Chest pain is one symptom - a lot of diseases

February 1, 2012

  • Chest pain is one symptom - a lot of diseases
  • In the left breast
  • In the right breast
  • Before menstruation
  • After feeding

 chest pain
 Chest pain can be a manifestation of diseases of various organs: cardiovascular system, respiratory system, breast, spine and even the gastrointestinal tract. Pain in the chest with all of these diseases can be very similar.


Pain in diseases of the cardiovascular system

Atherosclerosis in the walls of blood vessels are deposited atherosclerotic plaques, due to which broken patency. Atherosclerosis of the coronary vessels (they bring blood to the heart muscle) is called coronary heart disease (CHD). In this disease, coronary vasospasm slightest largely shuts off blood, together with its oxygen and nutrients to the heart muscle, causing severe pain. If this pain will last a long time, it will lead to necrosis of the heart muscle - myocardial infarction.

Pain in ischemic heart disease is acute, often piercing character. They arise in the chest on the left, is given under the left shoulder and left arm. Initially, the pain of the disease occur after physical or mental stress, so the disease is called - angina Angina - the consequences of the activity  Angina - the consequences of the activity
 . In the future, the pain appears at rest, even in sleep - the so-called rest angina Angina rest - invisible enemy  Angina rest - invisible enemy

If you can not stand the pain of angina pectoris, you should immediately take koronarolitik - drug dilates coronary vessels.

So fast koronarolitikom is nitroglycerin, which is taken under the tongue. If, within two minutes after the nitroglycerin pain fails, one must take one tablet. If in this case the pain comes off, you should immediately call an ambulance.



When cardioneurosis under constant stress and high emotional stress can occur disorder of the autonomic nervous system that innervate the internal organs, including the heart. Pain thus may be very different in nature, they can be sharp, stabbing, constant aching, is enhanced by emotional stress.

The distinguishing feature of this pain is that they do not extend from nitroglycerin, but may stay sedatives.


Respiratory diseases

Chest pain can occur with lung fever Lobar pneumonia - severe course of the disease  Lobar pneumonia - severe course of the disease
 When in the inflammatory process involves the segment or lobe of the lung. Against the background of high temperatures appear pain in his side on the stakeholders and a dry cough Dry cough - whether to worry about it?  Dry cough - whether to worry about it?

Chest pain often occurs with involvement of inflammation of the pleura. Pleura - a serous membrane that covers one piece of light, and the other - the wall of the chest cavity, the cavity between the sheets is called the pleura. The pleura are many nerve endings, so pleurisy are always accompanied by severe pain in the chest, associated with cough and breathing movements.



Osteochondrosis - a metabolic disorders in the spine, that result in overgrowth of bone tissue that can cause compression of the spinal cord extending from the roots. If such changes occur in the thoracic spine, it leads to severe pain in the course of nerve entrapment. Pain in the chest at the same time associated with movements. When careless movement can occur severe pain, which are then tested. There may be severe and constant pain, aggravated by the careless movement.

Intercostal neuralgia may also be the result of degenerative disc disease, but can occur on their own, such as supercooling. In this case, pain arises in the course of the ribs, they can be very strong, cutting, aggravated by motion.

In all manifestations of osteochondrosis help nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs, they remove pain, but if there is an inflammatory process, and it too.


Gastrointestinal disease

Stomach pain can mimic heart pain as well as the stomach and the heart is innervated by the autonomic nervous system, which branches away from spinal nerves, and then divide and go separately to each internal organ. Therefore, the pain in the stomach (eg, chronic gastritis or gastric ulcer) pain can be felt in the chest.

Remove such pain can be using antispasmodic drugs (such as No-Spa), which causes relaxation of smooth muscles of internal organs.

Chest pain can occur in different diseases, in order to help the patient, it must first make a correct diagnosis, and this can only be done after the test.

Nodal mastopathy: Early diagnosis is important

November 29, 2009

 nodular breast
 Breast - is a group of various benign changes in the breast. The disease is most common in women of reproductive (reproductive) age. Breast is of two types: diffuse and nodular. In diffuse mastopathy predominant proliferation of connective tissue cancer, and in the milk ducts there is a lot of cysts. Nodal mastopathy Breast - the mirror Women's Health  Breast - the mirror Women's Health
   accompanied by the formation of one or more nodes in the chest.


Why is there

The main cause of mastitis - hormonal changes in women's status. It is proved that in this disease in the blood increased prolactin, estrogen, follicle-stimulating hormone and androgens. Some patients are deficient in progesterone.

Because of these endocrine changes violated the physiological processes in the breast tissue, which normally should occur cyclically. Estrogens are produced by the ovaries in the first phase of the menstrual cycle, promote the proliferation of (widening) of breast tissue. In the second phase of the cycle is to dominate the production of progesterone Progesterone - norm and pathology  Progesterone - norm and pathology
   - The hormone that slows down this process. If the balance of hormones is disrupted, develops breast.

Risk factors for the development of mastitis:

  • Genetic predisposition;
  • Lack of birth;
  • Irregular sexual life;
  • Frequent abortions;
  • Stress, neurosis and depression Depression - a little more than a bad mood  Depression - a little more than a bad mood
  • Ovary disease, thyroid cancer, liver;
  • Diabetes;
  • Obesity;
  • Alcohol abuse, smoking;
  • Chest trauma (even minor), wearing tight underwear;
  • Refusal from breastfeeding.



In this form of the disease in the breast palpated one or more mobile nodes. They have clear boundaries, not related to the skin and nipple. Dimensions seals may be varied from several millimeters to two or three centimeters. Women can detect such nodes at BSE.

Breast disease is often accompanied by pain. They can occur spontaneously, or only when the probing units. However, their intensity is different - from mild to severe pain sensitivity. Before menstruation nodes may increase in size as the rest of the breast. This is associated with edema of the connective tissue. Lymph nodes in this disease is not increased.

Sometimes there are discharge from the nipple. They can be transparent, white or greenish color. A spotting - it is a serious cause for concern. This symptom may be a sign of breast cancer.



If signs of nodal mastopathy woman as soon as possible to appeal to mammologu. The doctor should ask the patient in detail about the symptoms of the disease and the time of their occurrence. Then the doctor spends palpation (feeling) of mammary glands of women in the supine position and standing, determines whether there is an increase in the axillary, subclavian and supraclavicular lymph nodes. Inspection and detection nipple discharge from them is also very important to diagnose the disease.

The doctor then must assign a number of studies, which will help clarify the diagnosis and to distinguish mastopathy from breast cancer. These include:

  • Mammography - X-ray of the breast it. It is usually performed in the period from the seventh to the tenth day of the menstrual cycle The days of the menstrual cycle: Four phases  The days of the menstrual cycle: Four phases
 When proliferative processes are particularly pronounced. The study should be carried out in two projections - direct and oblique. This is in order to get the most complete information about the nature of changes in the glands.
  • Ultrasonography (US) - is a simple method for the detection of pathological changes in the mammary glands. His conduct during the period from the fifth to the tenth day of the menstrual cycle. With the help of ultrasound can be very accurately determine the structure of education emerged in the chest.
  • The study of hormonal status. For this purpose the content in the blood is determined estrogen, progesterone, prolactin, thyroid hormones. Revealed changes must be considered in the treatment of disease.
  • Pelvic ultrasound. It is necessary in order to determine whether a woman has pathological changes of the ovaries, which can affect the development and course of mastitis.
  • Biopsy. If there is a suspicion of malignancy, with the help of a needle assembly taking a small piece of fabric, and then determine which cells contained therein.



In this form of surgical treatment of mastitis, as formed units do not disappear in patients receiving medication. When fibroadenoma (benign tumor with a predominance of connective tissue) of up to two centimeters and cysts (cavities, which are filled with fluid) from the surgery can be avoided. At the same time be sure to visit regularly mammalogy.

There are two types of operations that are carried out at the junction of mastitis:

  • Sectoral resection - removal of part of the site along with the cancer;
  • Enucleation of the cyst or Node - husking only pathological education.

Indications for surgery:

  • Getting biopsy, which showed suspected malignant process (in this case, the sectoral resection);
  • Rapid growth nodes (fibroadenoma increase twice or more in the last three months);
  • If one is found breast cyst, then its contents were removed using puncture (puncture). But when there is a relapse (re-formation of cysts) perform its enucleation.

BSE - the main measure of prevention of mastitis, whose aim is the early detection of pathological changes in the breast. This will allow time to seek medical care and conduct the necessary treatment. To do this, every woman should be in the period from the fifth to the seventh day after menstruation palpate both breasts. This is done both in the supine and standing. Palpation should begin with the underarm area and continue to the nipple. Then, gentle movements cancer examined from top to bottom.

Article Tags:
  • disease of the breast
