Sometimes women during menstruation lose too much blood, it leads to the development of anemia. The reason for this condition in most cases are hormonal disorders. If their treatment as part of a treatment almost always assigned Dicynonum.
Abundant monthly - what causes it?
Heavy periods, if they do not continue more than a week, and do not cause any violations of a woman's body, are the norm and individual characteristics of women. Treatment to be menstrual bleeding, accompanied by other disorders or iron deficiency anemia. Typically, this month, which lasted more than 12 days in gynecology they are called menorrhagia.
Menorrhagia often develop during the formation or phasing out of the menstrual cycle, that is, during adolescence or during menopause. The cause of these disorders is usually a breach in the system of the cerebral cortex - the hypothalamus - pituitary - ovary. This system is responsible for the hormonal support of the menstrual cycle, ie the fertility of women.
In some cases the cause of menorrhagia are tumors of the uterus (including fibroids), endometriosis, and so on, as well as blood coagulation disorders not related to gynecological diseases. Sometimes menorrhagia
Menorrhagia (menorrhagia) - excessive blood loss
It occurs against the backdrop of neuroses, in which case they are accompanied by a change in behavior, headaches, sleep disturbances
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and other characteristic symptoms of neurosis.
General principles for the diagnosis and treatment of heavy menstrual period
The main thing - is to identify and eliminate the cause of menorrhagia. To this end, we investigate hormonal woman, identified the possible inflammatory processes, tumors, endometriosis
Endometriosis - a serious problem with serious consequences
and so on. Held ultrasound genitals, if necessary - x-ray and endoscopic (using optical equipment).
According to the survey is assigned a complex treatment, which includes Dicynonum, which in this case is of secondary importance.
How does Dicynonum a heavy menstrual period
Dicynonum - a drug that stops the bleeding stimulating platelet production, their exit from the bone marrow, promoting their aggregation (accumulation in disorders of blood vessel walls) and adhesion (sticking to the walls of blood vessels), as well as enhancing their activity and life expectancy bloodstream. Dicynonum restores vascular permeability, reduces the fragility of capillaries and improves blood circulation in them.
The beneficial effects of Dicynonum on the walls of blood vessels due to its effect on the mucous membrane of the capillaries and the strengthening of large molecules of intercellular substance mucopolysaccharides.
It increases endurance capillaries to various influences and reduces their fragility.
This reduces the permeability of the walls of large and small vessels and to prevent capillary bleeding. And because of bleeding during menstruation is largely dependent on the state of capillaries, Dicynonum able to significantly reduce the loss of blood, which in turn is the prevention of iron deficiency anemia.
As prescribed Dicynonum during menstruation
With abundant monthly Dicynonum designate the interior of the tablet 250 mg 3-4 times a day, starting from the fifth day of menstruation for 10 days. If you need to continue treatment, the dose is usually reduced.
The average daily intake for women of 10-20 mg per kg body weight.
The daily dose can be divided into four one-time admission. When this calculation is usually a single dose of 250-500 mg (1-2 tablets), which can take up to four times a day. Sometimes require increased doses of the drug in such a case, the doctor may prescribe a maximum of three tablets (750 mg) four times per day.
Do Dicynonum contraindications and side effects?
Despite the fact that Dicynonum is non-toxic and fairly safe drug, it may appoint a doctor with all the indications and contraindications.
Contraindications for receiving it is the individual intolerance of components woman's body, an increased tendency to thrombosis (Dicynonum strengthen this process, which is very dangerous), acute violation of pigment metabolism, feeding baby
Breastfeeding - a personal choice
breast and very low blood pressure.
Side effects are known Dicynonum nausea, discomfort in the stomach, headaches, dizziness, sensory disturbances of the lower extremities, lower blood pressure and flushing.
Dicynonum often used in heavy menstrual period, but after inspection, the establishment of a definitive diagnosis, and prescribed by a doctor.
Galina Romanenko