Cyst of the breast - a sign of hormonal trouble - Structure

May 30, 2013

  • Cyst of the breast - a sign of hormonal trouble
  • Structure
  • Causes

 the structure of breast cancer women

The structure of the human mammary gland

Each breast is 15-20 fractions, consisting of hundreds of milk-producing cells that are in turn grouped into slices. Shares radially away from the nipple. Groups share channels are connected to the nipples, which are called breast ducts. To fit the nipple ducts 15-20.

Milk flows through ducts in special tanks, which are called sinuses, and then released through the nipple. The area around the nipple is called the areola.

The glands have fat and connective tissue, which gives them shape. In the chest wall breast fixed Cooper ligaments. Mammary glands not contain muscle tissue.


Breast and hormonal fluctuations

Since the breasts play an important role in childbirth, the changes occurring in them during life, affect the sex hormones estrogen Estrogen - the key to bone health  Estrogen - the key to bone health
   and progesterone Progesterone - norm and pathology  Progesterone - norm and pathology
 Which is mainly produced in the ovaries. Hormonal contraceptives also affect hormones.

About a week before menstruation is produced at this time of hormones that prepare the body for pregnancy can cause swelling, tenderness and breast enlargement Breast augmentation plastic surgery breast health perspective  Breast augmentation plastic surgery breast health perspective
 . If fertilization has occurred, the hormone levels and reduced breast returns to the former size.

During menopause decreases the amount of estrogen that have a big impact on breast cancer. Appears pain in breast cancer, increased sensitivity of nipples, the weakening of the connective tissue that creates the frame breast sagging that promotes cancer.


Cyst of breast cancer and the causes of its occurrence

Cysts - a cavity filled with liquid. There they are quite common, especially in nulliparous women aged 35-55 years. They are formed from the milk ducts or lobules of the mammary glands and are single and multiple.

The formation of cysts associated with estrogen production and disruption of normal hormonal levels when taking hormonal contraceptives, so the cyst prevalent in women of childbearing age. Formation of cysts, breast cancer occurs when occlusion and separation of the excretory duct. A cyst is a rounded education with sharp edges, surrounded by a connective tissue capsule. The size of cysts can vary from a few millimeters to several centimeters. Cysts can be a single or multi-chamber, with the number of cameras included in the brush and their size can be increased. Capsules may contain cysts cells both benign and malignant.


Signs of breast cysts

Women with breast cysts complain of the presence of circular elastic painless education in breast, gradually increasing in size. Sometimes the appearance of such education coincides with a slight pain in the breast.

Cysts are usually difficult to detect until they reach a large enough size. When infected cysts may fester.

Treatment of breast cysts - not an easy process

May 31, 2013

 Treatment of breast cysts
 Treatment of breast cysts - a lengthy process, because the cyst can pass only if the normalization of hormonal women. In the treatment of breast cysts commonly used herbal and dietary supplements to food, contributing to the restoration of normal metabolic and hormonal women.


How is the treatment of breast cysts

Prior to treatment, a woman is required to examine. Investigated blood hormones cyst detected, its size, shape, presence or absence of abnormal cells (cancer cells). Only after that can be assigned to a long course of medical treatment of the cyst. Simultaneously, the treatment of gynecological diseases, contributing to the development of cysts in the breast.

If medical treatment fails, the cyst with a needle puncture is made, the evacuation of its contents and the introduction of a substance that promotes bonding of its walls. Operation (sectoral resection) breast cysts is carried out only in cases of suspected malignancy of cysts, that is, its degeneration into a malignant tumor Malignant tumor: cells are mad  Malignant tumor: cells are mad


Diet for breast cysts

Particular attention is paid to the nutritional status of women, who were found cysts of the breast. Excluded from the diet foods that promote the formation of estrogen in the body, and introduced products that improve metabolism Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things  Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things
   and liver function.

From a diet exclude women: fatty meats, fried, spicy food, coffee, strong tea, cocoa, chocolate, alcoholic beverages - all these products contribute to increased holesterinoobrazovaniyu. Furthermore, most of these products contribute to disruption of hepatic cell function.

The diet is recommended to introduce lean meat, sea fish (including fat varieties - salmon, tuna, etc.), low-fat dairy products (especially useful dairy products and cheese), a large number of vegetables, both fresh and cooked form. Particularly useful are the various types of cabbage - cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage and other - these vegetables helps to suppress prolactin secretion - the pituitary hormone that stimulates the formation of cysts in the mammary gland.

A large number of vegetables, fruits and grains provides the body with the necessary amount of "fuel" - the energy required to maintain the metabolism, as well as vitamins and minerals, are directly involved in metabolic processes.


Drug-free methods of treatment

Treatment of large breast cysts is carried out by a needle puncture of the thin walls of the cyst under the control of the ultrasonic beam. Manipulation is virtually painless and is performed without anesthesia. Fine needle pierced the skin, the needle under ultrasound advancing deep into the prostate capsule cysts and punctures. Then, using a syringe contents cysts removed and sent for analysis to the cytology laboratory. A cyst is injected air or ozone - after suction cyst wall are glued together, and the cyst disappears.

If the cysts are not amenable to medical treatment, and is suspected of degeneration into a malignant tumor, further treatment Policy Pay only in Oncology Center. Depending on what is detected in the investigation of the cyst content taken by aspiration biopsy is performed surgeries different amounts of sectoral resection (removal of part of the breast), to complete removal of the breast and surrounding lymph nodes.


Medication treatment methods

For this purpose usually used herbal medicinal products that contribute to the suppression of estrogen and prolactin secretion and to restore normal metabolism.

To suppress the secretion of prolactin by the pituitary gland is used combined herbal drug mastodinon (Bionorica Germany). The drug is appointed for a term not less than three months, after which a repeated examination of the patient and determine the effectiveness of treatment.

If mastodinon proved to be ineffective, then appoint Indinol Indinol - drug or another fiction?  Indinol - drug or another fiction?
   (Miraksbiofarma, Russia) - a drug that is based on plants of cruciferous (cabbage of some species), which suppresses the production of estrogen in the body. He was appointed as a long time.

It is also often prescribed homeopathic medicine combined structure Mastiol-Edas (Edas-927 - ZAO Edas, Russia), which promotes the resorption of cysts.

Furthermore, appointed drugs that restore normal metabolism Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting  Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
 Immunity and protecting liver cells from destruction - Wobenzym, Essentiale, and so on.

Galina Romanenko

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  • lactocele
