Trichopolum has special properties - when combined with alcohol it causes disulfiramopodobnye reactions - severe condition of the patient, at the same time causing an aversion to alcohol. Therefore Trichopolum
Trichopolum - he treats?
It is used to treat patients suffering from chronic alcoholism.
What happens in the body when taken Trichopolum and alcohol
Trichopolum - a drug that has antiprotozoal and antibacterial activity. But at the same time it is used as a treatment for alcoholism.
Under normal circumstances, alcohol, getting into the body, quickly decomposed into non-toxic metabolic products (metabolites). When receiving certain medications decomposition of alcohol impaired. The classic formulation of this series is disulfiram (teturam, Antabuse, esperal), so the reaction while taking this drug called disulfiram and alcohol, alcoholic, and if disulfiram is used instead of another drug - disulfiramopodobnyh.
That is the reaction of alcohol while taking calls and Trichopolum. The appearance of this reaction caused by accumulation in the body of one of the products of metabolism of acetaldehyde alcohol, are highly toxic. Under normal circumstances, acetaldehyde is rapidly inactivated by the enzymes (aldehyde and some other). But Trichopolum inhibits the action of these enzymes and toxic acetaldehyde accumulates in the body, causing a number of characteristic symptoms.
In addition, Trichopolum and products of its metabolism inhibit the action of certain enzymes further, resulting in central nervous system, reduced levels of norepinephrine and the relationship between dopamine and noradrenaline, which further exacerbates the symptoms disulfiramopodobnyh reaction.
Such action Trichopolum saved and after the course of his treatment, so the alcohol can not be taken at the same time not only Trichopolum, but some time after the treatment.
These properties allow the use Trichopolum for the treatment of patients with chronic alcoholism: if the patient is at least once moved disulfiramopodobnyh reaction, he has produced enough aversion to alcohol.
Symptoms disulfiramopodobnyh reaction
Disulfiramopodobnyh reaction appears while receiving Trichopolum and alcohol in the form of redness and a burning sensation in the face and upper torso. At the same time there is a feeling of tightness in the chest, shortness of breath, buzzing in the ears, decreased blood pressure
Blood pressure - dangerous if his swing?
, Palpitation, anxiety, feeling of "impending death", nausea
Nausea - there may be problems with the nervous system
, Vomiting
Duration and intensity of the reaction depends on disulfiramopodobnyh Trichopolum dose received and the number of alcohol. With the increase taken alcohol increases the duration and severity of its main manifestations, until the development of collapse - a sharp decline in blood pressure with loss of consciousness.
Treatment of patients with chronic alcoholism using drugs that can cause reactions disulfiramopodobnye
The history of the use of disulfiram for the treatment of patients with chronic alcoholism began with what has been observed decrease in drinking workers employed in the production of rubber. In the study it was found that the "originator" of this is disulfiram, which is used in production processes in the rubber industry.
This discovery led to the fact that disulfiram has been used to treat patients with chronic alcoholism. It later emerged that the same reaction can cause some drugs, for example, and furozolidon Trichopolum.
In chronic alcoholism Trichopolum prescribed rates in order to prevent aggravation of the disease - alcohol.
This helps patients to cope with a desire to drink at various stress and difficult situations that normally cause disruptions.
Trichopolum prescribe a course of ten days of one tablet (250 mg) twice a day. Such treatments can be carried out twice a year. But sometimes Trichopolum appointed and longer courses for several months. Of course, Trichopolum applies not alone, it is part of the comprehensive treatment of patients with chronic alcoholism.
Why can not apply concurrently with disulfiram Trichopolum
At simultaneous reception Trichopolum and disulfiram may develop sharp decline in blood pressure on a background of reducing the amount of norepinephrine in the central nervous system. It is also possible the development of consciousness disorders and acute psychosis.
Trichopolum - a drug that in no case can not be combined with alcohol.
Galina Romanenko