- Chest pain is one symptom - a lot of diseases
- In the left breast
- In the right breast
- Before menstruation
- After feeding
Pain in the right chest
Pain in the right side of the chest may occur in diseases of the breast, renal and hepatic colic, diseases of the stomach, spine, intercostal neuralgia
Neuralgia - the scourge of the elderly
, Injuries of the spine and rib cage, and some other states. Particular attention should be paid to the one-sided pain in the breast.
The manifestation of breast disease
Pain in both breasts, occurring during the second half of the menstrual cycle are usually normal variant or a manifestation of diffuse mastopathy - an initial stage of the disease. With such pain can be to see a doctor, but he probably limited to one examination or appoint another ultrasound.
More pain should alert a mammary gland (including the right side) is not associated with the menstrual cycle. Normally, such pain should not be, most often they are a sign of a nodal mastopathy, that is, the disease, which does not pass on their own and require surgical treatment. Nodular mastopathy should be treated in time, since it is considered a precancerous condition.
There are breast cancers that occur as an inflammatory process affecting wherein a mammary gland. In this type of cancer may appear and pains. Therefore, it is dangerous to self-treat any inflammation in the mammary gland, because if, for example, used in cancer treatments warming, the tumor will grow faster.
It can be painful and running types of cancer, when it begins to grow in the surrounding tissue, including the muscles in the chest.
It is important to notice pain in one breast and seek medical advice.
Today, breast cancer in its early stages can be treated very well, while running the cancer is treated with difficulty.
Manifestation of kidney disease
Most often the pain can occur with kidney stones - inflammation of the kidneys
Inflammation of the kidney - do not suffer pain
against various metabolic disorders with the formation of stones. In this case, the passage of a stone through the urinary tract to the right can begin renal colic, which appears very strong cutting pain in the lumbar region. But sometimes the pain can be located atypically - starts to hurt the entire right half of the thorax.
The cause of renal colic
Renal colic: a signal that the danger in the bud
is the overlap of the urinary tract stone, thereby squeezing the walls of the urinary tract, impaired blood flow to the damaged portion and dying tissue. Therefore, it is important to remove the time renal colic. Do this by using drugs - antispasmodics and heat treatments (for example, shpy and warm baths).
The manifestation of diseases of biliary tract
Likewise, developing and biliary colic attack, occurs against a background of cholelithiasis. Passing by gall stone paths can cause an attack of severe pain in the right upper quadrant, donating up the entire right side of the chest. The pain may be aggravated by deep breathing and with pressure on the region of the gallbladder.
Such pain, but less intense and prolonged abuse may occur when the motor activity of biliary tract (dyskinesia), and diseases of the gallbladder (cholecystitis). First aid for acute cholecystitis is the introduction of antispasmodics (eg, no-spa). Acute cholecystitis (especially if the gallbladder contains stones) often requires emergency surgery.
Respiratory diseases
Pain respiratory diseases arise in the case where the process involves the pleura - thin serosa, which consists of two sheets and covers the lungs and chest wall cavity. Between the pleura is the pleural cavity. The pleura is a lot of nerve endings, therefore, any disease is accompanied by pain.
Such diseases include pleurisy and lung fever
Pneumonia - Symptoms and Causes
. When lobar pneumonia affects large areas of the lung tissue (or segments thereof), and always in the process involves the pleura. So begins lobar pneumonia with high fever and pain in the side on the side of destruction, and only a day or more can join cough - initially dry, then with sputum streaked with blood. Gradually the mucus becomes rusty color.
When pleurisy chest pain are always connected with the process of respiration: they are aggravated by inspiration, so slowly on the affected side is noticeable lag chest during respiration. And pleura, and lobar pneumonia are treated only in a hospital.
When the pain in the right side of the chest is necessary, first of all, to understand why they are there, and only then take steps to eliminate them. And understand this situation only by a doctor.