Why linger monthly, sometimes it is difficult to say at once, the reasons may be different. In a normal menstrual cycle lasts from 21 to 35 days, on average - 28 days. In some women, periods are irregular, that does not always talking about some kind of pathology. If the delay is more than a week there with regular menses, then you need to figure out the cause.
Why can linger monthly
Small (up to a week) delay menstruation is considered a normal variant, even if a woman has a regular menstrual cycle. Delay of more than 7 days can be caused by a variety of reasons. Certainly, in the first place, most women thought pregnancy.
But the delay may be caused by other reasons: hormonal disorders, infectious and inflammatory diseases, physical and psychological loads, severe general diseases, surgery, trauma, and so on. In order to establish the exact reason for the delay should be examined.
The first reason for the delay menstruation - Pregnancy
If pregnancy occurs endocrine gland corpus luteum, formed at the site of the bursting of the follicle in the ovary starts to allocate a large number of the female sex hormone progesterone
Progesterone - norm and pathology
. This hormone inhibits the maturation of new follicles in the ovary and helps to prepare the lining of the uterus to the introduction of the embryo.
If you suspect a pregnancy should be available over the counter home pregnancy test and then consult a doctor. However, pregnancy tests will give positive results no earlier than 5 weeks after conception. If a woman wants to know about the pregnancy before, she should visit a gynecologist to donate blood and pregnancy (analysis of hCG - human chorionic gonadotropin).
The second reason for the delay menstruation - a violation of ovarian function
Delayed menstruation can occur due to hormonal disruptions at the level of the ovary. This may be due to stress, common diseases, infectious and inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs, benign or malignant tumors, ovarian cysts, harmful effects, endocrine disorders, including obesity, thyroid diseases, metabolic disorders on a background of strict diets for weight loss and so on.
All these factors may contribute to the inhibition of secretion of female sex hormones estrogen and progesterone, and menstruation delay. If the delay is repeated monthly for 2-3 menstrual cycles, you should consult your doctor.
The third reason for the delay menstruation - disorders of the brain
Hormonal disorders can occur not only on the level of the ovary, but also at the level of the brain that controls the entire female reproductive system. The secretion of female sex hormones occurs under the influence of the cerebral cortex - the hypothalamus - pituitary gland. High emotional and physical stress, traumatic brain injury, endocrine diseases, tumors and cysts of the brain can affect the secretion of hormones of the hypothalamus and pituitary, as well as on the state of the cerebral cortex.
As a result, violated the regulation of ovarian secretion of female hormones, stops the development of follicles and growth of the mucous membrane of the uterus, which leads to a delay in menstruation.
Reason Four - injury of the uterus
Traumatic effects on the uterus abortion, miscarriage and severe birth can be substantial. Thus, when abortion occurs scraping
Scraping - heavy and unsafe procedure
mucous membrane of the uterus (endometrium), together with the embryo, then the endometrium is restored immediately, which is often the reason for the delay menstruation
Delayed menstruation - when to sound the alarm?
After delivery, delay menstruation occurs both because of the injury of the endometrium, so by producing a large number of pituitary hormone prolactin - it stimulates the secretion of breast milk and suppresses the secretion of female hormones estrogen and, therefore, oocyte maturation, ovulation and endometrial proliferation
Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?
Why month delayed in adolescents
At the age of 11-13 years, sometimes later in adolescents begins first period - menarche. After that, the installation of the regular menstrual cycle can occur within two years. The fact is that in this period hormonal girls can affect even the smallest factors: small stress, physical stress (such as exercise), diet, any illness and intoxication, and so on.
If, two years after menarche regular monthly not established, should consult a doctor. The reason for seeking medical attention can also be very early (before 10 years) or late (after 15 years) menarche.
To understand why the delayed monthly, you need to see a gynecologist.
Galina Romanenko