Alternative methods of treatment of mastitis - food supplements and healthy

May 1, 2013

 alternative methods of treatment of mastitis
 The main principle in the treatment of mastitis guided alternative medicine, is that the main body responsible for the processing of estrogen is the liver, liver malfunction and can lead to increased levels of estrogen resulting in the chest and forms a seal. To ensure proper processing of estrogen, it is necessary with the help of herbs and nutrients to improve liver function.

Digestion as a whole, too, is of great importance for the development of disorders associated with hormonal. Thus, women who sustained digestion increases the risk of mastitis in 4-5 times in comparison with the norm. A common sign of slow digestion is a rare bowel movements - three or four times a week. The longer the food passes through the intestine, the more waste is released into the bloodstream, creating a potentially toxic environment. Alternative methods of treatment of mastitis Methods of treatment of mastitis  Methods of treatment of mastitis
   We must take account of this information.

 Alternative methods of treatment of mastitis - food supplements and healthy


Limiting intake of caffeine - one of the most popular alternative treatment of mastitis. In the first study, the aim of which was to examine the relationship between mastopathy and caffeine, involved 158 women who had four months to give up coffee, tea, cola, chocolate, as well as medicines that contain caffeine. A significant portion of the test seals become worse palpable palpation, and reduce the unpleasant symptoms associated with mastopathy. Knot size decreased, although not significantly. The following studies have given mixed results, and while it is impossible to make a definitive conclusion about how breast Breast - the mirror Women's Health  Breast - the mirror Women's Health
   associated with consumption of caffeine. However, many experts recommend that patients with mastopathy consume as little as possible.

The caffeine content in some beverages, food and medicine.


Serving Size

Caffeine content (mg)


140 g


Instant coffee

140 g


Decaffeinated coffee

140 g


Tea, brewed for 5 minutes

140 g


Tea, brewed for 3 minutes

140 g


Hot chocolate

140 g


Coca Cola

340 g


Milk chocolate

28 g


bitter chocolate

28 g




Anatsin, empirin









It is unclear exactly how fat intake affects the health of the breast. However, it is believed that the reduction of fat in the diet to 15% of the total number of calories consumed and increasing the intake of complex carbohydrates helps to reduce benign growths in the breast. Reducing the amount of fat in the diet of 20% also yields good results, reducing the amount of circulating estrogen, which leads to improvement of the patients mastopathy. Often, however, such changes in the diet effect is negligible, and to get a more noticeable results, you must make a plan to supply more substantial changes. This should be done only after consulting your doctor.

 Alternative methods of treatment of mastitis - food supplements and healthy

Nutritional supplements

  • Vitamin E

Throughout more than 35 years, doctors use vitamin E in the treatment of benign tumors in the breast. This practice is based on the positive results of the study with a small number of subjects, conducted in 1965. When the studies were carried out with the participation of a large number of women, vitamin E gave only minor positive results. However, two studies failed to show that vitamin E relieves pain and eliminates hypersensitivity chest as cyclic and non-cyclic. Subjects were given daily doses of various vitamin E - 150, 300 or 600 IU (International Units). In clinical practice, experts recommend that patients take 400 to 800 IU of vitamin E in the form of d-alpha-tocopherol, at least for two months.

  • Evening primrose oil

The pain and breast tenderness associated with cyclic mastalgia (it is often observed in mastitis) can be facilitated by using evening primrose oil. It contains only fatty acids, the effectiveness of which for the treatment of mastitis has been proven.

During the tests, patients were instructed to take 3 grams of evening primrose oil daily for 3-6 months. Half of the 92 subjects who complained of cyclic breast pain, improvement was noted. In the placebo group improved only a fifth of the state of the patients.

Among patients suffering from non-cyclic breast pain, improvement was noted in 27% of women and only 9% - in the group that took a placebo. In another study, 73 women every day to take 3 g evening primrose oil or placebo. After three months, it decreased significantly as cyclic and non-cyclic pain; patients who took a placebo, did not observe improvements.

  • Iodine

It has long been known that the thyroid gland for secretion of thyroxine (one of thyroid hormones) needs iodine. Low levels of thyroxine may contribute mastopathy. It is logical to assume that cause mastitis often become iodine deficiency. It is found that for iodine deficiency breast tissue becomes more sensitive to estrogen stimulation, which leads to smaller cysts in tissues where high levels of potassium. A potassium, in turn, is considered as a substance that can provoke the development of benign tumors in the breast. It is believed that by maintaining normal levels of iodine can both relieve the symptoms of mastitis, and to prevent its development. Adult recommended to take from 80 to 150 micrograms of iodine per day.

  • Other nutrients

Other useful substances that can improve the liver - methionine and choline. The B vitamins, especially vitamin B6, help to better process estrogens. Lactobacilli normalize the intestinal microflora, improve the absorption and transport of estrogen.

 Alternative methods of treatment of mastitis - food supplements and healthy

Medicinal herbs

Herbs that have a diuretic effect, can shoot symptoms of mastitis Breast - Symptoms: When should I see a doctor?  Breast - Symptoms: When should I see a doctor?
 As pain, swelling breasts, and increased sensitivity. The most effective of these are yarrow, dandelion leaves and cleavers. From herbs that improve liver function is recommended to use burdock root, dandelion root and milk thistle.

As a rule, changing diet, taking supplements and herbs within 1-3 months there are positive results: chest pain Chest pain is one symptom - a lot of diseases  Chest pain is one symptom - a lot of diseases
   appears less, sometimes also reduces compaction. However, if no improvement is observed, it may require more aggressive treatment with the synthetic progestin, danazol and tamoxifen.

Article Tags:
  • disease of the breast
