Temperature before menstruation - dress warmly
April 7, 2012
As the temperature changes during the menstrual cycle, especially before menstruation, researchers are interested in the nineteenth century. The founder of the study of lifting and lowering the temperature is AV Repnev, which established the relationship between the phases of the menstrual cycle and body temperature. While not all women know how and what happens in the body during the menstrual cycle, especially before menstruation, and take low-grade fever in the late luteal phase of the disease. Undoubtedly, the next month can stimulate the aggravation of various chronic diseases, and sometimes difficult to distinguish yourself from the norm pathology.
Normal temperature before menstruation
The menstrual cycle is dependent on the production of certain hormones in different phases. And if the dominated follicular phase, estrogens, in the luteal phase, increased content of progesterone. A progesterone
Progesterone - norm and pathology
in turn, exerts a powerful influence on the thermoregulatory center, which is located in the brain. And such an effect is characterized by the fact that some (especially sensitive), women may increase the temperature to subfebrile figures for three or four days before menstruation. While in some cases there is an increase in body temperature up to 37, 2-37, 4 degrees occurred immediately after ovulation
Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?
. Since the beginning of the monthly level of progesterone in the body is sharply reduced and the body temperature to normal. It should be noted that the temperature increase is not observed at all, and in turn, the presence subfebrile not indicate a pathology.
That change of numbers on a temperature curve based method of measuring the basal (usually rectal) temperature. This method is more accurate than the measurement of temperature in the armpit, which is due to the influence of some factors on the body temperature.
Menstruation and during her expectations often provoke development of various gynecological diseases. No wonder my mother scolded daughters and require them to dress warmly at this time. This is due to the fact that, before and during menstruation reopened the cervical canal, which makes the uterus and appendages vulnerable to various bacteria. In addition, on the eve of the monthly number of the body's immunity is weakened, which is an additional factor in provoking the development of inflammatory processes.
One reason for the increase in body temperature on the eve of menstruation is an inflammation of appendages or adnexitis. The temperature curve soars to high numbers (perhaps up to 40 degrees), and the patient has the following symptoms: severe aching pain in the abdomen, which radiating to the lower extremities or the rectum, dyspeptic symptoms (nausea and vomiting), fever, weakness, and general malaise. There may be dizuricheskih disorders (painful urination), stomach tense and rezkoboleznenen palpation. If bimanual examination revealed pasty, rezkoboleznennye appendages. In severe cases, they are melted and abscess (called tubo-ovarian education) that requires immediate surgery.
- Inflammation of the uterus
Another cause of fever before menstruation is an inflammation of the uterus
Inflammation of the uterus: required hospitalization
or endometrium. The clinical picture of endometriosis appears on the third or fourth day after the entering of an infection. In addition to increased temperature observed increased heart rate, chilling in the blood increases the number of leukocytes and ESR. Patient complains of aching or dragging pain in the abdomen and lower back, upset his chair and urination. On palpation determined by several enlarged and painful uterus (especially on the sides, along the lymph vessels). There are sero-pus-like, and often sukrovichnye discharge from the genital tract. If untreated, the process becomes chronic.
Premenstrual syndrome in addition to typical symptoms such as bloating and breast tenderness, headaches, irritability
Irritability - you try to control my temper
and others, are also often accompanied by fever. Unlike the inflammatory diseases its figures are low (37, 4-37, 6).
Anna Sozinova
The phases of the menstrual cycle - gynecological Calendar
October 20, 2012
The menstrual cycle is a complex physiological process and reflects the health of women not only in gynecological terms, but also in general. Any violation of the menstrual cycle indicates internal faults in the body. The menstrual cycle is divided into phases, generally three. Knowing your menstrual cycle, and, accordingly, its phases will calculate the safe days a woman if she has no desire to get pregnant, and, on the other hand, to calculate the favorable days for conception. Duration of the menstrual cycle as a whole and its individual phases for each woman.
Menstrual cycle
The menstrual cycle - a periodic change in the body that affect the uterus, ovaries, vagina and breasts and occur on average once a month. Menstrual cycle lasts from 21 to 35 days. Any violation of the menstrual cycle are reflected on all systems of the body. As noted above, in the menstrual cycle, there are three phases: the follicular or proliferative ovulatory and luteal or secretory.
The first phase
The first day of the menstrual cycle
The days of the menstrual cycle: Four phases
That is, the first day of menstruation is the beginning of the follicular or proliferative phase. The duration of the first phase of the menstrual cycle is individual and varies from 7 to 22 days (average 14 days). In the early proliferative phase of the mucosa of the uterine cavity is a thin strip, endometrial functional layer has not yet been divided into zones. Then, the thickness of the endometrium grows and reaches six to seven mm, and at the end of the first phase it is already equal to eight or nine mm. The glands in the lining of the endometrium becomes more tortuous, and enlighten them expanded.
At this time in the ovary begins to ripen the egg, which will be released from the follicle. At the same time prepare a few follicles, of which at the end of the follicular phase to determine the main or dominant follicle. At the end of the first phase of the menstrual cycle the dominant follicle bursts and "light" comes a mature egg. This stage is called ovulation
Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?
The first phase of the cycle takes place under the auspices of the follicle-stimulating hormone, which is under the influence in the ovary begin to actively synthesize estrogen. Follicle-stimulating hormone produced by the anterior pituitary gland located in the brain.
Along with the changes in the endometrial mucosa changes occur in the mammary glands. Nagrubayut mammary glands, ducts and their increase in length.
Ovulatory phase
Approximately through two weeks (that is, at the end of the first phase of the cycle) ovulation phase begins. Its duration is an average of three days. In this phase begins to be produced in the pituitary luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone is reduced. The maturation of the dominant follicle stops under the influence of luteinizing hormone. Chief follicle bursts and comes out of it a mature egg, which first enters the abdominal cavity, and then into the fallopian tube. Ovulatory phase is the most favorable phase for fertilization, the life of which not more than two days. It was during this period of time she has to meet with the sperm that conception occurred.
The third phase
The third phase (luteal or secretory) begins after ovulation has occurred and ends with the onset of menses. The duration of the luteal phase of a constant and of thirteen to fourteen days. Luteal phase of the menstrual cycle occurs under the influence of the pituitary luteinizing hormone, whose level increases gradually. At this time, the bursting of the wall of the dominant follicle begins to subside, and in their cells accumulate lipids and luteal pigment that colors the walls yellow. Thus, the site of rupture of the follicle is formed corpus luteum menstruation. The corpus luteum is actively synthesizes progesterone
Progesterone - norm and pathology
Bit estradiol
Estradiol, the most important hormone
and androgens. If conception has occurred, the corpus luteum of pregnancy is called the corpus luteum, which forms the progesterone until the placenta has not yet formed in the embryo.
The endometrium in the third phase of the cycle occurring expressed secretory changes, which is necessary for implantation of a fertilized egg. If pregnancy has not occurred in the functional layer of the endometrium occur necrotic changes, it is rejected and menstruation begins.
Anna Sozinova
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- the phase of the menstrual cycle