Tsiprolet and alcohol: do not load the liver

October 26th, 2011

 Tsiprolet and alcohol
 Tsipolet and alcohol do not mix, as both have toxic effects on the liver. Tsiprolet have a slight impact, while alcohol expressed. However, it can be an explosive mixture. Will the liver such a mixture, depending on the individual patient.

 Tsiprolet and alcohol: do not load the liver

Hepatotoxicity of alcohol

Hepatotoxic properties of any substance - is its ability to have a toxic effect on the liver cells. One of the most powerful poisons the liver is alcohol. Under the influence of alcoholic beverages liver cells may die soon due to necrosis of the liver and gradually degenerate.

The initial stage of alcoholic degeneration of the liver is fatty degeneration. In the liver cells (hepatocytes) accumulate large amounts of fat, they increase in size, and can not fully perform its function. Gradually, these cells are replaced by connective tissue cells, ie, fatty liver is gradually transformed into cirrhosis. In cirrhosis largely loses its function and these changes are already irreversible.

For the time being, until the liver is still doing its work, the disease can occur unnoticed, and that is very dangerous, because many patients continue to drink alcohol. When there are major symptoms of alcoholic cirrhosis (nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms  Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms
 Increase in stomach due to the accumulated fluid in the abdominal cavity, a general breakdown state), make, as a rule, do not possible.

If the patient refuses the time drinking, strictly following the diet and lead a healthy lifestyle, then his condition may remain relatively stable for several years. With continued use of alcohol or other hepatotoxic agents such patients death is inevitable.

 Tsiprolet and alcohol: do not load the liver

Does tsiprolet hepatotoxicity

Status of the liver depends on the genetic characteristics of the human body. Many people with alcoholism are relatively healthy liver, whereas other patients quite small toxic effects on the liver to necrosis began its cells.

Tsiprolet not officially considered to be hepatotoxic agent, in any case, this property is not specified in the instructions. Out of it and warning about incompatibility of the drug with alcohol.

However, the instruction in the section about the side effects of the drug there is information that the toxic effects on the liver were recorded. Changes in the liver manifested as cholestatic (bile due to stagnation in the biliary tract), jaundice Jaundice - if the eyes are shining suspiciously  Jaundice - if the eyes are shining suspiciously
 , Hepatitis, gepatonekroz and disorders of the liver, which appeared to change its biochemical parameters.

Already only one possibility of side effects such as hepatitis Hepatitis - the scourge of our time  Hepatitis - the scourge of our time
   (inflammation of the liver) and gepatonekroz (death of liver tissue) says that the hepatotoxic effects have tsiprolet still there. Another thing is that it has expressed slightly and most of the people receiving tsiprolet effects on the liver simply does not notice.

But if the structure of the liver, or a part of its enzymes have some slight anomaly, of which the patient is unaware, even after minor toxic effects can begin serious complication of the liver. This is just the small percentage of patients who tsiprolet cause hepatitis and gepatonekroz. It should take into account that those who abuse alcohol are likely this number is not included, as they have long been destroyed his liver.

 Tsiprolet and alcohol: do not load the liver

What to do to keep the liver healthy

First of all, maintain a healthy lifestyle and eat right. A devastating effect on the liver fatty, fried, spicy, smoked dishes and, of course, alcohol. Not less destructive, and a sedentary lifestyle that contributes to the stagnation of bile in the biliary tract, and it also negatively affects the condition of the liver.

That is why today is the importance attached to a healthy lifestyle and proper regular meals. To bile regularly allocate and deallocate the gallbladder Gall bladder: structure and function  Gall bladder: structure and function
 You need to eat no less than four hours later, 4 - 5 times a day. Useful vegetables, fruits, cereals, lean meats and fish (they need to be steamed, cook or stew), dairy products (especially dairy).

Also useful are moderate, according to age and physical capabilities, exercise, walking, swimming in the pool, cycling.

Take care of your liver and do not load it neither alcohol nor any other hepatotoxic substances without a prescription.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • tsiprolet

Encephalitis Davson - a very rare and very dangerous

December 4, 2008

 Encephalitis Davson
 Encephalitis Davson - a progressive, severe and potentially fatal disease of the brain, associated with the measles virus. Typically, measles virus does not cause brain damage, but an abnormal immune response against measles or possibly at some mutant forms of the virus can cause serious illness and death. This leads to inflammation of the brain, which can last for years.

 Encephalitis Davson - a very rare and very dangerous


Cases of encephalitis Davson observed in all regions of the world, but in western countries it is considered a rare disease.

For example, in the United States registered less than ten cases per year - a sharp decline came after the adoption of a national immunization program against measles. At the same time, in some other countries, such as India, it is celebrated every year for more than twenty cases of encephalitis Davson a million people.

As a rule, encephalitis Davson develops a few years after the person has been ill with measles Measles in children - may cause serious complications  Measles in children - may cause serious complications
 Even if it seems that he is fully recovered. Men suffer encephalitis Davson more often than women; the disease is most common among children and adolescents.

 Encephalitis Davson - a very rare and very dangerous


When encephalitis Davson the following symptoms:

  • Unusual behavior;
  • Dementia (impaired cognitive and social skills);
  • Coma;
  • Gradual behavioral changes;
  • Myoclonic jerking (frequent muscle cramps);
  • Learning problems;
  • Convulsions;
  • Unstable, uncertain gait;
  • Severe muscle tension, weakness in both legs.

 Encephalitis Davson - a very rare and very dangerous


One of the reasons for the diagnosis of encephalitis Davson is a history of measles in unvaccinated person. During a medical examination may reveal:

  • Damage to the optic nerve that responsible for vision;
  • Damage to the retina of the eye that senses light signals;
  • Muscle twitching;
  • Low rates when checking coordination.
  • The following tests may be used to diagnose encephalitis Davson:
  • Electroencephalography (EEG);
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain;
  • A lumbar puncture.

 Encephalitis Davson - a very rare and very dangerous


Currently there is no cure encephalitis Davvsona. However, certain antiviral drugs can slow the progression of the disease.

 Encephalitis Davson - a very rare and very dangerous


Encephalitis patients often die within one to two years after diagnosis, but some of them live much longer. Nevertheless, the disease is always fatal.

 Encephalitis Davson - a very rare and very dangerous


As the disease progresses may develop complications such as complications like stupor and coma, seizures and dementia.

 Encephalitis Davson - a very rare and very dangerous


Vaccinations against measles is the only known way to prevent encephalitis Davson.
