Psychogenic amenorrhea often referred to as amenorrhea wartime prison or amenorrhea. This suggests that it is the psychic effects of playing in the development of this disease is crucial. They can cause short-term or long-term effect on the subcortical structures with full or partial termination of their functions.
Psychogenic amenorrhea - why and how it develops
Psychogenic amenorrhea - is the absence of menstruation for six months or more under the influence of various mental effects - severe stress and nervous and mental stress.
The structure of neurohormonal regulation of the menstrual cycle (ie, reproductive function) includes a mountain woman brain - the hypothalamus - pituitary - ovary. Psychogenic amenorrhea cause various effects on the cerebral cortex. This can be a one-time high stress
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(the death of loved ones, serious injury, fright, and so on). But more often the cause of psychogenic amenorrhea is sufficiently prolonged exposure to stress, for good reason - a disease often called amenorrhea wartime prison or amenorrhea.
When psychogenic effects of the cerebral cortex is trying to reduce its severity by secreting structures of the brain's own (endogenous) opiates - substances that dulls the discomfort during stress.
But under the influence of opiates reduced secretion of the neurotransmitter dopamine, the nerve impulses are slower on the brain cells, thereby reducing the secretion of hormones of the hypothalamus (part of the brain responsible for the operation of the whole endocrine system), responsible for the regulation of pituitary function. The pituitary gland, in turn, regulates the ovaries, so broken and their function.
It develops so-called hypogonadotropic amenorrhea, in which due to lack of hormone from the hypothalamus (gonadotropin-Riesling-hormone) decreases the secretion of gonadotropin-releasing hormone of the pituitary gland (TG, follicle - FSH and luteinizing hormone (LH). Under the influence of FSH comes egg maturation in the ovaries and secretion of female genital estrogen. Under the influence of LH ovulation (release of an egg from the ovary) and secretion of progesterone.
Estrogens in the first half of the menstrual cycle promote widening (proliferation) of the inner cavity of the uterus mucosa (endometrium) and progesterone
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in the second half of the menstrual cycle, inhibits proliferation and causes the endometrial cells to allocate necessary for development of pregnancy substances. With a lack of estrogen and progesterone in the endometrium changes do not occur, so the endometrium is not rejected and monthly bleeding does not occur.
How is psychogenic amenorrhea
For psychogenic amenorrhea is characterized by the sudden cessation of menstruation without prior menstrual irregularities. Amenorrhea may be accompanied by a variety of neuro-psychiatric disorders. This can be expressed manifestations of neurosis
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as neurasthenia (increased weakness, fatigue, tearfulness, anxiety), hysteria (conspicuous protrusion of his suffering) or obsessional neurosis (anxiety and mistrust the state, accompanied by the implementation of various protective rituals).
Sometimes the background of psychogenic fatigue can develop serious mental disorders such as depression, leading to suicide
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. Some women are prone to constant search at serious diseases that are not supported by conducting surveys (hypochondriac syndrome).
All the symptoms of the disease can take in addressing the reasons that caused them - stress and emotional stress, but more often the woman needs medical help.
Diagnosis and treatment
In order to make a diagnosis of psychogenic amenorrhea, it is necessary to exclude the presence of organic diseases in the hypothalamic-pituitary system. To do this, conducted a full examination of women: X-ray and magnetic resonance imaging of the brain, ultrasound of the pelvic organs, if necessary - Hysteroscopy (the study of the inner surface of the uterus using a hysteroscope) and laparoscopy (study of the outer surface of the uterus and its appendages using a laparoscope) and so on.
Treatment of psychogenic amenorrhea Policy Pay obstetrician-gynecologist, together with the therapist. It is crucial to relieve stress and nervous and mental stress, a healthy lifestyle, the alternation of moderate physical activity and rest, a good night's sleep, proper nutrition. Hormone therapy is only at long flowing amenorrhea when changes develop in the ovaries.
Galina Romanenko