Glycine - a tool that improves metabolism
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in the brain. It may to some extent reduce the emotional stress, relieves anxiety and protect the cells of the brain and spinal cord (neurons) from the harmful effects of toxic substances and free radicals.
Why glycine has no contraindications
Glycine - a drug which is produced in the form of the lingual (taken under the tongue for resorption) tablets whose composition except the glycine include additional substances - water soluble magnesium stearate and methylcellulose.
The main active ingredient in these tablets is glycine or aminoacetic acid. This material in its chemical composition is an amino acid and is found in many proteins, and biologically active substances in the human body. Because glycine in living cells synthesize porphyrins and purine bases.
Being a naturally occurring component of human tissue, glycine may not cause any side-reactions apart from hypersensitivity to the drug. With regard to high sensitivity to the drug, they may occur on any material, even on the individual components of its own tissues. Increased sensitivity may be not only with respect to glycine, and it can develop with respect to the additional substances forming part of lingual tablets.
How does
Glycine is a regulator of metabolism
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in brain cells - neurons. The main mechanism of action of glycine linked to its properties of neurotransmitter - substances that transmit nerve impulses in neurons. Each has its own neurotransmitter receptors - complex structures to ensure the transformation of the impact of a neurotransmitter in the nerve impulse. Glycine receptors are neurons in many brain and spinal cord by acting on them, glycine has an inhibitory effect on neurons by reducing the isolation of these amino acids that have a stimulating effect (for example, glutamic acid). Simultaneously, increased levels of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), has an inhibiting effect on neurons.
As a result, glycine has a calming effect on the central nervous system (CNS), relieves emotional stress, increased anxiety
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and slightly improves the general background mood (antidepressant effect). It enhances the effects of other drugs that have similar effects on the central nervous system: anticonvulsants, antidepressants, antipsychotics, tranquilizers. In addition, it reduces hangover symptoms in patients with chronic alcoholism and opiate addiction. Improving the metabolic processes in the brain cells leads to increased mental performance, to some improvement in memory and intelligence.
Glycine quickly and easily absorbed into the blood flows into the brain tissue, and then decomposed to carbon dioxide and water and excreted from the body without being accumulated in the tissues.
In what diseases and conditions apply
Glycine can increase social adjustment in patients with addictions (alcoholism, drug addiction, substance abuse), reducing their aggressiveness and conflict. Increased mental capacity in these patients can return to their former social environment. In addition, glycine reduces cravings such patients with alcohol.
Improving sentiment allow the use of this drug in the complex treatment of patients with depression. It facilitates the process of their sleep and restores sleep
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, Which also contributes to the improvement of mood.
Glycine may be administered at the time of menopause, both women and men, as this drug has a positive effect on the autonomic nervous system, suppresses of adrenergic impulses (excitatory CNS), providing a common sedative (calming) effects. As a result, pass or decrease such characteristic for menopause symptoms such as hot flushes blood to the head, drops blood pressure, seizures, tachycardia, sweating and so on.
One of the most important and useful properties of glycine is its ability to reduce the symptoms of brain disorders. Therefore, this drug is widely used in the treatment of the effects of traumatic brain injury and ischemic stroke. It is recommended to start taking it as soon as possible, preferably within three to six hours after stroke and trauma, or at doses ten times higher than usual.
Sometimes glycine administered as part of an integrated treatment of obese patients: it calms the patients who are on a strict diet and reduce their cravings for sweets.
Glycine - a substance that is a part of human tissue, so it has virtually no contraindications for use.
Galina Romanenko