- Treatment of gynecomastia - conservative and operative
- Men
Treatment of gynecomastia in men
Treatment of gynecomastia in young men Policy Pay by the same rules as that of teenagers. Idiopathic gynecomastia prescribed antiestrogens, such as tamoxifen, it is used in a daily dose of 10 mg twice a day for a long time. If treatment is started promptly, before the development of fibrotic changes in the breast, gynecomastia may be subject to regression. But in the absence of therapeutic effect within two months of treatment ceased.
In the case where gynecomastia is not amenable to conservative treatment, the breast is removed, since it is a serious cosmetic defect. If the patient is not bothered by the fact that it has increased the breast, the operation is not carried out - the life and health of the patient so the breast is generally not threatened.
Gynecomastia in older men is not uncommon, especially in those who have excess weight. In this case, due to lower secretion of male sex hormone androgen is an increase in the formation of female sex hormones estrogen cells, adipose tissue, and the formation of estrogens from androgens in the adrenal glands.
But not all so simple: in old age often develop gynecomastia and because of other reasons, for example because of the tumor, or medication that suppress the action of androgens. Therefore, such a patient before prescribing hormone therapy, it should be carefully examined.
Surgical treatment of gynecomastia in men older justified only in the case where there is a suspicion of malignant breast tumor.
Treatment of false gynecomastia
When false gynecomastia treatment is best to start at the endocrinologist, as in most cases the disease develops on the background of obesity. The patient is prescribed a low-calorie diet and increase physical activity is recommended. Any exercise should be appropriate to the age and state of health of the patient.
Under the supervision of an endocrinologist almost all patients can be reduced body weight. This often leads to getting rid of gynecomastia. But just as often the problem is not removed or partially removed. The fact that the fat in the breast can be placed between fibrous (connective) layers and hardly be removed from those places even with a significant weight reduction.
Another problem is the presence of "excess skin" which hangs in folds and is no less significant cosmetic defect than gynecomastia.
Therefore, the false gynecomastia
False gynecomastia - a consequence of obesity
also often have to resort to surgery: the fat from the breast is removed, or by liposuction (suction using special equipment) or completely removed the entire breast along with the fat deposits and the "extra skin". Unfortunately, the cosmetic effect after such an operation is not always enough - the scars remain on the skin.
Treatment of symptomatic gynecomastia
In some cases, gynecomastia is not an independent disease, but a consequence of some other, more serious diseases. Particularly dangerous in this respect hormone producing tumor. For example, in the area of the pituitary gland may develop a benign tumor prolactinoma, podutsiruyuschaya hormone prolactin, which inhibits the secretion of androgens. If the gynecomastia has developed against the backdrop of a prolactinoma, then it can only be cured by removing the tumor. It helps and conservative treatment - the suppression of prolactin secretion by various drugs, such as bromocriptine.
Gynecomastia can be developed for other pituitary tumors as well as in various diseases and tumors of the hypothalamus - all of these diseases require detection and treatment.
Gynecomastia in boys (and sometimes even in adult males) sometimes develops on the background of increased thyroid function
The thyroid gland - is responsible for your hormones
- Hyperthyroidism
Hyperthyroidism: increased secretion of thyroid hormone
. Thyroid hormones enhance the action of estrogen and help to increase breast tissue. Low thyroid function (hypothyroidism) may also contribute to the development of gynecomastia, which is associated with increased secretion of prolactin. Gynecomastia, and in fact, and in another case it can not be cured as long as it returns to normal thyroid function.
If underdevelopment of the male sex organs are also often develop gynecomastia, which may succumb to regress during substitution treatment for male sexual hormones.
To treat gynecomastia
Gynecomastia - known since ancient times
not so simple - first you need to understand the reasons for its occurrence.
Galina Romanenko