.
How to put mustard children
Children have very delicate sensitive skin
Sensitive skin: causes and care
While, the younger the child, the more subtle, delicate and vulnerable in his skin. Therefore, mustard can cause skin irritation, not only the child, but also burn. In this regard, children put mustard or backwards, or through paper (cheesecloth).
You should also constantly check the reaction of the skin of the child. Some children do not feel a strong burning sensation on the skin while you can see the strong reddening. In order to test the reaction of skin irritation, it is necessary to bend the edge of a mustard plaster and see if there is redness and how strong.
After removing the mustard plasters baby's skin to wipe a cloth soaked in warm water and wipe the skin dry with a towel and put her baby cream.
How to put mustard child every mother should know. Over time, it is good to know the degree of sensitivity of the skin of your baby and will carry out the procedure with maximum therapeutic effect without excessive skin irritation.
Indications and contraindications for the use of mustard plasters
Mustard is used for colds (tracheitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis, pneumonia), muscle and joint pain, neuralgia, osteochondrosis
Osteochondrosis - learn how to properly distribute the weight
, Circulatory disorders, and so on.
Mustard can not be placed at an elevated body temperature, pustular skin diseases, atopic dermatitis, weeping eczema, psoriasis the acute period, any other skin diseases, as well as hypersensitivity of the patient to the mustard and during pregnancy.
Application mustard plasters for colds
With a strong cough mustard put on the back under the shoulder blades and between the blades. You can put mustard on the sternum, but not to the heart.
At a cold well help mustard applied to the soles of the feet. They should strengthen the warm cloth on top and put on woolen socks. If there is a strong burning sensation, such mustard can be kept to an hour or longer. The procedure causes a rush of blood to the feet, while from the nasal cavity is the outflow of blood. As a result, reduces edema
Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause
nasal mucosa and nasal breathing is restored.
About how to properly put mustard, everyone should know - this procedure will quickly eliminate the symptoms of the common cold without medication.
Galina Romanenko