The decision to enter into a sexual relationship involves a lot of important considerations. Those who choose to have sex should have the necessary knowledge about the male and female reproductive system, sexually transmitted diseases and birth control. Sometimes there may be difficulties related to sex, such as when you need to decide when and where to do it. In particular, it may be that the partners want to have sex when the woman is menstruating. But is sex during menstruation is safe?

Is it safe to have sex during menstruation?
Many men and women worry that having sex during the critical days of a woman is harmful to health. Although sexual intercourse during menstruation is frowned upon in many cultures and religions, in fact it is quite normal and perfectly healthy.
Concerns about such acts in general stems from social misconceptions about menstrual blood: most girls are taught from an early age that their menstrual blood - is something impure, something that should always be hidden.
However, menstrual blood is a completely natural body fluid, and in no way affect either the man's penis or the female genital tract. If neither partner is sick or infected with venereal disease, it is quite normal to have sex during menstruation.
If someone has an STD from a partner, there is a higher risk of infection during menstruation. Sex may be safer using a condom during intercourse. However, if either partner has an STD, it is safer not to have sex at all.

What about oral sex?
Although for some men and women thought about oral sex during menstruation is a bit repulsive, many partners are happy to deal with them. If the partners are oral sex during menstruation is normal, they can be sure that it is completely safe. However, if you have an STD, menstrual blood may contain bacteria or viruses, and the partners should use adequate protection. However, if either partner has an STD, do not be safer oral sex.

Does sex get rid of the pain during menstruation?
Many women believe that sex really helps to relieve menstrual pain and cramps. This is because orgasm can cause uterine contractions, allowing it to use an excess of prostaglandins during this process. Prostaglandins - a hormone produced by the uterus. They help to stimulate contractions that push the menstrual blood from the uterus, as well as responsible for the seizures that occur during menstruation.

Can I get pregnant during menstruation?
While pregnant during the monthly menstrual cycle is possible, but unlikely. During menstruation the body works so that it comes out of the lining of the uterus, which was created during the last month in preparation for pregnancy. If a woman does not become pregnant, begin small contractions of the uterus, through which unfertilized egg and endometrium unused output from the uterus through the vagina. This means that in the fallopian tubes
Fallopian tubes: an important part of the reproductive system
no eggs which may be fertilized, and no mucosa, which helps to properly implement the developing embryo.
It is said that there is a small chance of pregnancy during menstruation. Women often take some bleeding, which may occur during ovulation
Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?
For menstruation. Unprotected sex during this time can significantly improve the chances of getting pregnant.
Furthermore, sperm can live in the female reproductive system, up to three days. Because some women ovulate at the end of their menstrual period, this time the sperm may still be alive and able to fertilize an egg.

Can you avoid STDs by having sex during menstruation?
There are a number of myths that can not be infected with a sexually transmitted disease by having sex during menstruation. Unfortunately, these myths are an absolute lie, and both partners are at risk of contracting any sexually transmitted diseases, engaging in unprotected sex during menstruation.
If a woman is a carrier of STDs, her menstrual blood as well as semen and vaginal secretions
Vaginal discharge: normal or disease?
Will contain the causative agents of sexually transmitted diseases, HIV, or whether any bacteria that cause various diseases, including syphilis
Syphilis - punishment of Venus
and chlamydia. In addition, many women during menstruation experienced exacerbation of herpes, which can increase the risk of transmission of the disease to sexual partner.
Rejection of the entire endometrium creates substantially open wound inside the uterus. This provides direct access to viruses and bacteria into the bloodstream. Thus, when having sex, especially during menstruation, you must use a condom to prevent the transmission of STDs, if one or both partners are infected.

Can sex during menstruation cause the end of the period?
Those who have had sexual intercourse during menstruation, can see that it ends abruptly during the day after intercourse. Do not worry that somehow the blood is stuck somewhere in the reproductive tract, it is not. In fact, probably monthly resulted from the fact that sexual intercourse has stimulated an increase in the number of contractions in the uterus, causing the body to get rid of menstrual blood.
During orgasm, the uterus undergoes a series of muscle contractions that can help accelerate menstruation, the endometrium starts to move and comes out through the vagina. Furthermore, the semen contains prostaglandins, hormones responsible for the occurrence of contractions. The combination of prostaglandin and orgasm can increase the number of uterine contractions, and hence be the reason that the menses exits the body faster.

How to ensure cleanliness during sexual intercourse during menstruation?
Women and men often do not like to have sex during menstruation because of the aesthetic inconvenience. However, if a little more carefully plan this process, it is possible to reduce the inconvenience and focus on pleasure. In this case, the best fit position when the woman is lying on his back: it will help slow the bleeding. It is necessary in advance to put a spare towels or sheets, which will absorb the excess blood.
Do not use a diaphragm or cervical cap during intercourse. These barrier methods of contraception are to collect menstrual blood, which can cause a woman's toxic shock syndrome.
The accumulated blood in the vagina at body temperature is an ideal medium for bacterial growth if it does not stand out. Despite the similarities, the diaphragm and cervical cap is still different from those of hygiene as menstrual cup that can be used safely during menstruation, when used according to instructions.