Diabetic mastopathy when disturbed hormonal balance

August 7, 2013

 Diabetic mastopathy
 Or breast fibrocystic disease - dishormonal (associated with hormonal imbalance), benign breast disease that often develops in patients with diabetes. Its main symptom - the formation of seals in the chest and increase its sensitivity.


Who develops diabetic breast

In the structure of endocrine diseases diabetes Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease  Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease
   It is one of the leading places, different prevalence and development of severe complications. The effects of high glucose levels in the blood affect various organs and systems. One of these complications can become diabetic breast. The entire complexity of the situation lies in the fact that so far it is impossible to completely cure the patient with a diagnosis of diabetes. We can only talk about the compensation of the glucose in the blood.

Diabetic mastopathy is quite rare. At risk - premenopausal women with diabetes. Less diabetic mastopathy diagnosed in men with diabetes (but not impossible). First of all, the development of diabetic mastopathy promotes an imbalance of sex hormones, decreased or increased levels of thyroid hormones and damage to the small blood vessels. In some cases, contribute to the occurrence of diabetic mastopathy thyroid disease Thyroid disease - women at risk  Thyroid disease - women at risk
   and liver.


How can affect the excess weight in diabetes

Obesity, which often accompanies the clinical picture of diabetes, can also be attributed to causal factors of diabetic mastopathy. The excess deposition of adipose tissue is a consequence of metabolic disorders. There are characteristics of obesity, peculiar to patients with diabetes. Excess adipose tissue is localized mainly in the location of the abdomen, upper torso (abdominal obesity it).

The adipose tissue is actively occurring processes of deposit, as well as the production of sex hormones. This affects the ratio hormone in the body. It occurs excessive delivery into the bloodstream of hormones that affect the target organs. The breast has a fat and glandular-fibrous component. Under the influence of hormones in the tissues of the prostate is the formation of lesions that are expressed in the predominance of adipose and fibrous tissue.

The disease is a rare disease. There are certain risk of developing breast health:

  • women during perimenopause or menopause, suffering from diabetes
  • concomitant thyroid disease

Due to the hormonal changes of the body a woman on the background of reduction of sex hormones during menopause is the development of metabolic disorders, metabolism, which adversely affect the condition of the breast. In breast exists receptor system, which reacts to any change in the hormonal balance. It is therefore recommended to women after forty years, held once a year mammography. This should be the rule in the matter of preventive measures for the development of diabetic mastopathy.

It was in the period of menopause in women is the formation of obesity associated with changes in the body at this age. Against the backdrop of existing diabetes such changes are the basis for the development of mastitis. If to this is added the disorders of the thyroid hormone production, it will lead to irreversible damage to the breast tissue.

Scientists still do not have a consensus on the cause of diabetic mastopathy. Reliably it is considered that the main point is damaging increase in blood glucose levels. Other factors can be attributed to comorbidity, which will enhance the pathological changes.



The exact cause of diabetes is unknown mastitis. This disease was first described in 1984 only. In the medical community accepted that diabetic breast is the result of irreversible damage to the breast tissue due to the constant increase in blood sugar levels.



The main symptom of diabetic mastopathy - solid node seal in both breasts. If you find seals in the chest as soon as possible to see a doctor and undergo a complete examination.



For the diagnosis of diabetic mastopathy patient is sent to a mammogram, but if the breast tissue is too dense, the survey may not yield results, so the patient is further directed to an ultrasound examination.

Depending on the results of the survey will be available biopsies and study the level of hormones - estrogen, progesterone, prolactin.

Breast is not life threatening, but it can have a negative impact on quality of life. After the survey confirmed that the tumor benign, the patient is prescribed medication to control blood sugar levels and preventive examination within six months. Although breast Breast - the mirror Women's Health  Breast - the mirror Women's Health
   not a precancerous condition, it can simulate nodular breast cancer Breast cancer: what every woman needs to know  Breast cancer: what every woman needs to know
 . Removal of the tumor by surgery is rarely performed, since in this case there is a possibility of re-education. Women, especially those with diabetes should regularly inspect the chest.


The required volume of examinations and treatment measures

A patient who suffers from diabetes, can independently detect changes in the mammary gland, specific to mastitis. This applies equally to men and women. It should be noted, the percentage of cases of mastitis diabetic men is much less than women, but that does not mean that self-examination in this case should not be carried out.

The presence of any seal in the chest should be the occasion for timely patient visit to the doctor mammologu. If the inspection reveals diffuse mastopathy, it is recommended to get tested (ultrasound, mammography). Another tactic is to be selected in the detection of breast nodules. Held puncture sighting study units, and the resulting material must be sent to the histology lab, where they can reliably give an opinion about the nature of change.

Hormonal examination should also be included in the survey program. It is necessary to determine the levels of sex hormones, thyroid hormone and prolactin. Only a comprehensive examination of the patient can give a full picture of the development of the pathological process that allows further select the correct treatment policy (conservative or operative treatment tactics in case of nodes in the breast).

You can not only deal with individual problems of diabetic mastopathy without correction of systemic violations. Always controlled glucose levels, conducted normal levels in the event of promotion. It is advisable to carry out all these activities in a hospital Endocrinology Department, especially in the case of diabetes, moderate or severe severity. Development changes in the mammary gland can be prevented with timely correction of glycemia. This type of therapy for patients with diabetes should be a lifelong, so any error in the therapy will be immediately shown in the form of systemic change. Insulin is a substitution treatment in the event of failure of the pancreas.

A separate point is the problem of obesity. In patients with diabetes it is quite difficult to achieve weight control as metabolic disorders cause severe and irreversible change. Should be developed not only to discharge the diet, but a complex of clinical nutrition. Patients calculated specific mode meal provides recommendations for the foods which should be completely excluded from the diet. When you achieve positive results for weight loss in the body begins to recover gradually hormones, due to the lack of an additional source of the formation of hormones, which is the fatty tissue.

Marina Solovyov

Article Tags:
  • disease of the breast
