Fibrocystic breast disease: learn to independently verify the chest - Methods of treatment

October 8, 2011

  • Fibrocystic breast disease: learn to independently verify the chest
  • Diagnostics
  • What do we have to do?
  • Methods of Treatment

 treatment of fibrocystic breast

Treatment of fibrocystic breast

Treatment of fibrocystic breast manifestations directed to the treatment of this condition, alleviation of symptoms (such as pain in the breast, and weakness), and the correction of hormonal disorders Hormonal disorders - oversupply and a lack of equally dangerous  Hormonal disorders - oversupply and a lack of equally dangerous


Easing symptoms

Some simple measures such as the appropriate support of the breast and possibly wearing a bra at night, can provide many of the symptoms of weakening of fibrocystic breast. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are often greatly reduce pain in the breast Pain in the breast - when to start worrying?  Pain in the breast - when to start worrying?

There are some assumptions that vitamins can affect the relief of symptoms of fibrocystic mastopathy. Such vitamins include vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin B6, vitamin A, and others. Basically, the reception performance of these vitamins is not proven, and is not based on clinical trials repeated. An exception may be vitamin E, which, at least on the basis of the results of some studies, may be useful only in some patients.

Other health supplements Food additives - basic classification  Food additives - basic classification
 Which may be deemed useful, may be primrose oil. This oil contains some essential oily acids, which are expected to have a positive effect on fibrocystic breast disease, reducing the pain in the breast. However, there is no scientific evidence of correction (decomposition) microscopic cellular structures using the aforementioned materials.


Hormonal disorders

Some women with irregular menstrual cycles occur more serious forms of fibrocystic breast. This trend is mainly due to long and irregular hormonal stimulation of mammary glands. Therefore it is sometimes useful to patients taking oral contraceptives for the restoration of regular menstrual cycle. Regular cycles contribute to a more complete recovery of the breast tissue at the end of each menstrual cycle.

Women who have had a hysterectomy and past hormone therapy may rather help "rest" of estrogen within 5 days of each menstrual cycle than its long-term use. Again, such a scheme exists to avoid prolonged stimulation of breast tissue by estrogen Estrogen - the key to bone health  Estrogen - the key to bone health
 . It is important to understand that treatment with hormones should be administered only under medical supervision.

Some common hormonal (endocrine) abnormalities, such as diabetes or thyroid dysfunction, may have an impact on the state when fibrocystic breast. Since these diseases can exacerbate the symptoms of fibrocystic breast, they must diagnose and apply the necessary treatment


Diet and lifestyle of women with fibrocystic mastopathy

Caffeine affects both the symptoms and the scarring (fibrocystic breast changes) with fibrocystic breast. However, when scientists began to revise the existing studies, the results were inconsistent, and no positive effect of caffeine has not been revealed. Moreover, it appears that there is no evidence that caffeine increases the risk of developing breast cancer. Whatever it was, women with fibrocystic mastopathy can try to limit the intake of caffeine. Bear in mind that caffeine is contained not only in coffee. Tea, chocolate, some soft drinks may also contain caffeine. There is no harm if some time the body will not get the caffeine, and for some patients with fibrocystic mastopathy it is even useful.

At the same time, there is a great variety of indirect evidence that diet and hormonal factors may influence fibrocystic breast disease and present a risk of developing breast cancer. Yet, a clear link between diet and fibrocystic mastopathy can not be traced.

Article Tags:
  • disease of the breast

Fibrocystic breast disease: learn to independently verify the chest - Diagnosis

October 8, 2011

  • Fibrocystic breast disease: learn to independently verify the chest
  • Diagnostics
  • What do we have to do?
  • Methods of Treatment

 diagnosis of fibrocystic breast

Diagnosing fibrocystic breast

Usually, the common sign of fibrocystic breast is pain or discomfort in the breast, while the other symptoms are often absent. Discomfort manifests itself as an increase in the sensitivity of the breast, dull aching, itching sensation in the nipples, swelling and a feeling of fullness and severity of breast cancer. These symptoms can be both permanent and temporary (in which case they appear before menstruation and disappear after its completion).

The primary method of diagnosis of fibrocystic breast is a natural feeling and palpation of the breast tumor areas. The woman herself can detect the presence of such zones in self-examination. Such tumor zone can be detected in the upper outer quadrant of the breast. The mammary gland is usually divided into quadrants and a quarter. The upper outer quadrant is located in close proximity to the underarm area. Fibrocystic breast tumors generally are very mobile (they are not connected to the tissues and not attached thereto). They usually have a rounded shape, blurred boundaries and touch can be flexible and change shape. Sometimes fibrocystic tumors can be irregular, ribbed shape, or they may resemble tiny beads. Every woman has her own feelings, and the form of these tumors can vary.

Breast cancer, which strongly impressed fibrocystic mastopathy, it is very difficult to survey using palpation. Even mammograms taken in such cases, it is difficult to comment on. In such cases, there are special breast ultrasound, which may help in the diagnosis. Sometimes it is necessary to conduct a biopsy of breast tissue using a needle or by surgery to make an accurate diagnosis. May appoint study the level of hormones - estrogen, progesterone Progesterone - norm and pathology  Progesterone - norm and pathology
 , Prolactin.

Timely treatment of mastitis Treatment of mastitis - conservative or surgical?  Treatment of mastitis - conservative or surgical?
   allows you to achieve good results, so the sooner a woman see a doctor, the more likely a quick and full recovery.


There are several types of fibrocystic breast?

Yes. When biopsies (samples) of breast tissue is examined under a microscope, it is possible to identify different types of fibrocystic breast. In some cases, fibrocystic breast there is only a slight loss of breast tissue. In other cases, in the mammary gland, a large number of seals cystic and fibrous (scar) tissue. Finally, in rare cases, changing the appearance of the cells of the breast.


Cyst and fibrosis

Generally, even when the breast is stimulated to produce milk, some secrets can accumulate. This secret is typically enters the bloodstream. However, if there is tissue damage and fibrosis in the mammary gland, a secret can accumulate in the mammary gland glandular areas, thereby resulting in the formation of pouches containing liquid and called cyst. In some parts of the breast may accumulate an excessive amount of fluid secretion due to stimulation of hormone-like substances. The resulting microscopic cyst may remain or increase to an extent that may contain several or even tea tablespoons liquid. Increased cyst can be felt by palpation of the breast. Even microscopic protective cysts can sometimes be felt by palpation, if a lot of cysts accumulate together.


Hyperplasia and atypical hyperplasia mammary cell

When repeated stimulation breast conventional hormones and possibly by affecting numerous hormone substances appearing in the mammary gland, some epithelial cells (the cells lining the capillaries in the breast) may eventually lose genetic control, which generally limits their division (cell division) .  When this happens, cells may divide, leading to pathological changes of epithelial cells .  Such excessive cell division called hyperplasia .  Sometimes these proliferating cells becomes very much, and they are too different from each other .  Currently, they are called "atypical" .  As soon as normal cells continue to cyclically change, divide and die out, such atypical cells can divide, proliferate and accumulate .  This excessive growth and accumulation of abnormal cells called atypical hyperplasia .


Why fibrocystic breast disease associated with increased risk of breast cancer?

Shotty breast Breast - the mirror Women's Health  Breast - the mirror Women's Health
 That includes hyperplasia, associated with an increased risk of breast cancer and atypical hyperplasia associated with moderate risk of developing breast cancer, when compared to the state of women without fibrocystic changes. This is due to the fact that genetic errors (mutations) begin to accumulate in cells that do not respond to signals that normally control the growth and division of cells. Such cells can also be reduced ability to repair any genetic damage. To the extent that it increases the number of abnormal cells, they accumulate genetic errors.

External, nutritional and metabolic toxins may also interact with the complex hormonal system women, and thus increase the risk of breast cancer. It has been proven that people differ largely from each other by their ability to break down and eliminate toxins from the body. Several different reactions to toxins can occur due to genetic differences. Possible damage DNA (leading to genetic errors, or mutations), which can be caused by a variety of damaging agents, eventually leads to the risk of breast cancer, which is associated with some cases of fibrocystic breast, the ability to recognize and restore DNA damage, process, which cells must constantly follow different people it occurs differently.


Why do not all women with fibrocystic mastopathy biopsy?

One reason for the biopsy is suspected breast cancer Breast cancer: what every woman needs to know  Breast cancer: what every woman needs to know
 . Another reason for the biopsy - to identify those women with fibrocystic mastopathy, who are at increased risk of developing breast cancer in the future. However, the severity of the symptoms and clinical signs of fibrocystic breast (pain and small nodules) does not necessarily belong to the cell formations. Thus, it is difficult to allocate a woman with fibrocystic mastopathy, for which there was shown a biopsy.

Additional reasons that breast tissue biopsy is not carried out every woman include:

  • invasive biopsy procedure;
  • mandatory anesthesia
  • costs associated with the assay.

Instead biopsy most women with fibrocystic mastopathy are under the supervision of specialists and are at increased risk of developing breast cancer. The woman has to make sure that her doctor complies with all the necessary procedures during its examination and treatment.
