Ways to get rid of nail fungus on their own or with the help of a doctor

September 7th, 2014

 ways to get rid of nail fungus
 Fungal infections of the nails are common. Mycosis deliver his owners a lot of trouble: it's not just an aesthetic defect, but a disease that seriously reduces the standard of living. Ways to get rid of nail fungus Nail Fungus - reasonable care not to harm  Nail Fungus - reasonable care not to harm
   very numerous, but few of them provide a stable result: the disease is very insidious and often returns after the end of medication.


Dangerous fungi

Fungal nail disease called onychomycosis. According to some, these diseases suffer from 10-20% of people with age and the risk of developing fungal disease increases. When the disease often affects the toenails - this is due to the fact that in the area of ​​the stop propagation of fungi are ideal conditions. Closed shoes, sweating, lack of air and light, constant heat provoke proliferation of fungus on the skin of the feet and nails. Fingernails are affected less frequently.

Nails with fungal disease look repulsive, and this can not but affect the quality of life. Patients are embarrassed to walk in open shoes, walk on the beach or in the pool. If the affected fingernails, it is difficult to communicate with people. In addition, patients with onychomycosis person serves as a constant source of infection for the relatives.

In itself, the disease persists. It may be complicated by allergic reactions to the fungus. In addition, onychomycosis often complicated and ingrown nails - in this disease need surgical treatment.


When going to the doctor?

The disease is caused usually by several species of fungi-dermatophytes. Fungi can live on the skin of healthy people, but they start to breed only in favorable conditions. If, moreover, the immune system Immunity - types and characteristics in children in adults  Immunity - types and characteristics in children in adults
   Human reduced quickly begin to develop onychomycosis.

The nails may be affected in full (total onychomycosis), sides (lateral onychomycosis), from the free edge of the nail plate (distal onychomycosis) or nail roll from the (proximal onychomycosis). The disease can develop in different ways. When normotroficheskie onychomycosis change the color of the nail plate, and shows the spots and stripes, but the thickness of the nail remains normal, gloss disappears. In hypertrophic form of the disease thickens the nail plate, deformed, becomes dull and change color. The nail can begin to crumble at the sides. Atrophic onychomycosis is characterized by rejection of the nail from the nail bed.

First hit the top of the nail, but then proceeds to defeat the growth zone. At the same time, patients usually do not experience discomfort. Exception - the defeat of yeast fungus that causes skin irritation and soreness.

Whether it is necessary to consult a doctor or better to look for an easy way to get rid of the fungus on their own? Of course, the best way to get rid of the fungus - is to consult a dermatologist, who will put the correct diagnosis, determine the causative agent of the disease and prescribe medication that can defeat the disease.

Timely treatment to the doctor will save valuable time and money, because the results of tests the doctor will be able to select the optimal treatment regimen.

As a rule, in the early stages of the disease recommended medical nail polish. Such colorless varnish on the nail plate to form a thin film that prevents the fungus to multiply. In addition, the active substance in lacquers have antimikoznym action. In some cases, appointed by the tablets (Lamisil, mikosist Mikosist - another remedy for thrush  Mikosist - another remedy for thrush
   and others) that inhibit the vital activity of fungi. Despite the fact that the last generation antimikoznyh least toxic drugs, they may be difficult to act on the liver and hematopoietic organs, so their use should be carefully. During treatment, it is important to give up alcohol, so as not to impede the work of the liver even more.


How to get rid of nail fungus traditional methods

If you see a doctor for some reason it is impossible, there is always the opportunity to try some people's way of getting rid of the fungus. Alternative medicine offers a lot of tools that allow to forget about the problems with nails at least for a while. Even though doctors are skeptical about such methods, get rid of the many symptoms of onychomycosis is with their help.

A very effective way to get rid of the fungus on the nails - a paste of fresh garlic Garlic health: almost a panacea  Garlic health: almost a panacea
 Mixed with vinegar devyatiprotsentnym. This mixture should be rubbed into the nail every day after a warm bath with the addition of soap and soda (7 liters of water should take three tablespoons of baking soda and a little antibacterial soap). The duration of the bath - thirty minutes, then you need to carefully wipe their feet, treat nails nail file (tool then should be disinfected) and rub into the nail plate garlic mixture. An hour later, you can remove the remnants of garlic with nails. This procedure must be repeated until the complete disappearance of symptoms. If after a week of treatment the situation has not changed for the better, you need to find a way to see a doctor.


Important nuances

Whichever method of treatment is chosen, it must be remembered that onychomycosis is very contagious. During treatment it is necessary to pay special attention to hygiene, wash every day (and even boiled) socks, treating the inner surface of the shoe special preparations. Towel leg is also desirable to wash daily. All these measures will help prevent re-infection and make the treatment more effective.

It is important to start treatment as early as possible. The neglect of the disease, the harder it is to get rid of, and the more aggressive and expensive drugs used in the treatment required.

Maria Bykov

Article Tags:
  • fungal infections

How to put the mustard - you know it all?

December 2, 2014

 how to put the mustard
 How to put the mustard should be good to know, because this procedure is often applied in relation to adults and to children. Amounts greater or less irritating to the skin, are used in medicine since ancient times. They do an excellent job with the seasonal flu, and some other pathological conditions.


Why put mustard

Mustard is a sheet of thick paper, coated with a layer of skim powder seed Sarepta mustard or black. Signs of good mustard plaster: plenty of mustard on it clings. If dry yellow card does not produce acidic or musty smell, but when wetted immediately appears peculiar pungent odor of volatile mustard oil. Mustard Store in a dry place, or the composition of mustard weight changes, and yellow card loses its irritant properties.

Mustard is used for the purpose of reflex therapy. They irritate the skin, including its receptors. This stimulates cellular immunity Immunity - types and characteristics in children in adults  Immunity - types and characteristics in children in adults
   (the phenomenon of phagocytosis - the destruction of pathogens by phagocytes blood cells), causing a rush of blood to the site of inflammation and, by reflex change for the local inflammatory process.


Technique setting mustard plasters

Mustard wetted with warm water immediately prior to use. Then they applied mustard on the skin side, cover the top with a towel, and sometimes warm blanket. Depending on the degree of irritation or skin sensitivity duration of the procedure can be from 5 to 15 minutes.

After one or two minutes after setting mustard plasters check response: the patient must feel the heat, and a mustard plaster skin needs a little blush. The signal for removal of yellow cards is a distinct local redness. After removing the skin yellow cards wiped with a damp cloth, the patient puts on dry clothes, covered with a blanket and lying under it for a half hour.

People with very sensitive skin do not put mustard on the skin and in the tissue paper or gauze, which is applied to the skin.

Mustard can cook yourself immediately before use. To do this, take the mustard powder, mix it with an equal amount of flour, diluted with warm water to the consistency of warm dough. The resulting mass should be applied in an even thicker (3-5 mm) thick layer on the flap of cloth or a sheet of paper, cover with gauze or tissue paper and attach to the skin.


How to put mustard children

Children have very delicate sensitive skin Sensitive skin: causes and care  Sensitive skin: causes and care
 While, the younger the child, the more subtle, delicate and vulnerable in his skin. Therefore, mustard can cause skin irritation, not only the child, but also burn. In this regard, children put mustard or backwards, or through paper (cheesecloth).

You should also constantly check the reaction of the skin of the child. Some children do not feel a strong burning sensation on the skin while you can see the strong reddening. In order to test the reaction of skin irritation, it is necessary to bend the edge of a mustard plaster and see if there is redness and how strong.

After removing the mustard plasters baby's skin to wipe a cloth soaked in warm water and wipe the skin dry with a towel and put her baby cream.

How to put mustard child every mother should know. Over time, it is good to know the degree of sensitivity of the skin of your baby and will carry out the procedure with maximum therapeutic effect without excessive skin irritation.


Indications and contraindications for the use of mustard plasters

Mustard is used for colds (tracheitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis, pneumonia), muscle and joint pain, neuralgia, osteochondrosis Osteochondrosis - learn how to properly distribute the weight  Osteochondrosis - learn how to properly distribute the weight
 , Circulatory disorders, and so on.

Mustard can not be placed at an elevated body temperature, pustular skin diseases, atopic dermatitis, weeping eczema, psoriasis the acute period, any other skin diseases, as well as hypersensitivity of the patient to the mustard and during pregnancy.


Application mustard plasters for colds

With a strong cough mustard put on the back under the shoulder blades and between the blades. You can put mustard on the sternum, but not to the heart.

At a cold well help mustard applied to the soles of the feet. They should strengthen the warm cloth on top and put on woolen socks. If there is a strong burning sensation, such mustard can be kept to an hour or longer. The procedure causes a rush of blood to the feet, while from the nasal cavity is the outflow of blood. As a result, reduces edema Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause  Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause
   nasal mucosa and nasal breathing is restored.

About how to properly put mustard, everyone should know - this procedure will quickly eliminate the symptoms of the common cold without medication.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • mustard
