Although it has not been scientifically proven that stress lowers resistance to disease, the complex relationship between physical and mental health can not be denied. Psychological stress can be caused by the death of a family member or close friend, health problems, insult, financial crisis or domestic problems.
Normally, the human body responds to stress by increasing the production of certain hormones, such as adrenaline and cortisol. These stress hormones increase the blood pressure, heart rate and blood sugar levels
Blood sugar - one of the main indicators of human health
. Chronic, long and growing stress can be harmful. Keep the same level of stress increases the risk of the completeness, depression and other disorders and diseases.
Stress - a risk factor for cancer
Studies have shown that there is an indirect link between stress
How to beat stress? Create an oasis
and certain types of tumors. Chronic stress weakens the immune system, which in turn can lead to disorders associated with cancers such as Kaposi's sarcoma or lymphoma.
However, recent studies have shown that the endocrine system in response to these hormones amends important processes that occur in the cell. DNA repair and cell growth regulation can protect against the formation of cancer cells. However, stress can cause this behavior as overeating, smoking, alcohol or drugs, which is also in itself can lead to cancer.
Many women experience stress in the current circumstances. Financial difficulties, family and health problems at work - all increase stress. Research shows that intense stress arising due to such life situations such as divorce, death of a loved one or moving may cause a degree of security vulnerability of the body.
It is necessary to monitor their emotional and physical needs. Poor internal power supply of the body, unhealthy sleep or lack of exercise can contribute to the development of breast cancer. Tension, fear and irritability
Irritability - you try to control my temper
, Increased sensitivity of sleep increases the risk of breast cancer in later life. Studies have found that a woman suffering from stress increases your risk of developing breast cancer by half.
The most common stressors
Stress factors are very diverse, and even ordinary event can trigger the body's stress response.
- The loss of a loved one or even a pet
- Loss of spouse or death of a relative
- Separation
- Losing a job, career instability
- Conflicts in the Workplace
- Economic crisis
- Severe illness
- Family and personal relationships
Emotional stress or distress and breast cancer
Catherine Russell in her book, "Red Devil" told me that she had found the breast cancer is the fourth degree immediately after the divorce. She sees no reason for this other than to stress due to separation.
Elizabeth Edwards was a tumor in the breast at the time of both her husband fought for a place in the Vice-President. There are many cases when, after a long period of chronic stress or large loss in women found a tumor in his chest.
Here is another study conducted by the Israeli students who were interviewed women under 45 years old. They found that young women who have experienced two or more traumatic life events have above average levels of depression and susceptibility to breast cancer. The younger a woman is exposed to stress, the greater the risk of breast cancer.
Other European study presented at the Copenhagen conference on cancer, showed that women who experience a lot of stress for one or more months in the past five years doubled their risk of developing breast cancer. Factors such as smoking, obesity, alcohol consumption, age at first pregnancy, age at menopause were also taken into account, but the risk of breast cancer increased only under stress. This study revealed the existence of a strong causal relationship between stress and breast cancer, but the researchers say that, however, requires further study. While still not proven that stress leads to breast cancer.
Stress affects the nervous, endocrine and immune system. This does not mean that everyone who has experienced the stress, be sure to find a sick or at breast cancer. Doctors say that people under stress tend to use alcohol, overeating and smoking, and it raises the risk of various cancers. Stress triggers a lifestyle that is bad for health.
Stress and reoccurrence of breast cancer
Many studies in this field show that stress can affect the risk of breast cancer recurrence, and sometimes even death from breast cancer. This is associated with depressed immune status.
The intervention of professional psychologists, their work aimed at reducing the stress of these patients have led to a decrease in the risk of breast cancer recurrence by 45% and death from breast cancer again - by more than 50%.
Another study, in which patients with breast cancer receiving professional counseling psychologist who taught them how to reduce stress. It has been found that this reduced exposure is repeated for breast cancer by 60%.
It was also found that receiving psychological support for patients who still developed breast cancer again, after 12 months have had a stronger immune system than those that did not receive psychological uphold reduces stress.
It follows that a reduction in stress after the breast cancer is an important part of the healing process. Reduced stress means better quality of life for its renewal.
How to deal with stress
- Deep breathing: being exposed to stress, breathe deeply, to bring more air into the lungs. This will help control emotions and stay calm. Breathing under stress is usually mild and shallow. To start breathing, place your hands on your stomach and breathe slowly through your nose. The abdomen expand, and now exhale. This practice can be carried out 10-20 minutes a day.
- Meditation: This is another way to calm the body and mind. We need to concentrate on one thing. For example, you can try to focus on your breathing. Meditate for at least ten minutes per day.
Focus on the present moment, here and now, without the distraction of what happened yesterday or will happen tomorrow, it helps to learn how to enjoy the simple things well is the ability to reduce stress. Cognitive behavioral therapy helps women cope with the side effects of breast cancer treatment, as well as to cope with the mental changes in behavior, such as anger, sadness, fear and self-doubt.
Breast cancer is a disease controlled by estrogen
Estrogen - the key to bone health
And feelings of stress can cause changes in hormone levels that can trigger the growth of healthy breast cells. Now there is no direct evidence that stress can cause breast cancer, but there is evidence of a causal link between the two phenomena. Practice shows the existence of a link between stress and the development of certain cancers, as well as the existence of interdependence in the course of the disease.
It is important to understand that even though stress is a part of our lives, but it depends on the level of our psychological characteristics, life circumstances and our ability to overcome stressful situations. It is wise to learn how to reduce stress and improve overall health, well-being enjoying for years.